10 research outputs found

    Predicting the Next Best View for 3D Mesh Refinement

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    3D reconstruction is a core task in many applications such as robot navigation or sites inspections. Finding the best poses to capture part of the scene is one of the most challenging topic that goes under the name of Next Best View. Recently, many volumetric methods have been proposed; they choose the Next Best View by reasoning over a 3D voxelized space and by finding which pose minimizes the uncertainty decoded into the voxels. Such methods are effective, but they do not scale well since the underlaying representation requires a huge amount of memory. In this paper we propose a novel mesh-based approach which focuses on the worst reconstructed region of the environment mesh. We define a photo-consistent index to evaluate the 3D mesh accuracy, and an energy function over the worst regions of the mesh which takes into account the mutual parallax with respect to the previous cameras, the angle of incidence of the viewing ray to the surface and the visibility of the region. We test our approach over a well known dataset and achieve state-of-the-art results.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, to be published in IAS-1

    Actively Mapping Industrial Structures with Information Gain-Based Planning on a Quadruped Robot

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    In this paper, we develop an online active mapping system to enable a quadruped robot to autonomously survey large physical structures. We describe the perception, planning and control modules needed to scan and reconstruct an object of interest, without requiring a prior model. The system builds a voxel representation of the object, and iteratively determines the Next-Best-View (NBV) to extend the representation, according to both the reconstruction itself and to avoid collisions with the environment. By computing the expected information gain of a set of candidate scan locations sampled on the as-sensed terrain map, as well as the cost of reaching these candidates, the robot decides the NBV for further exploration. The robot plans an optimal path towards the NBV, avoiding obstacles and un-traversable terrain. Experimental results on both simulated and real-world environments show the capability and efficiency of our system. Finally we present a full system demonstration on the real robot, the ANYbotics ANYmal, autonomously reconstructing a building facade and an industrial structure

    Using Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Control of a Quadrotor Dynamics

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    This paper presents a quadrotor controller using reinforcement learning to generate near-optimal control signals. Two actor-critic algorithms are trained to control quadrotor dynamics. The dynamics are further simplified using small angle approximation. The actor-critic algorithm’s control policy is derived from Bellman’s equation providing a sufficient condition to optimality. Additionally, a smoother converter is implemented into the trajectory providing more reliable results. This paper provides derivations to the quadrotor’s dynamics and explains the control using the actor-critic algorithm. The results and simulations are compared to solutions from a commercial, optimal control solver, called DIDO


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    Semi-Global Matching (SGM) is a widely-used technique for dense image matching that is popular because of its accuracy and speed. While it works well for textured scenes, it can fail on slanted surfaces particularly in wide-baseline configurations due to the so-called fronto-parallel bias. In this paper, we propose an extension of SGM that utilizes image warping to reduce the fronto-parallel bias in the data term, based on estimating dominant slanted planes. The latter are also used as surface priors improving the smoothness term. Our proposed method calculates disparity maps for each dominant slanted plane and fuses them to obtain the final disparity map. We have quantitatively evaluated our approach outperforming SGM and SGM-P on synthetic data and demonstrate its potential on real data by qualitative results. In this way, we underscore the need to tackle the fronto-parallel bias in particular for wide-baseline configurations in both the data term and the smoothness term of SGM

    Prioritized Multi-View Stereo Depth Map Generation Using Confidence Prediction

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    In this work, we propose a novel approach to prioritize the depth map computation of multi-view stereo (MVS) to obtain compact 3D point clouds of high quality and completeness at low computational cost. Our prioritization approach operates before the MVS algorithm is executed and consists of two steps. In the first step, we aim to find a good set of matching partners for each view. In the second step, we rank the resulting view clusters (i.e. key views with matching partners) according to their impact on the fulfillment of desired quality parameters such as completeness, ground resolution and accuracy. Additional to geometric analysis, we use a novel machine learning technique for training a confidence predictor. The purpose of this confidence predictor is to estimate the chances of a successful depth reconstruction for each pixel in each image for one specific MVS algorithm based on the RGB images and the image constellation. The underlying machine learning technique does not require any ground truth or manually labeled data for training, but instead adapts ideas from depth map fusion for providing a supervision signal. The trained confidence predictor allows us to evaluate the quality of image constellations and their potential impact to the resulting 3D reconstruction and thus builds a solid foundation for our prioritization approach. In our experiments, we are thus able to reach more than 70% of the maximal reachable quality fulfillment using only 5% of the available images as key views. For evaluating our approach within and across different domains, we use two completely different scenarios, i.e. cultural heritage preservation and reconstruction of single family houses.Comment: This paper was accepted to ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (https://www.journals.elsevier.com/isprs-journal-of-photogrammetry-and-remote-sensing) on March 21, 2018. The official version will be made available on ScienceDirect (https://www.sciencedirect.com

    View Planning for Multi-View Stereo 3D Reconstruction Using an Autonomous Multicopter

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    Multi-view stereo algorithms are an attractive technique for the digital reconstruction of outdoor sites. Concerning the data acquisition process a vertical take off and landing UAV carrying a digital camera is a suitable platform in terms of mobility and flexibility in viewpoint placement. We introduce an automated UAV based data acquisition and outdoor site reconstruction system. A special focus is set on the problem of model based view planning using a coarse digital surface model (DSM) with minimal data preprocessing. The developed view planning heuristic considers a coverage, a maximum view angle and an overlapping constraint imposed by multi-view stereo reconstruction techniques. The time complexity of the algorithm is linear with respect to the size of the area of interest. We demonstrate the efficiency of the entire system in two scenarios, a building and a hillside

    Automated Building Information Extraction and Evaluation from High-resolution Remotely Sensed Data

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    The two-dimensional (2D) footprints and three-dimensional (3D) structures of buildings are of great importance to city planning, natural disaster management, and virtual environmental simulation. As traditional manual methodologies for collecting 2D and 3D building information are often both time consuming and costly, automated methods are required for efficient large area mapping. It is challenging to extract building information from remotely sensed data, considering the complex nature of urban environments and their associated intricate building structures. Most 2D evaluation methods are focused on classification accuracy, while other dimensions of extraction accuracy are ignored. To assess 2D building extraction methods, a multi-criteria evaluation system has been designed. The proposed system consists of matched rate, shape similarity, and positional accuracy. Experimentation with four methods demonstrates that the proposed multi-criteria system is more comprehensive and effective, in comparison with traditional accuracy assessment metrics. Building height is critical for building 3D structure extraction. As data sources for height estimation, digital surface models (DSMs) that are derived from stereo images using existing software typically provide low accuracy results in terms of rooftop elevations. Therefore, a new image matching method is proposed by adding building footprint maps as constraints. Validation demonstrates that the proposed matching method can estimate building rooftop elevation with one third of the error encountered when using current commercial software. With an ideal input DSM, building height can be estimated by the elevation contrast inside and outside a building footprint. However, occlusions and shadows cause indistinct building edges in the DSMs generated from stereo images. Therefore, a “building-ground elevation difference model” (EDM) has been designed, which describes the trend of the elevation difference between a building and its neighbours, in order to find elevation values at bare ground. Experiments using this novel approach report that estimated building height with 1.5m residual, which out-performs conventional filtering methods. Finally, 3D buildings are digitally reconstructed and evaluated. Current 3D evaluation methods did not present the difference between 2D and 3D evaluation methods well; traditionally, wall accuracy is ignored. To address these problems, this thesis designs an evaluation system with three components: volume, surface, and point. As such, the resultant multi-criteria system provides an improved evaluation method for building reconstruction

    Active Object Classification from 3D Range Data with Mobile Robots

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    This thesis addresses the problem of how to improve the acquisition of 3D range data with a mobile robot for the task of object classification. Establishing the identities of objects in unknown environments is fundamental for robotic systems and helps enable many abilities such as grasping, manipulation, or semantic mapping. Objects are recognised by data obtained from sensor observations, however, data is highly dependent on viewpoint; the variation in position and orientation of the sensor relative to an object can result in large variation in the perception quality. Additionally, cluttered environments present a further challenge because key data may be missing. These issues are not always solved by traditional passive systems where data are collected from a fixed navigation process then fed into a perception pipeline. This thesis considers an active approach to data collection by deciding where is most appropriate to make observations for the perception task. The core contributions of this thesis are a non-myopic planning strategy to collect data efficiently under resource constraints, and supporting viewpoint prediction and evaluation methods for object classification. Our approach to planning uses Monte Carlo methods coupled with a classifier based on non-parametric Bayesian regression. We present a novel anytime and non-myopic planning algorithm, Monte Carlo active perception, that extends Monte Carlo tree search to partially observable environments and the active perception problem. This is combined with a particle-based estimation process and a learned observation likelihood model that uses Gaussian process regression. To support planning, we present 3D point cloud prediction algorithms and utility functions that measure the quality of viewpoints by their discriminatory ability and effectiveness under occlusion. The utility of viewpoints is quantified by information-theoretic metrics, such as mutual information, and an alternative utility function that exploits learned data is developed for special cases. The algorithms in this thesis are demonstrated in a variety of scenarios. We extensively test our online planning and classification methods in simulation as well as with indoor and outdoor datasets. Furthermore, we perform hardware experiments with different mobile platforms equipped with different types of sensors. Most significantly, our hardware experiments with an outdoor robot are to our knowledge the first demonstrations of online active perception in a real outdoor environment. Active perception has broad significance in many applications. This thesis emphasises the advantages of an active approach to object classification and presents its assimilation with a wide range of robotic systems, sensors, and perception algorithms. By demonstration of performance enhancements and diversity, our hope is that the concept of considering perception and planning in an integrated manner will be of benefit in improving current systems that rely on passive data collection