200,903 research outputs found

    Video Tester -- A multiple-metric framework for video quality assessment over IP networks

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    This paper presents an extensible and reusable framework which addresses the problem of video quality assessment over IP networks. The proposed tool (referred to as Video-Tester) supports raw uncompressed video encoding and decoding. It also includes different video over IP transmission methods (i.e.: RTP over UDP unicast and multicast, as well as RTP over TCP). In addition, it is furnished with a rich set of offline analysis capabilities. Video-Tester analysis includes QoS and bitstream parameters estimation (i.e.: bandwidth, packet inter-arrival time, jitter and loss rate, as well as GOP size and I-frame loss rate). Our design facilitates the integration of virtually any existing video quality metric thanks to the adopted Python-based modular approach. Video-Tester currently provides PSNR, SSIM, ITU-T G.1070 video quality metric, DIV and PSNR-based MOS estimations. In order to promote its use and extension, Video-Tester is open and publicly available.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. For the Google Code project, see http://video-tester.googlecode.com

    Experiences with high definition interactive video conferencing

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    We review the design and implementation of UltraGrid, a new high definition video conferencing system, and present some experimental results. UltraGrid was the first system to support gigabit rate high definition interactive video conferencing on commodity systems and networks, and we present measurements to illustrate behavior of production networks subject to such real time traffic. We illustrate the benefits of hybrid IP/provisioned optical networks over best effort IP networks for this class of traffic, and motivate the development of congestion control algorithms for interactive conferencing on best effort IP networks

    Performance Evaluation of MPEG-4 Video Transmission over IP-Networks: Best-Effort and Quality-of-Service

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    The demand for video communication over internet has been growing rapidly in recent years and the quality of video has become a challenging issue for video transmission. Different types of video coding standards like MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 have been developed to support application like video transmission. MPEG-2 which requires high bit rate transmission has been successful video standard for DVD and satellite digital broadcasting. On the other hand, MPEG-4 supports low bit rate and is suitable for transmitting video over IP networks. In this paper, MPEG-4 Video standard has been used for evaluating the performance of video transmission over two IP networks:- Best-effort and Quality of Service (QoS). For both of the best-effort and QoS IP networks, peak signal noise ratio (PSNR), throughput, frame and packet statistics have been considered as performance metrics. The calculated values of these performance metrics reflect that video transmission over QoS IP network is better than that of the best-effort network. Keywords: video transmission, mpeg, ip networks, best-effort, quality of service, ns-

    Management of Digital Video Broadcasting Services in Open Delivery Platforms

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    The future of Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) is moving towards solutions offering an efficient way of carrying interactive IP multimedia services over digital terrestrial broadcasting networks to handheld terminals. One of the most promising technologies is Digital Video Broadcasting-Handheld (DVB-H), at present under standardisation. Services deployed via this type of DVB technologies should enjoy reliability comparable to TV services and high quality standards. However, the market at present does not provide effective and economical solutions for the deployment of such services over multi-domain IP networks, due to their high level of unreliability. This paper focuses on service management, service level agreement (SLA) and network performance requirements of DVB-H services. Experimental results are presented concerning QoS sensitivity to network performance of DVB-H services delivered over a multi-domain IP network. Moreover, a solution for efficient and cost effective service management via QoS monitoring and control and network SLA design is proposed. The solution gives DVB-H operators the possibility of fully managing service QoS without being tied to third party operators

    Delivering video services over IP networks

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    The main goal pursued in this Thesis is to contribute towards the design and development of an end-to-end solution/system that would assist in reliable, consistence, less packet-loss delivery of high-quality video signals of pre-recorded presentations, training lectures, live events such as seminars over standard IP networks. This Thesis will focus on the existing Internet Service Provider, Oman Telecommunications Company (Omantel) and its best delivery of high-bandwidth data such as video to its Local and regional offices and departments over IP networks. This video-over-IP system aims to accumulate the technical scientific knowledge required to be able to offer high-quality video, which is fully scalable over IP networks. It aims to convert this knowledge into experimental prototypes, which, after the Thesis, can be developed into an integrated generic environment for Video-over-IP service development and content production. The objective is to initially define the functionality of content Services that can be incorporated into the operations of Oman telecommunications company networks. Then define the functional characteristics and system requirements necessary for the deployment of content streaming services over Omantel IP based networks. The design of this system would be combined with streaming high-quality video, while maintaining scalability and bandwidth efficiencies required for large-scale enterprise deployment. The design would encompass various components that are needed to capture, store and deliver streaming video to desktops. It will investigate on what is required to deliver quality video over Omantel IP networks and will recommend the actual products and solutions for achieving the end result


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    ABSTRAKSI: Teknologi video merupakan teknologi yang penting saat ini. Sebagai salah satu media berkomunikasi selain teks, image dan audio, video menyajikan informasi yang melengkapi informasi dari media lainnya. Selain untuk berkomunikasi, teknologi video juga banyak di manfaatkan untuk layanan lain seperti monitoring, security, entertain dll. Berbagai varian layanan yang ditawarkan teknologi CATV dapat dilengkapi dengan aplikasi Layanan Video Conference. Video Conference adalah aplikasi berupa media antarmuka Klien yang dapat mengirimkan pesan multimedia berupa Video dan Audio melewati jaringan LAN berbasis Internetworking Protocol (IP). Disamping itu klien juga dapat melihat siaran televisi baik analog maupun streaming saat melakukan Teleconference atau Chatting disaat bersamaan. Pada proyek akhir ini akan dilaksanakan suatu perancangan sebuah aplikasi pengolah Video yang di dasarkan pada keinginan pengguna ( end user) dimana content dari aplikasi ini antara lain penerimaan Live TV Broadcast secara analog dan secara Streaming (TV Streaming) yang dihubungkan dengan server streaming, dengan menggunakan TV Tunner internal sebagai input device pertama yang mendapat masukan sinyal analog TV dari Jaringan CATV IT Telkom pada aplikasi ini dan dapat di kombinasikan dengan Video Chatting atau Komunikasi Video Audio dengan WebCam sebagai Input Device kedua yang nantinya sebagai media komunikasi antara user yang berbeda, sehingga content dari aplikasi ini dirasa lebih bermanfaat dan dapat digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan komunikasi Video-Audio yang bersifat searah (Broadcast / Simplex) dan Dua arah (Full Duplex). Adapun hasil dari pembuatan Aplikasi Live Video Conference over IP yang masih bersifat sederhana ini nantinya adalah dapat digunakan dan dimanfaatkan oleh setiap kalangan mahasiswa IT Telkom pada umumnya dan asisten juga anggota Study Group Laboratorium CATV pada Khususnya sebagai sarana penunjang, pengontrol dan Optimasi layanan Broadcast TV dari Jaringan CATV yang telah ada (Eksisting) saat ada kegiatan Laboratorium ataupun Intitusi melewati media komunikasi Video Audio Full Duplex.Kata Kunci : Video Conference, Live TV Broadcast, TV Streaming, Jaringan CATVABSTRACT: Video Technology represent the important technology in this time. As one of media communication besides text, image and audio, video present the information that collected by information from other media. Besides to communicate, the video technology also has been exploited for the service of other, like monitoring, security, entertainment , etc. Various service which technological that offered by CATV can be provided with Service like the application of Video Conference. Video Conference is application in the form of media to Client interface which can deliver the message multimedia in the form of Video and Audio that can be through of Local Area Network base on the Internetworking Protocol (IP). Beside that client also can see the analogous good telecast and also streaming moment while doing the Teleconference or Chatting moment at the same time. This final project will be executed a scheme an application of Video processor which is relying on consumer desire ( end user) where content from this application for example acceptance of Live TV Broadcast analogously and by Streaming ( TV Streaming) that is attributed to server streaming, by using internal TV Tuner as first input device getting analogous input TV Signal from CATV Network at IT Telkom in this application and can be combined with the Video Chatting or Communications of Audio Video by Webcam as second Input Device, that is which later as communications media among different user, so that content from this application is felt more useful and applicable to various need of communications Video-Audio having the character of unidirectional ( Broadcast / Simplex) and Two direction ( Full Duplex). As for result from making of Application of Live Video Conference over IP which still be humble later, this is can be used and exploited by each of every circle of students at IT Telkom of generally and assistant also member of Study Group of CATV Laboratory especially as supporter medium, controller and development of service of TV broadcast from CATV Network which there have ( Existing) while there is Laboratory activity and Institution can be through of communications media of Video and Audio according to Full Duplex.Keyword: Video Conference, Live TV Broadcast, TV Streaming, CATV Networ

    Estimating Perceived Video Quality from Objective Parameters in Video over IP Services

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    In Video over IP services, perceived video quality heavily depends on parameters such as video coding and network Quality of Service. This paper proposes a model for the estimation of perceived video quality in video streaming and broadcasting services that combines the aforementioned parameters with other that depend mainly on the information contents of the video sequences. These fitting parameters are derived from the Spatial and Temporal Information contents of the sequences. This model does not require reference to the original video sequence so it can be used for online, real-time monitoring of perceived video quality in Video over IP services. Furthermore, this paper proposes a measurement workbench designed to acquire both training data for model fitting and test data for model validation. Preliminary results show good correlation between measured and predicted values
