4,867 research outputs found

    Multi-Cue Structure Preserving MRF for Unconstrained Video Segmentation

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    Video segmentation is a stepping stone to understanding video context. Video segmentation enables one to represent a video by decomposing it into coherent regions which comprise whole or parts of objects. However, the challenge originates from the fact that most of the video segmentation algorithms are based on unsupervised learning due to expensive cost of pixelwise video annotation and intra-class variability within similar unconstrained video classes. We propose a Markov Random Field model for unconstrained video segmentation that relies on tight integration of multiple cues: vertices are defined from contour based superpixels, unary potentials from temporal smooth label likelihood and pairwise potentials from global structure of a video. Multi-cue structure is a breakthrough to extracting coherent object regions for unconstrained videos in absence of supervision. Our experiments on VSB100 dataset show that the proposed model significantly outperforms competing state-of-the-art algorithms. Qualitative analysis illustrates that video segmentation result of the proposed model is consistent with human perception of objects

    Geodesic Distance Histogram Feature for Video Segmentation

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    This paper proposes a geodesic-distance-based feature that encodes global information for improved video segmentation algorithms. The feature is a joint histogram of intensity and geodesic distances, where the geodesic distances are computed as the shortest paths between superpixels via their boundaries. We also incorporate adaptive voting weights and spatial pyramid configurations to include spatial information into the geodesic histogram feature and show that this further improves results. The feature is generic and can be used as part of various algorithms. In experiments, we test the geodesic histogram feature by incorporating it into two existing video segmentation frameworks. This leads to significantly better performance in 3D video segmentation benchmarks on two datasets

    Dynamic Face Video Segmentation via Reinforcement Learning

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    For real-time semantic video segmentation, most recent works utilised a dynamic framework with a key scheduler to make online key/non-key decisions. Some works used a fixed key scheduling policy, while others proposed adaptive key scheduling methods based on heuristic strategies, both of which may lead to suboptimal global performance. To overcome this limitation, we model the online key decision process in dynamic video segmentation as a deep reinforcement learning problem and learn an efficient and effective scheduling policy from expert information about decision history and from the process of maximising global return. Moreover, we study the application of dynamic video segmentation on face videos, a field that has not been investigated before. By evaluating on the 300VW dataset, we show that the performance of our reinforcement key scheduler outperforms that of various baselines in terms of both effective key selections and running speed. Further results on the Cityscapes dataset demonstrate that our proposed method can also generalise to other scenarios. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to use reinforcement learning for online key-frame decision in dynamic video segmentation, and also the first work on its application on face videos.Comment: CVPR 2020. 300VW with segmentation labels is available at: https://github.com/mapleandfire/300VW-Mas

    Insignificant shadow detection for video segmentation

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    To prevent moving cast shadows from being misunderstood as part of moving objects in change detection based video segmentation, this paper proposes a novel approach to the cast shadow detection based on the edge and region information in multiple frames. First, an initial change detection mask containing moving objects and cast shadows is obtained. Then a Canny edge map is generated. After that, the shadow region is detected and removed through multiframe integration, edge matching, and region growing. Finally, a post processing procedure is used to eliminate noise and tune the boundaries of the objects. Our approach can be used for video segmentation in indoor environment. The experimental results demonstrate its good performance