208 research outputs found

    Proof of a tournament partition conjecture and an application to 1-factors with prescribed cycle lengths

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    In 1982 Thomassen asked whether there exists an integer f(k,t) such that every strongly f(k,t)-connected tournament T admits a partition of its vertex set into t vertex classes V_1,...,V_t such that for all i the subtournament T[V_i] induced on T by V_i is strongly k-connected. Our main result implies an affirmative answer to this question. In particular we show that f(k,t) = O(k^7 t^4) suffices. As another application of our main result we give an affirmative answer to a question of Song as to whether, for any integer t, there exists an integer h(t) such that every strongly h(t)-connected tournament has a 1-factor consisting of t vertex-disjoint cycles of prescribed lengths. We show that h(t) = O(t^5) suffices.Comment: final version, to appear in Combinatoric

    Finding an induced subdivision of a digraph

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    We consider the following problem for oriented graphs and digraphs: Given an oriented graph (digraph) GG, does it contain an induced subdivision of a prescribed digraph DD? The complexity of this problem depends on DD and on whether GG must be an oriented graph or is allowed to contain 2-cycles. We give a number of examples of polynomial instances as well as several NP-completeness proofs