6,976 research outputs found

    Learning to Look Around: Intelligently Exploring Unseen Environments for Unknown Tasks

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    It is common to implicitly assume access to intelligently captured inputs (e.g., photos from a human photographer), yet autonomously capturing good observations is itself a major challenge. We address the problem of learning to look around: if a visual agent has the ability to voluntarily acquire new views to observe its environment, how can it learn efficient exploratory behaviors to acquire informative observations? We propose a reinforcement learning solution, where the agent is rewarded for actions that reduce its uncertainty about the unobserved portions of its environment. Based on this principle, we develop a recurrent neural network-based approach to perform active completion of panoramic natural scenes and 3D object shapes. Crucially, the learned policies are not tied to any recognition task nor to the particular semantic content seen during training. As a result, 1) the learned "look around" behavior is relevant even for new tasks in unseen environments, and 2) training data acquisition involves no manual labeling. Through tests in diverse settings, we demonstrate that our approach learns useful generic policies that transfer to new unseen tasks and environments. Completion episodes are shown at https://goo.gl/BgWX3W

    Reinforcement Learning for Active Visual Perception

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    Visual perception refers to automatically recognizing, detecting, or otherwise sensing the content of an image, video or scene. The most common contemporary approach to tackle a visual perception task is by training a deep neural network on a pre-existing dataset which provides examples of task success and failure, respectively. Despite remarkable recent progress across a wide range of vision tasks, many standard methodologies are static in that they lack mechanisms for adapting to any particular settings or constraints of the task at hand. The ability to adapt is desirable in many practical scenarios, since the operating regime often differs from the training setup. For example, a robot which has learnt to recognize a static set of training images may perform poorly in real-world settings, where it may view objects from unusual angles or explore poorly illuminated environments. The robot should then ideally be able to actively position itself to observe the scene from viewpoints where it is more confident, or refine its perception with only a limited amount of training data for its present operating conditions.In this thesis we demonstrate how reinforcement learning (RL) can be integrated with three fundamental visual perception tasks -- object detection, human pose estimation, and semantic segmentation -- in order to make the resulting pipelines more adaptive, accurate and/or faster. In the first part we provide object detectors with the capacity to actively select what parts of a given image to analyze and when to terminate the detection process. Several ideas are proposed and empirically evaluated, such as explicitly including the speed-accuracy trade-off in the training process, which makes it possible to specify this trade-off during inference. In the second part we consider active multi-view 3d human pose estimation in complex scenarios with multiple people. We explore this in two different contexts: i) active triangulation, which requires carefully observing each body joint from multiple viewpoints, and ii) active viewpoint selection for monocular 3d estimators, which requires considering which viewpoints yield accurate fused estimates when combined. In both settings the viewpoint selection systems face several challenges, such as partial observability resulting e.g. from occlusions. We show that RL-based methods outperform heuristic ones in accuracy, with negligible computational overhead. Finally, the thesis concludes with establishing a framework for embodied visual active learning in the context of semantic segmentation, where an agent should explore a 3d environment and actively query annotations to refine its visual perception. Our empirical results suggest that reinforcement learning can be successfully applied within this framework as well

    ShapeCodes: Self-Supervised Feature Learning by Lifting Views to Viewgrids

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    We introduce an unsupervised feature learning approach that embeds 3D shape information into a single-view image representation. The main idea is a self-supervised training objective that, given only a single 2D image, requires all unseen views of the object to be predictable from learned features. We implement this idea as an encoder-decoder convolutional neural network. The network maps an input image of an unknown category and unknown viewpoint to a latent space, from which a deconvolutional decoder can best "lift" the image to its complete viewgrid showing the object from all viewing angles. Our class-agnostic training procedure encourages the representation to capture fundamental shape primitives and semantic regularities in a data-driven manner---without manual semantic labels. Our results on two widely-used shape datasets show 1) our approach successfully learns to perform "mental rotation" even for objects unseen during training, and 2) the learned latent space is a powerful representation for object recognition, outperforming several existing unsupervised feature learning methods.Comment: To appear at ECCV 201

    Multimodal Hierarchical Dirichlet Process-based Active Perception

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    In this paper, we propose an active perception method for recognizing object categories based on the multimodal hierarchical Dirichlet process (MHDP). The MHDP enables a robot to form object categories using multimodal information, e.g., visual, auditory, and haptic information, which can be observed by performing actions on an object. However, performing many actions on a target object requires a long time. In a real-time scenario, i.e., when the time is limited, the robot has to determine the set of actions that is most effective for recognizing a target object. We propose an MHDP-based active perception method that uses the information gain (IG) maximization criterion and lazy greedy algorithm. We show that the IG maximization criterion is optimal in the sense that the criterion is equivalent to a minimization of the expected Kullback--Leibler divergence between a final recognition state and the recognition state after the next set of actions. However, a straightforward calculation of IG is practically impossible. Therefore, we derive an efficient Monte Carlo approximation method for IG by making use of a property of the MHDP. We also show that the IG has submodular and non-decreasing properties as a set function because of the structure of the graphical model of the MHDP. Therefore, the IG maximization problem is reduced to a submodular maximization problem. This means that greedy and lazy greedy algorithms are effective and have a theoretical justification for their performance. We conducted an experiment using an upper-torso humanoid robot and a second one using synthetic data. The experimental results show that the method enables the robot to select a set of actions that allow it to recognize target objects quickly and accurately. The results support our theoretical outcomes.Comment: submitte

    Pedestrian Attribute Recognition: A Survey

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    Recognizing pedestrian attributes is an important task in computer vision community due to it plays an important role in video surveillance. Many algorithms has been proposed to handle this task. The goal of this paper is to review existing works using traditional methods or based on deep learning networks. Firstly, we introduce the background of pedestrian attributes recognition (PAR, for short), including the fundamental concepts of pedestrian attributes and corresponding challenges. Secondly, we introduce existing benchmarks, including popular datasets and evaluation criterion. Thirdly, we analyse the concept of multi-task learning and multi-label learning, and also explain the relations between these two learning algorithms and pedestrian attribute recognition. We also review some popular network architectures which have widely applied in the deep learning community. Fourthly, we analyse popular solutions for this task, such as attributes group, part-based, \emph{etc}. Fifthly, we shown some applications which takes pedestrian attributes into consideration and achieve better performance. Finally, we summarized this paper and give several possible research directions for pedestrian attributes recognition. The project page of this paper can be found from the following website: \url{https://sites.google.com/view/ahu-pedestrianattributes/}.Comment: Check our project page for High Resolution version of this survey: https://sites.google.com/view/ahu-pedestrianattributes

    Active Open-Vocabulary Recognition: Let Intelligent Moving Mitigate CLIP Limitations

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    Active recognition, which allows intelligent agents to explore observations for better recognition performance, serves as a prerequisite for various embodied AI tasks, such as grasping, navigation and room arrangements. Given the evolving environment and the multitude of object classes, it is impractical to include all possible classes during the training stage. In this paper, we aim at advancing active open-vocabulary recognition, empowering embodied agents to actively perceive and classify arbitrary objects. However, directly adopting recent open-vocabulary classification models, like Contrastive Language Image Pretraining (CLIP), poses its unique challenges. Specifically, we observe that CLIP's performance is heavily affected by the viewpoint and occlusions, compromising its reliability in unconstrained embodied perception scenarios. Further, the sequential nature of observations in agent-environment interactions necessitates an effective method for integrating features that maintains discriminative strength for open-vocabulary classification. To address these issues, we introduce a novel agent for active open-vocabulary recognition. The proposed method leverages inter-frame and inter-concept similarities to navigate agent movements and to fuse features, without relying on class-specific knowledge. Compared to baseline CLIP model with 29.6% accuracy on ShapeNet dataset, the proposed agent could achieve 53.3% accuracy for open-vocabulary recognition, without any fine-tuning to the equipped CLIP model. Additional experiments conducted with the Habitat simulator further affirm the efficacy of our method
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