5 research outputs found

    The effects of actuator selection on non-volitional postural responses to torso-based vibrotactile stimulation

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    Abstract Background Torso-based vibrotactile feedback may significantly reduce postural sway in balance-compromised adults during quiet standing or in response to perturbations. However, natural non-volitional postural responses to vibrotactile stimulation applied to the torso remain unknown. Methods The primary goal of this study was to determine, for two types of actuators (tactors) and in the absence of instruction, whether vibrotactile stimulation induces a directional postural shift as a function of stimulation location. Eleven healthy young adults (20 – 29 years old) were asked to maintain an upright erect posture with feet hip-width apart and eyes closed. Two types of tactors, Tactaid and C2, which differ in design and stimulation strength, were placed on the skin over the right and left external oblique, internal oblique, and erector spinae muscles in a horizontal plane corresponding approximately to the L4/L5 level. Each tactor of the same type was activated twice randomly for each individual location and twice simultaneously for all locations at a frequency of 250 Hz for a period of 5 s. Results Vibration applied over the internal oblique and erector spinae muscle locations induced a postural shift in the direction of the stimulation regardless of the tactor type. For the aforementioned four locations, the root-mean-square (RMS) and power spectral density (PSD) of the body sway in both the A/P and M/L directions were also significantly greater during the vibration than before or after, and were greater for the C2 tactors than for the Tactaid tactors. However, simultaneous activation of all tactors or those over the external oblique muscle locations did not produce significant postural responses regardless of the tactor type. Conclusion The results suggest that the use of a torso-based vibrotactile sensory augmentation display should carefully consider the tactor type as well as the instruction of corrective movements. Attractive instructional cues (“move in the direction of the vibration”) are compatible with the observed non-volitional response to stimulation and may facilitate postural adjustments during vibrotactile biofeedback balance applications.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112652/1/12984_2012_Article_451.pd

    Vibrotactile feedback as a countermeasure for spatial disorientation

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    Spaceflight can make astronauts susceptible to spatial disorientation which is one of the leading causes of fatal aircraft accidents. In our experiment, blindfolded participants used a joystick to balance themselves while inside a multi-axis rotation device (MARS) in either the vertical or horizontal roll plane. On Day 1, in the vertical roll plane (Earth analog condition) participants could use gravitational cues and therefore had a good sense of their orientation. On Day 2, in the horizontal roll plane (spaceflight analog condition) participants could not use gravitational cues and rapidly became disoriented and showed minimal learning and poor performance. One potential countermeasure for spatial disorientation is vibrotactile feedback that conveys body orientation provided by small vibrating devices applied to the skin. Orientation-dependent vibrotactile feedback provided to one group enhanced performance in the spaceflight condition but the participants reported a conflict between the accurate vibrotactile cues and their erroneous perception of their orientation. Specialized vibrotactile training on Day 1 provided to another group resulted in significantly better learning and performance in the spaceflight analog task with vibrotactile cueing. In this training, participants in the Earth analog condition on Day 1 were required to disengage from the task of aligning with the gravitational vertical encoded by natural vestibular/somatosensory afference and had to align with randomized non-vertical directions of balance signaled by vibrotactile feedback. At the end of Day 2, we deactivated the vibrotactile feedback after both vibration-cued groups had practiced with it in the spaceflight analog condition. They performed as well as the group who did not have any vibrotactile feedback. We conclude that after appropriate training, vibrotactile orientation feedback augments dynamic spatial orientation and does not lead to any negative dependence

    Addressing the Challenges in NextGen Decision Making

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    DTFAWA-10-X-80005, Annex 9NASA provided a broad overview of flight crew decision making and training challenges expected to result from the implementation of NextGen automation, including decision support automation. Recommendations included the following human factors recommendations and caveats for the design of future flight deck systems: - Pilots Need Accurate Mental Models of Automated Systems - Systems Awareness Is Key to Situation Awareness - Changes Must Be Highlighted - CRM \u2018Monitor and Challenge\u2019 Philosophy for Flight Crew Must Also Apply to Flight Deck Automatio

    Vibrotactile Sensory Augmentation and Machine Learning Based Approaches for Balance Rehabilitation

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    Vestibular disorders and aging can negatively impact balance performance. Currently, the most effective approach for improving balance is exercise-based balance rehabilitation. Despite its effectiveness, balance rehabilitation does not always result in a full recovery of balance function. In this dissertation, vibrotactile sensory augmentation (SA) and machine learning (ML) were studied as approaches for further improving balance rehabilitation outcomes. Vibrotactile SA provides a form of haptic cues to complement and/or replace sensory information from the somatosensory, visual and vestibular sensory systems. Previous studies have shown that people can reduce their body sway when vibrotactile SA is provided; however, limited controlled studies have investigated the retention of balance improvements after training with SA has ceased. The primary aim of this research was to examine the effects of supervised balance rehabilitation with vibrotactile SA. Two studies were conducted among people with unilateral vestibular disorders and healthy older adults to explore the use of vibrotactile SA for therapeutic and preventative purposes, respectively. The study among people with unilateral vestibular disorders provided six weeks of supervised in-clinic balance training. The findings indicated that training with vibrotactile SA led to additional body sway reduction for balance exercises with head movements, and the improvements were retained for up to six months. Training with vibrotactile SA did not lead to significant additional improvements in the majority of the clinical outcomes except for the Activities-specific Balance Confidence scale. The study among older adults provided semi-supervised in-home balance rehabilitation training using a novel smartphone balance trainer. After completing eight weeks of balance training, participants who trained with vibrotactile SA showed significantly greater improvements in standing-related clinical outcomes, but not in gait-related clinical outcomes, compared with those who trained without SA. In addition to investigating the effects of long-term balance training with SA, we sought to study the effects of vibrotactile display design on people’s reaction times to vibrational cues. Among the various factors tested, the vibration frequency and tactor type had relatively small effects on reaction times, while stimulus location and secondary cognitive task had relatively large effects. Factors affected young and older adults’ reaction times in a similar manner, but with different magnitudes. Lastly, we explored the potential for ML to inform balance exercise progression for future applications of unsupervised balance training. We mapped body motion data measured by wearable inertial measurement units to balance assessment ratings provided by physical therapists. By training a multi-class classifier using the leave-one-participant-out cross-validation method, we found approximately 82% agreement among trained classifier and physical therapist assessments. The findings of this dissertation suggest that vibrotactile SA can be used as a rehabilitation tool to further improve a subset of clinical outcomes resulting from supervised balance rehabilitation training. Specifically, individuals who train with a SA device may have additional confidence in performing balance activities and greater postural stability, which could decrease their fear of falling and fall risk, and subsequently increase their quality of life. This research provides preliminary support for the hypothesized mechanism that SA promotes the central nervous system to reweight sensory inputs. The preliminary outcomes of this research also provide novel insights for unsupervised balance training that leverage wearable technology and ML techniques. By providing both SA and ML-based balance assessment ratings, the smart wearable device has the potential to improve individuals’ compliance and motivation for in-home balance training.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143901/1/baotian_1.pd

    License to Supervise:Influence of Driving Automation on Driver Licensing

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    To use highly automated vehicles while a driver remains responsible for safe driving, places new – yet demanding, requirements on the human operator. This is because the automation creates a gap between drivers’ responsibility and the human capabilities to take responsibility, especially for unexpected or time-critical transitions of control. This gap is not being addressed by current practises of driver licensing. Based on literature review, this research collects drivers’ requirements to enable safe transitions in control attuned to human capabilities. This knowledge is intended to help system developers and authorities to identify the requirements on human operators to (re)take responsibility for safe driving after automation