1 research outputs found

    Videoā€based person reā€identification based on regularised hull distance learning

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    Existing person reā€identification (reā€id) models mainly focus on stillā€imageā€based module, namely matching person images across nonā€overlapping camera views. Since video sequence contains much more information than still images and can be easily achieved by tracking algorithms in practical applications, the video reā€id has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Distance learning is crucial for a reā€id system. However, the computed distances in traditional videoā€based methods are easily distracted by the randomness of data distribution, especially with small sample size for training. To preferably distinguish different people, a novel regularised hull distance learning videoā€based person reā€id method is proposed. It is advantageous in two aspects: robustness is guaranteed due to expanded video samples by regularised affine hull with limited ones, discriminability is ensured due to penalised hard negative samples more severely. Hence, the discriminability and robustness of the learnt metric are strengthened. Comparisons with the stateā€ofā€theā€art videoā€based methods as well as related methods on PRID 2011, iLIDSā€VID and MARS datasets demonstrate the superiority of the authorsā€™ method