203 research outputs found

    On the Application of Dictionary Learning to Image Compression

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    Signal models are a cornerstone of contemporary signal and image-processing methodology. In this chapter, a particular signal modelling method, called synthesis sparse representation, is studied which has been proven to be effective for many signals, such as natural images, and successfully used in a wide range of applications. In this kind of signal modelling, the signal is represented with respect to dictionary. The dictionary choice plays an important role on the success of the entire model. One main discipline of dictionary designing is based on a machine learning methodology which provides a simple and expressive structure for designing adaptable and efficient dictionaries. This chapter focuses on direct application of the sparse representation, i.e. image compression. Two image codec based on adaptive sparse representation over a trained dictionary are introduced. Experimental results show that the presented methods outperform the existing image coding standards, such as JPEG and JPEG2000

    Audio Inpainting

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    (c) 2012 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works. Published version: IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing 20(3): 922-932, Mar 2012. DOI: 10.1090/TASL.2011.2168211

    Video modeling via implicit motion representations

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    Video modeling refers to the development of analytical representations for explaining the intensity distribution in video signals. Based on the analytical representation, we can develop algorithms for accomplishing particular video-related tasks. Therefore video modeling provides us a foundation to bridge video data and related-tasks. Although there are many video models proposed in the past decades, the rise of new applications calls for more efficient and accurate video modeling approaches.;Most existing video modeling approaches are based on explicit motion representations, where motion information is explicitly expressed by correspondence-based representations (i.e., motion velocity or displacement). Although it is conceptually simple, the limitations of those representations and the suboptimum of motion estimation techniques can degrade such video modeling approaches, especially for handling complex motion or non-ideal observation video data. In this thesis, we propose to investigate video modeling without explicit motion representation. Motion information is implicitly embedded into the spatio-temporal dependency among pixels or patches instead of being explicitly described by motion vectors.;Firstly, we propose a parametric model based on a spatio-temporal adaptive localized learning (STALL). We formulate video modeling as a linear regression problem, in which motion information is embedded within the regression coefficients. The coefficients are adaptively learned within a local space-time window based on LMMSE criterion. Incorporating a spatio-temporal resampling and a Bayesian fusion scheme, we can enhance the modeling capability of STALL on more general videos. Under the framework of STALL, we can develop video processing algorithms for a variety of applications by adjusting model parameters (i.e., the size and topology of model support and training window). We apply STALL on three video processing problems. The simulation results show that motion information can be efficiently exploited by our implicit motion representation and the resampling and fusion do help to enhance the modeling capability of STALL.;Secondly, we propose a nonparametric video modeling approach, which is not dependent on explicit motion estimation. Assuming the video sequence is composed of many overlapping space-time patches, we propose to embed motion-related information into the relationships among video patches and develop a generic sparsity-based prior for typical video sequences. First, we extend block matching to more general kNN-based patch clustering, which provides an implicit and distributed representation for motion information. We propose to enforce the sparsity constraint on a higher-dimensional data array signal, which is generated by packing the patches in the similar patch set. Then we solve the inference problem by updating the kNN array and the wanted signal iteratively. Finally, we present a Bayesian fusion approach to fuse multiple-hypothesis inferences. Simulation results in video error concealment, denoising, and deartifacting are reported to demonstrate its modeling capability.;Finally, we summarize the proposed two video modeling approaches. We also point out the perspectives of implicit motion representations in applications ranging from low to high level problems

    Mathematical Approaches for Image Enhancement Problems

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    This thesis develops novel techniques that can solve some image enhancement problems using theoretically and technically proven and very useful mathematical tools to image processing such as wavelet transforms, partial differential equations, and variational models. Three subtopics are mainly covered. First, color image denoising framework is introduced to achieve high quality denoising results by considering correlations between color components while existing denoising approaches can be plugged in flexibly. Second, a new and efficient framework for image contrast and color enhancement in the compressed wavelet domain is proposed. The proposed approach is capable of enhancing both global and local contrast and brightness as well as preserving color consistency. The framework does not require inverse transform for image enhancement since linear scale factors are directly applied to both scaling and wavelet coefficients in the compressed domain, which results in high computational efficiency. Also contaminated noise in the image can be efficiently reduced by introducing wavelet shrinkage terms adaptively in different scales. The proposed method is able to enhance a wavelet-coded image computationally efficiently with high image quality and less noise or other artifact. The experimental results show that the proposed method produces encouraging results both visually and numerically compared to some existing approaches. Finally, image inpainting problem is discussed. Literature review, psychological analysis, and challenges on image inpainting problem and related topics are described. An inpainting algorithm using energy minimization and texture mapping is proposed. Mumford-Shah energy minimization model detects and preserves edges in the inpainting domain by detecting both the main structure and the detailed edges. This approach utilizes faster hierarchical level set method and guarantees convergence independent of initial conditions. The estimated segmentation results in the inpainting domain are stored in segmentation map, which is referred by a texture mapping algorithm for filling textured regions. We also propose an inpainting algorithm using wavelet transform that can expect better global structure estimation of the unknown region in addition to shape and texture properties since wavelet transforms have been used for various image analysis problems due to its nice multi-resolution properties and decoupling characteristics

    Sparsity Based Spatio-Temporal Video Quality Assessment

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    In this thesis, we present an abstract view of Image and Video quality assessment algorithms. Most of the research in the area of quality assessment is focused on the scenario where the end-user is a human observer and therefore commonly known as perceptual quality assessment. In this thesis, we discuss Full Reference Video Quality Assessment and No Reference image quality assessment

    Robust density modelling using the student's t-distribution for human action recognition

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    The extraction of human features from videos is often inaccurate and prone to outliers. Such outliers can severely affect density modelling when the Gaussian distribution is used as the model since it is highly sensitive to outliers. The Gaussian distribution is also often used as base component of graphical models for recognising human actions in the videos (hidden Markov model and others) and the presence of outliers can significantly affect the recognition accuracy. In contrast, the Student's t-distribution is more robust to outliers and can be exploited to improve the recognition rate in the presence of abnormal data. In this paper, we present an HMM which uses mixtures of t-distributions as observation probabilities and show how experiments over two well-known datasets (Weizmann, MuHAVi) reported a remarkable improvement in classification accuracy. © 2011 IEEE

    Studies on image compression and image reconstruction

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    During this six month period our works concentrated on three, somewhat different areas. We looked at and developed a number of error concealment schemes for use in a variety of video coding environments. This work is described in an accompanying (draft) Masters thesis. In the thesis we describe application of this techniques to the MPEG video coding scheme. We felt that the unique frame ordering approach used in the MPEG scheme would be a challenge to any error concealment/error recovery technique. We continued with our work in the vector quantization area. We have also developed a new type of vector quantizer, which we call a scan predictive vector quantization. The scan predictive VQ was tested on data processed at Goddard to approximate Landsat 7 HRMSI resolution and compared favorably with existing VQ techniques. A paper describing this work is included. The third area is concerned more with reconstruction than compression. While there is a variety of efficient lossless image compression schemes, they all have a common property that they use past data to encode future data. This is done either via taking differences, context modeling, or by building dictionaries. When encoding large images, this common property becomes a common flaw. When the user wishes to decode just a portion of the image, the requirement that the past history be available forces the decoding of a significantly larger portion of the image than desired by the user. Even with intelligent partitioning of the image dataset, the number of pixels decoded may be four times the number of pixels requested. We have developed an adaptive scanning strategy which can be used with any lossless compression scheme and which lowers the additional number of pixels to be decoded to about 7 percent of the number of pixels requested! A paper describing these results is included