4 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of EV for different mass distributions to ensure safe handling

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    AbstractCentre of gravity (CG) is one of the significant parameters of vehicle mass property related to vehicle handling. Position of CG in each direction (longitudinal, lateral and vertical) affects stability of the vehicle eventually. Change in CG position depends on different architectural arrangements of drive train and sub-systems which affect mass distribution of the vehicle. Being zero-emission technology, rapid commercialization of electric vehicle (EV) requires more emphasis on production of new automobiles and retrofitting as well. In case of retrofitting, placement of all EV drive train and other sub-systems requires both static and dynamic analysis for change in CG position due to different mass distributions. In this paper, analysis has been conducted by MATLAB SIMULINK based vehicle model to demonstrate effect of CG in vehicle maneuvering. Outcome of this investigation indicates the evaluation of different retrofitted EV architectures considering different mass distributions under the constraint of vehicle mass and dimension. This study evaluates vehicle performance with different architectures to ensure safe handling and stability in both normal and sudden maneuvering conditions of the vehicle

    Virtual Sensors, Application to Vehicle-Tire Road Normal Forces for Road Safety

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    Analysis and Application of Virtual-Flow Meter Technology for Chiller-Water Valve and Outside-Air Controls

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    The following work focuses on using virtual flow meters (VFM) for HVAC controls and how they can replace physical sensors to reduce cost and increase efficiency. The study focuses on implementing VFM to measure outdoor air (OA) intake and the cooling coil chiller water flow rate. As HVAC controls advance with time, OA flow measurements became crucial to precisely maintain building pressurization, building codes, and healthy air quality for occupants. Moreover, Chiller water (CHW) flowrate measurement is essential for detecting inefficiencies in the cooling system and maintaining a stable supply air temperature. Consequently, newer systems utilize physical flow meters despite their high initial cost, whereas older systems do not. Outdoor air and chilled water VFM will help lower initial cost and improve HVAC controls which can increase efficiency and lower operation cost overall. Cascade control was also investigated to improve HVAC controls by integrating it with CHW-VFM. Thus, VFM will also eliminate the systematic error associated with hardware maintenance. Using an experimental air handling unit (AHU), both VFM were implemented and tested for their performance. The CHW VFM had a percentage error of less than 5% compared to a physical ultrasonic meter. Also, cascade control operation has increased performance compared to a single control operation in maintaining supply air temperature under various disturbances. Also, the suggested cascade control VFM covers a larger range of operating conditions, eliminating the need for seasonal resets. In addition, It was found that the OA ratio can be estimated when (TRA - TOA ) > 6 °F with a relative error of less than 8%. Also, a correlation between the outdoor air damper position and OA ratio can be established if mixing chamber pressure is maintained steadily

    Développement d'un modèle dynamique et quantification de l'influence du profil de la route sur un véhicule

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    Un modèle multicorps de camion semi-remorque à 331 degrés de liberté a été construit dans un logiciel à code source libre. Il a été étalonné et validé à l’aide d’une campagne expérimentale effectuée sur la route. Le signal d’un photodétecteur, 10 signaux d’accélération, la distribution du poids, les données météorologiques et le profil longitudinal de la route y ont été recueillis. Afin de bien représenter l’interaction avec la route, un modèle dynamique du pneu a été développé et il est précis jusqu’à 100 Hz. Ce dernier a été étalonné à l’aide de données obtenues à partir d’un modèle fiable d’analyse par éléments finis. Finalement, le modèle de camion a été utilisé dans une étude paramétrique qui a servi à obtenir des relations entre différents critères d’évaluation des profils et l’efficacité du transport. Ces différents critères sont l’IRI, le HRI et plusieurs autres indices inspirés de ceux-ci. L’efficacité est évaluée selon la consommation d’essence, l’usure du véhicule, la santé des occupants et la sécurité.A multibody model of a semi-trailer truck with 331 degrees of freedom was built using an open source software. It was calibrated and validated by an on road experimental campaign. There, the signal from a photodetector, 10 acceleration signals, the weight distribution, meteorological data, and the longitudinal profile have been collected. In order to properly represent the interaction with the road, a dynamic tire model has been developed and it is precise at up to 100 Hz. The latter was calibrated with data obtained from a trustworthy finite element model. Finally, the truck model was used in a parametric study which allowed to obtain the relationships between various road surface evaluation criteria and the efficiency of vehicles. These criteria are the IRI, the HRI, and many more inspired from those two. The efficiency is evaluated in terms of fuel consumption, vehicle wear, passenger health, and security