2 research outputs found

    Binary reachability of timed-register pushdown automata and branching vector addition systems

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    Timed-register pushdown automata constitute a very expressive class of automata, whose transitions may involve state, input, and top-of-stack timed registers with unbounded differences. They strictly subsume pushdown timed automata of Bouajjani et al., dense-timed pushdown automata of Abdulla et al., and orbit-finite timed-register pushdown automata of Clemente and Lasota. We give an effective logical characterisation of the reachability relation of timed-register pushdown automata. As a corollary, we obtain a doubly exponential time procedure for the non-emptiness problem. We show that the complexity reduces to singly exponential under the assumption of monotonic time. The proofs involve a novel model of one-dimensional integer branching vector addition systems with states. As a result interesting on its own, we show that reachability sets of the latter model are semilinear and computable in exponential time

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