1 research outputs found

    Verification and Validation of High Integrity Software Generated by Automatic Code Generators

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    In this paper, we present a comprehensive methodology for validating automatically generated software. The process consists of developing a fault-e#ect dependency model for the software, design of input stimuli to make the bugs manifest, design of tests to detect the incompatibilities from the intended behavior, and identifying the faulty code segment. A key feature of the methodology is the application of functional dependency modeling concepts, that are proven to be robust in the testability analysis and fault diagnosis of large complex hardware systems, to software veri- #cation and validation. 1 Introduction The rapid advances in information technology have made software an indispensable element of daily life. The pervasiveness and increased complexity of software systems require that the software be produced e#ciently and that its integrity and securitybeof the highest quality. Increasingly many systems and controllers are being implemented with the code generated by automatic ..