90 research outputs found

    Cache-22: A Highly Deployable End-To-End Encrypted Cache System with Post-Quantum Security

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    Cache systems are crucial for reducing communication overhead on the Internet. The importance of communication privacy is being increasingly and widely recognized; therefore, we anticipate that nearly all end-to-end communication will be encrypted via secure sockets layer/transport layer security (SSL/TLS) in the near future. Herein we consider a catch-22 situation, wherein the cache server checks whether content has been cached or not, i.e., the cache server needs to observe it, thereby violating end-to-end encryption. We avoid this catch-22 situation by proposing an encrypted cache system which we call Cache-22. To maximize its deployability, we avoid heavy, advanced cryptographic tools, and instead base our Cache-22 system purely on traditional SSL/TLS communication. It employs tags for searching, and its design concept enables the service provider to decide, e.g., via an authentication process, whether or not a particular user should be allowed to access particular content. We provide a prototype implementation of the proposed system using the color-based cooperative cache proposed by Nakajima et al. (IEICE Trans. 2017) under several ciphersuites containing post-quantum key exchanges in addition to ECDHE (Elliptic Curve-based). We consider NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography round 3 finalists and alternate candidates: lattice-based (Kyber, SABER, NTRU), code-based (BIKE), and isogeny-based (SIKE). Compared to direct HTTPS communication between a service provider and a user, employing our Cache-22 system has a merit to drastically reduce communications between a cache server and the service provider (approximately 95%) which is effective in a hierarchical network with a cost disparity

    Dependable Embedded Systems

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    This Open Access book introduces readers to many new techniques for enhancing and optimizing reliability in embedded systems, which have emerged particularly within the last five years. This book introduces the most prominent reliability concerns from today’s points of view and roughly recapitulates the progress in the community so far. Unlike other books that focus on a single abstraction level such circuit level or system level alone, the focus of this book is to deal with the different reliability challenges across different levels starting from the physical level all the way to the system level (cross-layer approaches). The book aims at demonstrating how new hardware/software co-design solution can be proposed to ef-fectively mitigate reliability degradation such as transistor aging, processor variation, temperature effects, soft errors, etc. Provides readers with latest insights into novel, cross-layer methods and models with respect to dependability of embedded systems; Describes cross-layer approaches that can leverage reliability through techniques that are pro-actively designed with respect to techniques at other layers; Explains run-time adaptation and concepts/means of self-organization, in order to achieve error resiliency in complex, future many core systems

    Seventy-Five Years of Amish Studies, 1942 to 2017: A Critical Review of Scholarship Trends (with an Extensive Bibliography)

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    After 75 years, Amish studies has received no field reviews, an oversight I rectify with this article using several citation analysis techniques. I offer criteria for defining Amish research, which results in 983 references that are analyzed. Amish studies has a very highly centralized core of works; the top one percent of cited references account for nearly 20% of every citation in Amish studies, with Hostetler, Kraybill, Nolt, and Huntington dominating the top list. Few consolidated subareas exist, exceptions being language and health- population research. Analyzing Amish studies chronologically, the field early on accepted the definitive-sympathetic-authoritative-comprehensive-insider research approach, which legitimated “The Throne” (so-called) in Amish studies, i.e., a central scholar, a few close to him, and the irrelevant hinterlands. The seat was first occupied by Hostetler, then Kraybill. The absence of driving research questions, theory developments, and debates creates place for The Throne, whom scholars often cite to legitimize a given study emerging from an otherwise fragmented field. Other troubles with The Throne model are also presented. My call to Amish studies is (1) to develop honed research questions that address specific sub-areas and to consider how any given reference fits into the literature, and (2) to distance our empirical work from fence-straddling popular/scholarly models, e.g. rejecting “the Amish” as a brand name, approaching the Amish as purely scholars and not partially tourists, and foregoing a protective- or reformist-mentality toward the Amish

    Seventy-Five Years of Amish Studies, 1942 to 2017: A Critical Review of Scholarship Trends (with an Extensive Bibliography)

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    After 75 years, Amish studies has received no field reviews, an oversight I rectify using several citation analysis techniques. I offer criteria for defining Amish research, which results in 983 references. Amish studies has a very highly centralized core; the top one percent of cited references account for 20% of every citation in Amish studies, with Hostetler, Kraybill, Nolt, and Huntington dominating the top list. Few consolidated subareas exist, exceptions being language and health/population research. Analyzing Amish studies chronologically, the field early on accepted the definitive-sympathetic-authoritative-comprehensive-insider research approach, which legitimated "The Throne" (so-called) in Amish studies, i.e., a central scholar, a few close to him, and the irrelevant hinterlands. The seat was first occupied by Hostetler, then Kraybill. The absence of driving research questions, theory developments, and debates creates place for The Throne, whom scholars often cite to legitimize a given study emerging from an otherwise fragmented field, this field failing to provide scholars self-legitimization. Other troubles with The Throne model are also presented. My call to Amish studies is (1) to develop honed research questions that address specific sub-areas and to consider how any given reference fits into the literature, and (2) to distance our empirical work from fence-straddling popular/scholarly models, e.g. rejecting "the Amish" as a brand name, approaching the Amish as purely scholars and not partially tourists, and foregoing a protective- or reformist-mentality toward the Amish


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    The widespread diffusion of mobile devices has radically changed the way people interact with each other and with object of their daily life. In particular, modern mobile devices are equipped with multiple radio interfaces allowing users to interact at different spatial granularities according to the various radio technology they use. The research community is progressively moving to heterogeneous network solutions which include many different wireless technologies seamlessly integrated to address a wide variety of use cases and requirements. In 5th- Generation (5G) of mobile network we can find multiple network typology such as device-to-device (D2D), vehicular networks, machine-to-machine(M2M), and more, which are integrated in the existing mobile-broadband technology such as LTE and its future evolutions. In this complex and rich scenario, many issues and challenges are still open from a technological, architectural, and mobile services and applications points of view. In this work we provide network solutions, mobile services, and applications consistent with the 5G mobile network vision by using users interactions as a common starting point. We focus on three different spatial granularities, long, medium/short, and micro mediated by cellular network, Wi-Fi, and NFC radio technologies, respectively. We deal with various kinds of issues and challenges according to the distinct spatial granularity we consider. We start with an user centric approach based on the analysis of the characteristics and the peculiarities of each kind of interaction. Following this path, we provide contributions to support the design of new network architectures, and the development of novel mobile services and applications

    Train Hard, Win Easy: Running on the Periphery in Rural Kenya: The Last Shall Be First

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    Past years have proven Kenyans dominant in the sport of athletics. Today, runners from the Rift Valley win more major middle- and long-distance running events than those from any other nation in the world. Although athletics is not the most lucrative of sports, modern marketing has resulted in creating a sport with various financial incentives. These include prize money, sponsorships, and the opportunity for a new life. However, runners from rural agricultural backgrounds find it very difficult to translate their athletic talent into dollars at the finish line. This study examines the economic prospects for young male runners from Kapsabet and the surrounding areas. It asks the question: how effectively is Kenya’s athletic resource being extracted? In turn, how can this famous comparative advantage be directed in order to most effectively benefit a runner, his family, and his community? The entire paper constantly revisits the background of these runners that is centered in a subsistence-based socioeconomy, with a huge emphasis on communalism. In the section entitled “Discussion, Findings, and Analysis”, I make it clear that the economic forecast for the Kenyan running project looks bleak, both in the short-term and the long-term, even if some individual athletes see tremendous rewards. However, I offer some substantial, basic, and concrete solutions that might enhance the financial prospects for athletics in the Rift Valley, and specifically in Kapsabet. This paper stands as a resource both for people genuinely interested in finding out what is behind these runners featured on television AND for people traveling to Kenya who need a basic “road map” on runners or for places like Kapsabet. Finally, this long essay is a perfect starting point for more in-depth study into either athletics in Kenya OR rural agronomics in the Rift Valley. Hope you enjoy

    National Broadband Strategy (2018-2030)

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    Positioning Commuters And Shoppers Through Sensing And Correlation

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    Positioning is a basic and important need in many scenarios of human daily activities. With position information, multifarious services could be vitalized to benefit all kinds of users, from individuals to organizations. Through positioning, people are able to obtain not only geo-location but also time related information. By aggregating position information from individuals, organizations could derive statistical knowledge about group behaviors, such as traffic, business, event, etc. Although enormous effort has been invested in positioning related academic and industrial work, there are still many holes to be filled. This dissertation proposes solutions to address the need of positioning in people’s daily life from two aspects: transportation and shopping. All the solutions are smart-device-based (e.g. smartphone, smartwatch), which could potentially benefit most users considering the prevalence of smart devices. In positioning relevant activities, the components and their movement information could be sensed by different entities from diverse perspectives. The mechanisms presented in this dissertation treat the information collected from one perspective as reference and match it against the data collected from other perspectives to acquire absolute or relative position, in spatial as well as temporal dimension. For transportation, both driver and passenger oriented solutions are proposed. To help drivers improve safety and ease the tension from driving, two correlated systems, OmniView [1] and DriverTalk [2], are provided. These systems infer the relative positions of the vehicles moving together by matching the appearance images of the vehicles seen by each other, which help drivers maintain safe distance from surrounding vehicles and also give them opportunities to precisely convey driving related messages to targeted peer drivers. To improve bus-riding experience for passengers of public transit systems, a system named RideSense [3] is developed. This system correlates the sensor traces collected by both passengers’ smart devices and reference devices in buses to position passengers’ bus-riding, spatially and temporally. With this system, passengers could be billed without any explicit interaction with conventional ticketing facilities in bus system, which makes the transportation system more efficient. For shopping activities, AutoLabel [4, 5] comes into play, which could position customers with regard to stores. AutoLabel constructs a mapping between WiFi vectors and semantic names of stores through correlating the text decorated inside stores with those on stores’ websites. Later, through WiFi scanning and a lookup in the mapping, customers’ smart devices could automatically recognize the semantic names of the stores they are in or nearby. Therefore, AutoLabel-enabled smart device serves as a bridge for the information flow between business owners and customers, which could benefit both sides

    Innovation in protected area governance: competing models and their impact in different places

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