39 research outputs found

    Poisson–Delaunay Mosaics of Order k

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    The order-k Voronoi tessellation of a locally finite set ⊆ℝ decomposes ℝ into convex domains whose points have the same k nearest neighbors in X. Assuming X is a stationary Poisson point process, we give explicit formulas for the expected number and total area of faces of a given dimension per unit volume of space. We also develop a relaxed version of discrete Morse theory and generalize by counting only faces, for which the k nearest points in X are within a given distance threshold

    IST Austria Thesis

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    In this thesis we study persistence of multi-covers of Euclidean balls and the geometric structures underlying their computation, in particular Delaunay mosaics and Voronoi tessellations. The k-fold cover for some discrete input point set consists of the space where at least k balls of radius r around the input points overlap. Persistence is a notion that captures, in some sense, the topology of the shape underlying the input. While persistence is usually computed for the union of balls, the k-fold cover is of interest as it captures local density, and thus might approximate the shape of the input better if the input data is noisy. To compute persistence of these k-fold covers, we need a discretization that is provided by higher-order Delaunay mosaics. We present and implement a simple and efficient algorithm for the computation of higher-order Delaunay mosaics, and use it to give experimental results for their combinatorial properties. The algorithm makes use of a new geometric structure, the rhomboid tiling. It contains the higher-order Delaunay mosaics as slices, and by introducing a filtration function on the tiling, we also obtain higher-order α-shapes as slices. These allow us to compute persistence of the multi-covers for varying radius r; the computation for varying k is less straight-foward and involves the rhomboid tiling directly. We apply our algorithms to experimental sphere packings to shed light on their structural properties. Finally, inspired by periodic structures in packings and materials, we propose and implement an algorithm for periodic Delaunay triangulations to be integrated into the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL), and discuss the implications on persistence for periodic data sets

    IST Austria Thesis

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    The main objects considered in the present work are simplicial and CW-complexes with vertices forming a random point cloud. In particular, we consider a Poisson point process in R^n and study Delaunay and Voronoi complexes of the first and higher orders and weighted Delaunay complexes obtained as sections of Delaunay complexes, as well as the ÄŚech complex. Further, we examine theDelaunay complex of a Poisson point process on the sphere S^n, as well as of a uniform point cloud, which is equivalent to the convex hull, providing a connection to the theory of random polytopes. Each of the complexes in question can be endowed with a radius function, which maps its cells to the radii of appropriately chosen circumspheres, called the radius of the cell. Applying and developing discrete Morse theory for these functions, joining it together with probabilistic and sometimes analytic machinery, and developing several integral geometric tools, we aim at getting the distributions of circumradii of typical cells. For all considered complexes, we are able to generalize and obtain up to constants the distribution of radii of typical intervals of all types. In low dimensions the constants can be computed explicitly, thus providing the explicit expressions for the expected numbers of cells. In particular, it allows to find the expected density of simplices of every dimension for a Poisson point process in R^4, whereas the result for R^3 was known already in 1970's

    Abel Symposia

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    Discrete Morse theory has recently lead to new developments in the theory of random geometric complexes. This article surveys the methods and results obtained with this new approach, and discusses some of its shortcomings. It uses simulations to illustrate the results and to form conjectures, getting numerical estimates for combinatorial, topological, and geometric properties of weighted and unweighted Delaunay mosaics, their dual Voronoi tessellations, and the Alpha and Wrap complexes contained in the mosaics