371 research outputs found

    Thermal Storage Advanced Thruster System (TSATS) Experimental Program

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    The Thermal Storage Advanced Thruster System (TSATS) rocket test stand is completely assembled and operational. The first trial experimental runs of a low-energy TSATS prototype rocket was made using the test stand. The features of the rocket test stand and the calibration of the associated diagnostics are described and discussed. Design and construction of the TSATS prototype are discussed, and experimental objectives, procedures, and results are detailed

    Review of Alternative Sustainable Fuels for Hybrid Rocket Propulsion

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    Hybrid rockets using specific oxidizer–fuel combinations are considered a green alternative to current propulsion systems, as they do not release very toxic or polluting exhausts, but only much less harmful substances such as carbon monoxide/dioxide and soot. However, in a long-term vision where space access and rocket transportation become a daily routine all around the world, the simple use of current green propellants could begin to become insufficient if the rest of the industry already follows much stricter rules, which are expected to tighten significantly in the future, thereby making emissions from rocket flights no more negligible. In this paper, the possible use of alternative sustainable solid fuels for hybrid rockets that are not derived from fossil fuels and are ideally carbon neutral is investigated and discussed based on the available data in the hybrid literature and on the literature related to renewable fuels in general. Even if this topic is apparently far away from the current necessities, as hybrid propulsion is not yet operational, it is paramount to consider a long-term vision and associated research efforts to make sure that the potential hybrid propulsion introduction to the commercial market is more than a simple flash in the pan, but offers a solid opportunity

    Three-Dimensional Printing of Green Fuels for Low-Cost Small Spacecraft Propulsion Systems

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    This paper details the advantages of employing modern additive manufacturing methods to fabricate hybrid rocket fuels for intrinsically safe and green small spacecraft propulsion systems. Using additive manufacturing overcomes multiple issues frequently associated with hybrid propulsion, including poor volumetric efficiency, system ignitability, and low fuel regression rates. When certain three-dimensionally printed thermoplastics are subjected to a high-voltage low-wattage charge, electrostatic arcing along the surface pyrolizes a small amount of material that, with the introduction of an oxidizer, “seeds” combustion and produces immediate and reliable ignition. Thermoplastic fuel grains can be printed with port shapes that enhance burn properties and increase volumetric efficiencies. Embedded helical fuel ports significantly increase regression rates. The presented test results from several prototype systems using gaseous oxygen and printed acrylonitrile butadiene styrene demonstrate the various advantages of additive manufacturing, including low-power ignition, regression rate enhancement, and system scalability. The test results from both ambient and vacuum tests of a 25 N flight-weight small spacecraft thruster are presented. Multiple burn tests allowed statistical characterization of ignition timing and burn-to-burn thrust, as well as total impulse consistency. The test results demonstrating specific impulse values exceeding 295 s are presented. When fully developed, this propulsion technology has the potential for “drop-in” replacement of many hydrazine-based propulsion applications

    High Regression Rate Hybrid Rocket Fuel Grains with Helical Port Structures

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    Hybrid Rockets are popular in the aerospace industry due to their storage safety, simplicity, and controllability during rocket motor burn. However, they produce fuel regression rates typically 25% lower than solid fuel motors of the same thrust level. These lowered regression rates produce unacceptably high oxidizer-to-fuel (O/F) ratios that produce a potential for motor instability, nozzle erosion, and reduced motor duty cycles. To achieve O/F ratios that produce acceptable combustion charactersitics, traditional cylindrical fuel ports are fabricated with very long length-to-diameter ratios to increase the total burning area. these high aspect ratios produce further reduced fuel regression rate and trust levels, poor volumetric efficiency, and a potential for lateral structural loading issues during high thrust burns. In place of traditional cylindrical fuel ports, it is proposed that by researching the effects of centrifugal flow patterns introduced by embedded helical fuel port structures, a significant increase in fuel regression rates can be observed. The benefits of increasing volumetric efficiencies by lengthening the internal flow path will also be observed. The mechanisms of this increased fuel regression rate are driven by enhancing surface skin friction and reducing the effect of boundary layer blowing to enhance convective heat transfer to the fuel surface. Preliminary results using additive manufacturing to fabricate hybrid rocket fuel grains from acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) with embedded helical fuel port structures have been obtained, with burn-rate amplifications up to 3.0x than that of cylindrical fuel ports

    Research reports: 1994 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program

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    For the 30th consecutive year, a NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program was conducted at the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). The basic objectives of the programs, which are in the 31st year of operation nationally, are (1) to further the professional knowledge of qualified engineering and science faculty members; (2) to stimulate an exchange of ideas between participants and NASA; (3) to enrich and refresh the research and teaching activities of participants' institutions; and (4) to contribute to the research objectives of the NASA centers. The Faculty Fellows spent 10 weeks at MSFC engaged in a research project compatible with their interests and background and worked in collaboration with a NASA/MSFC colleague. This document is a compilation of Fellows' reports on their research during the summer of 1994

    Human reproduction in space. Late results

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    Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::3 - Salut i BenestarPostprint (published version

    Research and technology, 1993. Salute to Skylab and Spacelab: Two decades of discovery

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    A summary description of Skylab and Spacelab is presented. The section on Advanced Studies includes projects in space science, space systems, commercial use of space, and transportation systems. Within the Research Programs area, programs are listed under earth systems science, space physics, astrophysics, and microgravity science and applications. Technology Programs include avionics, materials and manufacturing processes, mission operations, propellant and fluid management, structures and dynamics, and systems analysis and integration. Technology transfer opportunities and success are briefly described. A glossary of abbreviations and acronyms is appended as is a list of contract personnel within the program areas

    Development of High-Density Propulsion System Technologies for Interplanetary Small Satellites and CubeSats

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    The goal of this research was to support the development of a novel propulsion system for small satellites (\u3c180 kg) and CubeSats. This was pursued by conducting a collection of studies that were designed to provide engineering data that would be critical in designing a functional prototype. The novel propulsion system was conceived by the author to provide best-in-class performance for the small satellite and CubeSat families of spacecraft. This context presents specific design requirements that the presented technology attempts to satisfy. The most critical among these is high density; the propellant was designed to be stored with high density and the thruster was designed to be as compact as possible. The propulsion system is composed of two primary elements, a propellant generator and a thruster. The propellant generator works by sublimating a solid crystal into vapor and then using this vapor to etch a dense metal. The resulting gaseous byproducts of this reaction are the propellant. This dissertation used xenon difluoride (XeF2) vapor to etch tungsten (W) which react to form xenon gas (Xe) and tungsten hexafluoride (WF6). This approach gave a theoretical propellant storage density 5.40 g/cm3; and 5.17 g/cm3 was demonstrated. The sublimation dynamics of the XeF2 were studied as a function of surface area and temperature and it was found to be suitable for the intended application due to its high effluence rate; that is, it sublimates fast enough to be useful. The sublimation rates are on the order of 10’s of µg/s. The etch rate of XeF2 on W was also studied and found to be suitably fast to provide useful amounts of reactants for use as a propellant, again on the order of 1’s of µg/s. The thruster is an electrostatic radio frequency (RF) ion thruster design and is manufactured with Low Temperature Co-Fired Ceramic (LTCC) materials system and manufacturing technology. Manufacturing samples of the thruster were built at the University of Arkansas in July 2015 and tested at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in May 2018. Testing validated the viability of the LTCC thruster and provided valuable information on how to improve the thruster’s design

    KSC Technical Capabilities Website

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    This document is the website pages that review the technical capabilities that the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) has for partnership opportunities. The purpose of this information is to make prospective customers aware of the capabilities and provide an opportunity to form relationships with the experts at KSC. The technical capabilities fall into these areas: (1) Ground Operations and Processing Services, (2) Design and Analysis Solutions, (3) Command and Control Systems / Services, (4) Materials and Processes, (5) Research and Technology Development and (6) Laboratories, Shops and Test Facilities

    High altitude balloon mission design and implementation for a mini-launcher

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    Durante muchos años, las sondas estratosféricas han sido usadas para experimentos atmosféricos. Los nuevos globos de LATEX de bajo coste permiten poner hasta 4 kilogramos de carga de pago en el espacio cercano. Típicamente, los globos estratosféricos alcanzan hasta 37 km y son llenados de helio. Esta plataforma es adecuada para probar componentes COTS (Commercial off-the-shelf) en espacio cercano. De esta manera es muy barato validar nuevos componentes para el espacio, hace más barato ir al espacio. Antes de tener esta plataforma, la única manera de validar componentes era lanzando un cohete real en el espacio o a cuestas (piggyback) de otro lanzamiento real. En este trabajo final de carrera (TFC) se diseña y lanza una misión basada en una sonda estratosférica para probar la segunda etapa de una mini-lanzadera que está programada en unos meses. Este trabajo es realizado en paralelo con otros TFCs. El estudiante tiene que sincronizar la carga de trabajo con otros temas como la preparación del grano, la construcción de la tobera y el sistema de control de actitud. Otros subsistemas fueron probados en lanzamientos de sondas estratosféricas de la EPSC previos. Un sistema de seguimiento de la posición, basado en una radio VHF, será instalada para seguir toda la trayectoria, no solo para el vuelo del globo si no también de la segunda etapa hasta que sea tirado al mar. En este sentido, un tubo de lanzamiento será instalado en el globo de forma que asegure un mínimo ángulo y rumbo antes del lanzamiento. Este trabajo será realizado en colaboración con algún organismo espacial como el INTA. El lanzamiento será llevado a cabo bajo la supervisión de la autoridad de aeronavegación como la DGAC y el estado mayor. Usaremos para tal fin alguna base de lanzamiento como puede ser “El arenosillo” (España)