12 research outputs found

    RoMA: a Method for Neural Network Robustness Measurement and Assessment

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    Neural network models have become the leading solution for a large variety of tasks, such as classification, language processing, protein folding, and others. However, their reliability is heavily plagued by adversarial inputs: small input perturbations that cause the model to produce erroneous outputs. Adversarial inputs can occur naturally when the system's environment behaves randomly, even in the absence of a malicious adversary, and are a severe cause for concern when attempting to deploy neural networks within critical systems. In this paper, we present a new statistical method, called Robustness Measurement and Assessment (RoMA), which can measure the expected robustness of a neural network model. Specifically, RoMA determines the probability that a random input perturbation might cause misclassification. The method allows us to provide formal guarantees regarding the expected frequency of errors that a trained model will encounter after deployment. Our approach can be applied to large-scale, black-box neural networks, which is a significant advantage compared to recently proposed verification methods. We apply our approach in two ways: comparing the robustness of different models, and measuring how a model's robustness is affected by the magnitude of input perturbation. One interesting insight obtained through this work is that, in a classification network, different output labels can exhibit very different robustness levels. We term this phenomenon categorial robustness. Our ability to perform risk and robustness assessments on a categorial basis opens the door to risk mitigation, which may prove to be a significant step towards neural network certification in safety-critical applications

    Statistical Guarantees for the Robustness of Bayesian Neural Networks

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    We introduce a probabilistic robustness measure for Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs), defined as the probability that, given a test point, there exists a point within a bounded set such that the BNN prediction differs between the two. Such a measure can be used, for instance, to quantify the probability of the existence of adversarial examples. Building on statistical verification techniques for probabilistic models, we develop a framework that allows us to estimate probabilistic robustness for a BNN with statistical guarantees, i.e., with a priori error and confidence bounds. We provide experimental comparison for several approximate BNN inference techniques on image classification tasks associated to MNIST and a two-class subset of the GTSRB dataset. Our results enable quantification of uncertainty of BNN predictions in adversarial settings.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Data-Driven Assessment of Deep Neural Networks with Random Input Uncertainty

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    When using deep neural networks to operate safety-critical systems, assessing the sensitivity of the network outputs when subject to uncertain inputs is of paramount importance. Such assessment is commonly done using reachability analysis or robustness certification. However, certification techniques typically ignore localization information, while reachable set methods can fail to issue robustness guarantees. Furthermore, many advanced methods are either computationally intractable in practice or restricted to very specific models. In this paper, we develop a data-driven optimization-based method capable of simultaneously certifying the safety of network outputs and localizing them. The proposed method provides a unified assessment framework, as it subsumes state-of-the-art reachability analysis and robustness certification. The method applies to deep neural networks of all sizes and structures, and to random input uncertainty with a general distribution. We develop sufficient conditions for the convexity of the underlying optimization, and for the number of data samples to certify and localize the outputs with overwhelming probability. We experimentally demonstrate the efficacy and tractability of the method on a deep ReLU network

    Probabilistic Safety for Bayesian Neural Networks

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    We study probabilistic safety for Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs) under adversarial input perturbations. Given a compact set of input points, T⊆RmT \subseteq \mathbb{R}^m, we study the probability w.r.t. the BNN posterior that all the points in TT are mapped to the same region SS in the output space. In particular, this can be used to evaluate the probability that a network sampled from the BNN is vulnerable to adversarial attacks. We rely on relaxation techniques from non-convex optimization to develop a method for computing a lower bound on probabilistic safety for BNNs, deriving explicit procedures for the case of interval and linear function propagation techniques. We apply our methods to BNNs trained on a regression task, airborne collision avoidance, and MNIST, empirically showing that our approach allows one to certify probabilistic safety of BNNs with millions of parameters.Comment: UAI 2020; 13 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl