2,233 research outputs found

    Exciton and negative trion dissociation by an external electric field in vertically coupled quantum dots

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    We study the Stark effect for an exciton confined in a pair of vertically coupled quantum dots. A single-band approximation for the hole and a parabolic lateral confinement potential are adopted which allows for the separation of the lateral center-of-mass motion and consequently for an exact numerical solution of the Schr\"odinger equation. We show that for intermediate tunnel coupling the external electric field leads to the dissociation of the exciton via an avoided crossing of bright and dark exciton energy levels which results in an atypical form of the Stark shift. The electric-field-induced dissociation of the negative trion is studied using the approximation of frozen lateral degrees of freedom. It is shown that in a symmetric system of coupled dots the trion is more stable against dissociation than the exciton. For an asymmetric system of coupled dots the trion dissociation is accompanied by a positive curvature of the recombination energy line as a function of the electric field.Comment: PRB - in prin

    Ultrafast optical control of entanglement between two quantum dot spins

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    The interaction between two quantum bits enables entanglement, the two-particle correlations that are at the heart of quantum information science. In semiconductor quantum dots much work has focused on demonstrating single spin qubit control using optical techniques. However, optical control of entanglement of two spin qubits remains a major challenge for scaling from a single qubit to a full-fledged quantum information platform. Here, we combine advances in vertically-stacked quantum dots with ultrafast laser techniques to achieve optical control of the entangled state of two electron spins. Each electron is in a separate InAs quantum dot, and the spins interact through tunneling, where the tunneling rate determines how rapidly entangling operations can be performed. The two-qubit gate speeds achieved here are over an order of magnitude faster than in other systems. These results demonstrate the viability and advantages of optically controlled quantum dot spins for multi-qubit systems.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Anomalous Stark Shifts in Single Vertically Coupled Pairs of InGaAs Quantum Dots

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    Vertically coupled Stranski Krastanow QDs are predicted to exhibit strong tunnelling interactions that lead to the formation of hybridised states. We report the results of investigations into single pairs of coupled QDs in the presence of an electric field that is able to bring individual carrier levels into resonance and to investigate the Stark shift properties of the excitons present. Pronounced changes in the Stark shift behaviour of exciton features are identified and attributed to the significant redistribution of the carrier wavefunctions as resonance between two QDs is achieved. At low electric fields coherent tunnelling between the two QD ground states is identified from the change in sign of the permanent dipole moment and dramatic increase of the electron polarisability, and at higher electric fields a distortion of the Stark shift is attributed to a coherent tunnelling effect between the ground state of the upper QD and the excited state of the lower QD.Comment: Conference paper for QD2004 3 figure

    High-finesse optical quantum gates for electron spins in artificial molecules

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    A doped semiconductor double-quantum-dot molecule is proposed as a qubit realization. The quantum information is encoded in the electron spin, thus benefiting from the long relevant decoherence times; the enhanced flexibility of the molecular structure allows to map the spin degrees of freedom onto the orbital ones and vice versa, and opens the possibility for high-finesse (conditional and unconditional) quantum gates by means of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Single and vertically coupled type II quantum dots in a perpendicular magnetic field: exciton groundstate properties

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    The properties of an exciton in a type II quantum dot are studied under the influence of a perpendicular applied magnetic field. The dot is modelled by a quantum disk with radius RR, thickness dd and the electron is confined in the disk, whereas the hole is located in the barrier. The exciton energy and wavefunctions are calculated using a Hartree-Fock mesh method. We distinguish two different regimes, namely d<<2Rd<<2R (the hole is located at the radial boundary of the disk) and d>>2Rd>>2R (the hole is located above and below the disk), for which angular momentum (l)(l) transitions are predicted with increasing magnetic field. We also considered a system of two vertically coupled dots where now an extra parameter is introduced, namely the interdot distance dzd_{z}. For each lhl_{h} and for a sufficient large magnetic field, the ground state becomes spontaneous symmetry broken in which the electron and the hole move towards one of the dots. This transition is induced by the Coulomb interaction and leads to a magnetic field induced dipole moment. No such symmetry broken ground states are found for a single dot (and for three vertically coupled symmetric quantum disks). For a system of two vertically coupled truncated cones, which is asymmetric from the start, we still find angular momentum transitions. For a symmetric system of three vertically coupled quantum disks, the system resembles for small dzd_{z} the pillar-like regime of a single dot, where the hole tends to stay at the radial boundary, which induces angular momentum transitions with increasing magnetic field. For larger dzd_{z} the hole can sit between the disks and the lh=0l_{h}=0 state remains the groundstate for the whole BB-region.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figure

    Resonant optical pumping of a Mn spin in a strain free quantum dot

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    We report on the spin properties of individual Mn atoms in II-VI semiconductor strain free quantum dots. Strain free Mn-doped CdTe quantum dots are formed by width fluctuations in thin quantum wells lattice matched on a CdTe substrate. These quantum dots permit to optically probe and address any spin state of a Mn atom in a controlled strain environment. The absence of strain induced magnetic anisotropy prevents an optical pumping of the Mn spin at zero magnetic field. Thus, a large photoluminescence is obtained under resonant optical excitation of the exciton-Mn complex. An efficient optical pumping of the coupled electronic and nuclear spins of the Mn is restored under a weak magnetic field. The observed reduction of the resonant photoluminescence intensity under magnetic field is well described by a model including the hyperfine coupling and a residual crystal field splitting of the Mn atom. Finally, we show that the second order correlation function of the resonant photoluminescence presents a large photon bunching at short delay which is a probe of the dynamics of coupled electronic and nuclear spins of the Mn atom

    Direct observation of acoustic phonon mediated relaxation between coupled exciton states in a single quantum dot molecule

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    We probe acoustic phonon mediated relaxation between tunnel coupled exciton states in an individual quantum dot molecule in which the inter-dot quantum coupling and energy separation between exciton states is continuously tuned using static electric field. Time resolved and temperature dependent optical spectroscopy are used to probe inter-level relaxation around the point of maximum coupling. The radiative lifetimes of the coupled excitonic states can be tuned from ~2 ns to ~10 ns as the spatially direct and indirect character of the wavefunction is varied by detuning from resonance. Acoustic phonon mediated inter-level relaxation is shown to proceed over timescales comparable to the direct exciton radiative lifetime, indicative of a relaxation bottleneck for level spacings in the range $\Delta E\$ ~3-6 meV.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Influence of the charge carrier tunneling processes on the recombination dynamics in single lateral quantum dot molecules

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    We report on the charge carrier dynamics in single lateral quantum dot molecules and the effect of an applied electric field on the molecular states. Controllable electron tunneling manifests itself in a deviation from the typical excitonic decay behavior which is strongly influenced by the tuning electric field and inter-molecular Coulomb energies. A rate equation model is developed to gain more insight into the charge transfer and tunneling mechanisms. Non-resonant (phonon-mediated) electron tunneling which changes the molecular exciton character from direct to indirect, and vice versa, is found to be the dominant tunable decay mechanism of excitons besides radiative recombination.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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