10 research outputs found

    Continuous and transparent multimodal authentication: reviewing the state of the art

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    Individuals, businesses and governments undertake an ever-growing range of activities online and via various Internet-enabled digital devices. Unfortunately, these activities, services, information and devices are the targets of cybercrimes. Verifying the user legitimacy to use/access a digital device or service has become of the utmost importance. Authentication is the frontline countermeasure of ensuring only the authorized user is granted access; however, it has historically suffered from a range of issues related to the security and usability of the approaches. They are also still mostly functioning at the point of entry and those performing sort of re-authentication executing it in an intrusive manner. Thus, it is apparent that a more innovative, convenient and secure user authentication solution is vital. This paper reviews the authentication methods along with the current use of authentication technologies, aiming at developing a current state-of-the-art and identifying the open problems to be tackled and available solutions to be adopted. It also investigates whether these authentication technologies have the capability to fill the gap between high security and user satisfaction. This is followed by a literature review of the existing research on continuous and transparent multimodal authentication. It concludes that providing users with adequate protection and convenience requires innovative robust authentication mechanisms to be utilized in a universal level. Ultimately, a potential federated biometric authentication solution is presented; however it needs to be developed and extensively evaluated, thus operating in a transparent, continuous and user-friendly manner

    Computer Vision Based Early Intraocular Pressure Assessment From Frontal Eye Images

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    Intraocular Pressure (IOP) in general, refers to the pressure in the eyes. Gradual increase of IOP and high IOP are conditions or symptoms that may lead to certain diseases such as glaucoma, and therefore, must be closely monitored. While the pressure in the eye increases, different parts of the eye may become affected until the eye parts are damaged. An effective way to prevent rise in eye pressure is by early detection. Exiting IOP monitoring tools include eye tests at clinical facilities and computer-aided techniques from fundus and optic nerves images. In this work, a new computer vision-based smart healthcare framework is presented to evaluate the intraocular pressure risk from frontal eye images early-on. The framework determines the status of IOP by analyzing frontal eye images using image processing and machine learning techniques. A database of images from the Princess Basma Hospital was used in this work. The database contains 400 eye images; 200 images with normal IOP and 200 high eye pressure case images. This study proposes novel features for IOP determination from two experiments. The first experiment extracts the sclera using circular hough transform, after which four features are extracted from the whole sclera. These features are mean redness level, red area percentage, contour area and contour height. The pupil/iris diameter ratio feature is also extracted from the frontal eye image after a series of pre-processing techniques. The second experiment extracts the sclera and iris segment using a fully conventional neural network technique, after which six features are extracted from only part of the segmented sclera and iris. The features include mean redness level, red area percentage, contour area, contour distance and contour angle along with the pupil/iris diameter ratio. Once the features are extracted, classification techniques are applied in order to train and test the images and features to obtain the status of the patients in terms of eye pressure. For the first experiment, neural network and support vector machine algorithms were adopted in order to detect the status of intraocular pressure. The second experiment adopted support vector machine and decision tree algorithms to detect the status of intraocular pressure. For both experiments, the framework detects the status of IOP (normal or high IOP) with high accuracies. This computer vison-based approach produces evidence of the relationship between the extracted frontal eye image features and IOP, which has not been previously investigated through automated image processing and machine learning techniques from frontal eye images

    Unconstrained Iris Recognition

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    This research focuses on iris recognition, the most accurate form of biometric identification. The robustness of iris recognition comes from the unique characteristics of the human, and the permanency of the iris texture as it is stable over human life, and the environmental effects cannot easily alter its shape. In most iris recognition systems, ideal image acquisition conditions are assumed. These conditions include a near infrared (NIR) light source to reveal the clear iris texture as well as look and stare constraints and close distance from the capturing device. However, the recognition accuracy of the-state-of-the-art systems decreases significantly when these constraints are relaxed. Recent advances have proposed different methods to process iris images captured in unconstrained environments. While these methods improve the accuracy of the original iris recognition system, they still have segmentation and feature selection problems, which results in high FRR (False Rejection Rate) and FAR (False Acceptance Rate) or in recognition failure. In the first part of this thesis, a novel segmentation algorithm for detecting the limbus and pupillary boundaries of human iris images with a quality assessment process is proposed. The algorithm first searches over the HSV colour space to detect the local maxima sclera region as it is the most easily distinguishable part of the human eye. The parameters from this stage are then used for eye area detection, upper/lower eyelid isolation and for rotation angle correction. The second step is the iris image quality assessment process, as the iris images captured under unconstrained conditions have heterogeneous characteristics. In addition, the probability of getting a mis-segmented sclera portion around the outer ring of the iris is very high, especially in the presence of reflection caused by a visible wavelength light source. Therefore, quality assessment procedures are applied for the classification of images from the first step into seven different categories based on the average of their RGB colour intensity. An appropriate filter is applied based on the detected quality. In the third step, a binarization process is applied to the detected eye portion from the first step for detecting the iris outer ring based on a threshold value defined on the basis of image quality from the second step. Finally, for the pupil area segmentation, the method searches over the HSV colour space for local minima pixels, as the pupil contains the darkest pixels in the human eye. In the second part, a novel discriminating feature extraction and selection based on the Curvelet transform are introduced. Most of the state-of-the-art iris recognition systems use the textural features extracted from the iris images. While these fine tiny features are very robust when extracted from high resolution clear images captured at very close distances, they show major weaknesses when extracted from degraded images captured over long distances. The use of the Curvelet transform to extract 2D geometrical features (curves and edges) from the degraded iris images addresses the weakness of 1D texture features extracted by the classical methods based on textural analysis wavelet transform. Our experiments show significant improvements in the segmentation and recognition accuracy when compared to the-state-of-the-art results

    Transparent User Authentication For Mobile Applications

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    The use of smartphones in our daily lives has grown steadily, due to the combination of mobility and round-the-clock multi-connectivity. In particular, smartphones are used to perform activities, such as sending emails, transferring money via mobile Internet banking, making calls, texting, surfing the Internet, viewing documents, storing medical, confidential and personal information, shopping online and playing games. Some active applications are considered sensitive and confidential and the risks are high in the event of the loss of any sensitive data or privacy breaches. In addition, after the point of entry, using techniques such as a PIN or password, the user of the device can perform almost all tasks, of different risk levels, without having to re-authenticate periodically to re-validate the user’s identity. Furthermore, the current point-of-entry authentication mechanisms consider all the applications on a mobile device to have the same level of importance and so do not apply any further access control rules. As a result, with the rapid growth of smartphones for use in daily life, securing the sensitive data stored upon them makes authentication of paramount importance. In this research, it is argued that within a single mobile application there are different processes operating on the same data but with differing risks attached. The unauthorised disclosure or modification of mobile data has the potential to lead to a number of undesirable consequences for the user. Thus, there is no single level of risk associated with a given application and the risk level changes during use. In this context, a novel mobile applications data risk assessment model is proposed to appreciate the risk involved within an application (intra-process security). Accordingly, there is a need to suggest a method to be applied continuously and transparently (i.e., without obstructing the user’s activities) to authenticate legitimate users, which is maintained beyond point of entry, without the explicit involvement of the user. To this end, a transparent and continuous authentication mechanism provides a basis for convenient and secure re-authentication of the user. The mechanism is used to gather user data in the background without requiring any dedicated activity, by regularly and periodically checking user behaviour to provide continuous monitoring for the protection of the smartphone. In order to investigate the feasibility of the proposed system, a study involving data collected from 76 participants over a one-month period using 12 mobile applications was undertaken. A series of four experiments were conducted based upon data from one month of normal device usage. The first experiment sought to explore the intra-process (i.e., within-app) and inter-process (i.e., access-only app) access levels across different time windows. The experimental results show that this approach achieved desirable outcomes for applying a transparent authentication system at an intra-process level, with an average of 6% intrusive authentication requests. Having achieved promising experimental results, it was identified that there were some users who undertook an insufficient number of activities on the device and, therefore, achieved a high level of intrusive authentication requests. As a result, there was a need to investigate whether a specific combination of time windows would perform better with a specific type of user. To do this, the numbers of intrusive authentication requests were computed based on three usage levels (high, medium and low) at both the intra- and inter-process access levels. This approach achieved better results when compared with the first set of results: the average percentage of intrusive authentication requests was 3%, which indicates a clear enhancement. The second and third experiments investigated only the intra-process and inter-process, respectively, to examine the effect of the access level. Finally, the fourth experiment investigated the impact of specific biometric modalities on overall system performance. In this research study, a Non-Intrusive Continuous Authentication (NICA) framework was applied by utilising two security mechanisms: Alert Level (AL) and Integrity Level (IL). During specific time windows, the AL process is used to seek valid samples. If there are no samples, the identity confidence is periodically reduced by a degradation function, which is 10% of current confidence in order to save power while the mobile device is inactive. In the case of the mobile user requesting to perform a task, the IL is applied to check the legitimacy of that user. If the identity confidence level is equal to or greater than the specified risk action level, transparent access is allowed. Otherwise, an intrusive authentication request is required in order to proceed with the service. In summary, the experimental results show that this approach achieved sufficiently high results to fulfil the security obligations. The shortest time window of AL= 2 min / IL = 5 min produced an average intrusive authentication request rate of 18%, whereas the largest time window (AL= 20 min / IL = 20 min) provided 6%. Interestingly, when the participants were divided into three levels of usage, the average intrusive authentication request rate was 12% and 3% for the shortest time window (AL = 2 min / IL = 5 min) and the largest time window (AL= 20 min / IL = 20), respectively. Therefore, this approach has been demonstrated to provide transparent and continuous protection to ensure the validity of the current user by understanding the risk involved within a given application.Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia Cultural Bureau in U

    Transparent User Authentication For Mobile Applications

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    The use of smartphones in our daily lives has grown steadily, due to the combination of mobility and round-the-clock multi-connectivity. In particular, smartphones are used to perform activities, such as sending emails, transferring money via mobile Internet banking, making calls, texting, surfing the Internet, viewing documents, storing medical, confidential and personal information, shopping online and playing games. Some active applications are considered sensitive and confidential and the risks are high in the event of the loss of any sensitive data or privacy breaches. In addition, after the point of entry, using techniques such as a PIN or password, the user of the device can perform almost all tasks, of different risk levels, without having to re-authenticate periodically to re-validate the user’s identity. Furthermore, the current point-of-entry authentication mechanisms consider all the applications on a mobile device to have the same level of importance and so do not apply any further access control rules. As a result, with the rapid growth of smartphones for use in daily life, securing the sensitive data stored upon them makes authentication of paramount importance. In this research, it is argued that within a single mobile application there are different processes operating on the same data but with differing risks attached. The unauthorised disclosure or modification of mobile data has the potential to lead to a number of undesirable consequences for the user. Thus, there is no single level of risk associated with a given application and the risk level changes during use. In this context, a novel mobile applications data risk assessment model is proposed to appreciate the risk involved within an application (intra-process security). Accordingly, there is a need to suggest a method to be applied continuously and transparently (i.e., without obstructing the user’s activities) to authenticate legitimate users, which is maintained beyond point of entry, without the explicit involvement of the user. To this end, a transparent and continuous authentication mechanism provides a basis for convenient and secure re-authentication of the user. The mechanism is used to gather user data in the background without requiring any dedicated activity, by regularly and periodically checking user behaviour to provide continuous monitoring for the protection of the smartphone. In order to investigate the feasibility of the proposed system, a study involving data collected from 76 participants over a one-month period using 12 mobile applications was undertaken. A series of four experiments were conducted based upon data from one month of normal device usage. The first experiment sought to explore the intra-process (i.e., within-app) and inter-process (i.e., access-only app) access levels across different time windows. The experimental results show that this approach achieved desirable outcomes for applying a transparent authentication system at an intra-process level, with an average of 6% intrusive authentication requests. Having achieved promising experimental results, it was identified that there were some users who undertook an insufficient number of activities on the device and, therefore, achieved a high level of intrusive authentication requests. As a result, there was a need to investigate whether a specific combination of time windows would perform better with a specific type of user. To do this, the numbers of intrusive authentication requests were computed based on three usage levels (high, medium and low) at both the intra- and inter-process access levels. This approach achieved better results when compared with the first set of results: the average percentage of intrusive authentication requests was 3%, which indicates a clear enhancement. The second and third experiments investigated only the intra-process and inter-process, respectively, to examine the effect of the access level. Finally, the fourth experiment investigated the impact of specific biometric modalities on overall system performance. In this research study, a Non-Intrusive Continuous Authentication (NICA) framework was applied by utilising two security mechanisms: Alert Level (AL) and Integrity Level (IL). During specific time windows, the AL process is used to seek valid samples. If there are no samples, the identity confidence is periodically reduced by a degradation function, which is 10% of current confidence in order to save power while the mobile device is inactive. In the case of the mobile user requesting to perform a task, the IL is applied to check the legitimacy of that user. If the identity confidence level is equal to or greater than the specified risk action level, transparent access is allowed. Otherwise, an intrusive authentication request is required in order to proceed with the service. In summary, the experimental results show that this approach achieved sufficiently high results to fulfil the security obligations. The shortest time window of AL= 2 min / IL = 5 min produced an average intrusive authentication request rate of 18%, whereas the largest time window (AL= 20 min / IL = 20 min) provided 6%. Interestingly, when the participants were divided into three levels of usage, the average intrusive authentication request rate was 12% and 3% for the shortest time window (AL = 2 min / IL = 5 min) and the largest time window (AL= 20 min / IL = 20), respectively. Therefore, this approach has been demonstrated to provide transparent and continuous protection to ensure the validity of the current user by understanding the risk involved within a given application.Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia Cultural Bureau in U

    Federated Authentication using the Cloud (Cloud Aura)

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    Individuals, businesses and governments undertake an ever-growing range of activities online and via various Internet-enabled digital devices. Unfortunately, these activities, services, information and devices are the targets of cybercrimes. Verifying the user legitimacy to use/access a digital device or service has become of the utmost importance. Authentication is the frontline countermeasure of ensuring only the authorised user is granted access; however, it has historically suffered from a range of issues related to the security and usability of the approaches. Traditionally deployed in a point-of-entry mode (although a number of implementations also provide for re-authentication), the intrusive nature of the control is a significant inhibitor. Thus, it is apparent that a more innovative, convenient and secure user authentication solution is vital. This thesis reviews the authentication methods along with the current use of authentication technologies, aiming at developing a current state-of-the-art and identifying the open problems to be tackled and available solutions to be adopted. It also investigates whether these authentication technologies have the capability to fill the gap between the need for high security whilst maximising user satisfaction. This is followed by a comprehensive literature survey and critical analysis of the existing research domain on continuous and transparent multibiometric authentication. It is evident that most of the undertaken studies and proposed solutions thus far endure one or more shortcomings; for instance, an inability to balance the trade-off between security and usability, confinement to specific devices, lack or negligence of evaluating users’ acceptance and privacy measures, and insufficiency or absence of real tested datasets. It concludes that providing users with adequate protection and convenience requires innovative robust authentication mechanisms to be utilised in a universal manner. Accordingly, it is paramount to have a high level of performance, scalability, and interoperability amongst existing and future systems, services and devices. A survey of 302 digital device users was undertaken and reveals that despite the widespread interest in more security, there is a quite low number of respondents using or maintaining the available security measures. However, it is apparent that users do not avoid applying the concept of authentication security but avoid the inconvenience of its current common techniques (biometrics are having growing practical interest). The respondents’ perceptions towards Trusted Third-Party (TTP) enable utilising biometrics for a novel authentication solution managed by a TTP working on multiple devices to access multiple services. However, it must be developed and implemented considerately. A series of experimental feasibility analysis studies disclose that even though prior Transparent Authentication Systems (TAS) models performed relatively well in practice on real live user data, an enhanced model utilising multibiometric fusion outweighs them in terms of the security and transparency of the system within a device. It is also empirically established that a centralised federated authentication approach using the Cloud would help towards constructing a better user profile encompassing multibiometrics and soft biometric information from their multiple devices and thus improving the security and convenience of the technique beyond those of unimodal, the Non-Intrusive and Continuous Authentication (NICA), and the Weighted Majority Voting Fusion (WMVF) and what a single device can do by itself. Furthermore, it reduces the intrusive authentication requests by 62%-74% (of the total assumed intrusive requests without operating this model) in the worst cases. As such, the thesis proposes a novel authentication architecture, which is capable of operating in a transparent, continuous and convenient manner whilst functioning across a range of digital devices – bearing in mind it is desirable to work on differing hardware configurations, operating systems, processing capabilities and network connectivity but they are yet to be validated. The approach, entitled Cloud Aura, can achieve high levels of transparency thereby being less dependent on secret-knowledge or any other intrusive login and leveraging the available devices capabilities without requiring any external sensors. Cloud Aura incorporates a variety of biometrics from different types, i.e. physiological, behavioural, and soft biometrics and deploys an on-going identity confidence level based upon them, which is subsequently reflected on the user privileges and mapped to the risk level associated to them, resulting in relevant reaction(s). While in use, it functions with minimal processing overhead thereby reducing the time required for the authentication decision. Ultimately, a functional proof of concept prototype is developed showing that Cloud Aura is feasible and would have the provisions of effective security and user convenience.Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu, Kingdom of Saudi Arabi

    A generic computer platform for efficient iris recognition

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    This document presents the work carried out for the purposes of completing the Engineering Doctorate (EngD) program at the Institute for System Level Integration (iSLI), which was a partnership between the universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Heriot-Watt and Strathclyde. The EngD is normally undertaken with an industrial sponsor, but due to a set of unforeseen circumstances this was not the case for this work. However, the work was still undertaken to the same standards as would be expected by an industrial sponsor. An individual’s biometrics include fingerprints, palm-prints, retinal, iris and speech patterns. Even the way people move and sign their name has been shown to be uniquely associated with that individual. This work focuses on the recognition of an individual’s iris patterns. The results reported in the literature are often presented in such a manner that direct comparison between methods is difficult. There is also minimal code resource and no tool available to help simplify the process of developing iris recognition algorithms, so individual developers are required to write the necessary software almost every time. Finally, segmentation performance is currently only measurable using manual evaluation, which is time consuming and prone to human error. This thesis presents a completely novel generic platform for the purposes of developing, testing and evaluating iris recognition algorithms which is designed to simplify the process of developing and testing iris recognition algorithms. Existing open-source algorithms are integrated into the generic platform and are evaluated using the results it produces. Three iris recognition segmentation algorithms and one normalisation algorithm are proposed. Three of the algorithms increased true match recognition performance by between two and 45 percentage points when compared to the available open-source algorithms and methods found in the literature. A matching algorithm was developed that significantly speeds up the process of analysing the results of encoding. Lastly, this work also proposes a method of automatically evaluating the performance of segmentation algorithms, so minimising the need for manual evaluation

    Video-Based Noncooperative Iris Image Segmentation

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