6 research outputs found

    Verifiable Set Operations over Outsourced Databases

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    We study the problem of verifiable delegation of computation over outsourced data, whereby a powerful worker maintains a large data structure for a weak client in a verifiable way. Compared to the well-studied problem of verifiable computation, this setting imposes additional difficulties since the verifier needs to verify consistency of updates succinctly and without maintaining large state. In particular,existing general solutions are far from practical in this setting. We present a scheme for verifiable evaluation of hierarchical set operations (unions, intersections and set-differences) applied to a collection of dynamically changing sets of elements from a given domain. That is, we consider two types of queries issued by the client: updates (insertions and deletions) and data queries, which consist of ``circuits\u27\u27 of unions, intersections, and set-differences on the current collection of sets. This type of queries comes up in database queries, keyword search and numerous other applications, and indeed our scheme can be effectively used in such scenarios. The verification cost incurred is proportional only to the size of the final outcome set and to the size of the query, and is independent of the cardinalities of the involved sets. The cost of updates is optimal (O(1)O(1) modular operations per update). Our construction extends that of [Papamanthou et al., Crypto 2011] and relies on a modified version of the \emph{extractable collision-resistant hash function} (ECRH) construction, introduced in [Bitansky et al., ITCS 2012] that can be used to succinctly hash univariate polynomials

    Verifiable Delegated Set Intersection Operations on Outsourced Encrypted Data

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    We initiate the study of the following problem: Suppose Alice and Bob would like to outsource their encrypted private data sets to the cloud, and they also want to conduct the set intersection operation on their plaintext data sets. The straightforward solution for them is to download their outsourced ciphertexts, decrypt the ciphertexts locally, and then execute a commodity two-party set intersection protocol. Unfortunately, this solution is not practical. We therefore motivate and introduce the novel notion of {\em Verifiable Delegated Set Intersection on outsourced encrypted data} (VDSI). The basic idea is to delegate the set intersection operation to the cloud, while (i) not giving the decryption capability to the cloud, and (ii) being able to hold the misbehaving cloud accountable. We formalize security properties of VDSI and present a construction. In our solution, the computational and communication costs on the users are linear to the size of the intersection set, meaning that the efficiency is optimal up to a constant factor

    Batching, Aggregation, and Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Bilinear Accumulators

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    An accumulator is a cryptographic primitive that allows a prover to succinctly commit to a set of values while being able to provide proofs of (non-)membership. A batch proof is an accumulator proof that can be used to prove (non-)membership of multiple values simultaneously. In this work, we present a zero-knowledge batch proof with constant proof size and constant verification in the Bilinear Pairings (BP) setting. Our scheme is 16x to 42x faster than state-of-the-art SNARK-based zero-knowledge batch proofs in the RSA setting. Additionally, we propose protocols that allow a prover to aggregate multiple individual non-membership proofs, in the BP setting, into a single batch proof of constant size. Our construction for aggregation satisfies a strong soundness definition - one where the accumulator value can be chosen arbitrarily. We evaluate our techniques and systematically compare them with RSA-based alternatives. Our evaluation results showcase several scenarios for which BP accumulators are clearly preferable and can serve as a guideline when choosing between the two types of accumulators

    vSQL: Verifying Arbitrary SQL Queries over Dynamic Outsourced Databases

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    Cloud database systems such as Amazon RDS or Google Cloud SQL enable the outsourcing of a large database to a server who then responds to SQL queries. A natural problem here is to efficiently verify the correctness of responses returned by the (untrusted) server. In this paper we present vSQL, a novel cryptographic protocol for publicly verifiable SQL queries on dynamic databases. At a high level, our construction relies on two extensions of the CMT interactive-proof protocol [Cormode et al., 2012]: (i) supporting outsourced input via the use of a polynomial-delegation protocol with succinct proofs, and (ii) supporting auxiliary input (i.e., non-deterministic computation) efficiently. Compared to previous verifiable-computation systems based on interactive proofs, our construction has verification cost polylogarithmic in the auxiliary input (which for SQL queries can be as large as the database) rather than linear. In order to evaluate the performance and expressiveness of our scheme, we tested it on SQL queries based on the TPC-H benchmark on a database with 6×1066 \times 10^6 rows and 1313 columns. The server overhead in our scheme (which is typically the main bottleneck) is up to 120×120\times lower than previous approaches based on succinct arguments of knowledge (SNARKs), and moreover we avoid the need for query-dependent pre-processing which is required by optimized SNARK-based schemes. In our construction, the server/client time and the communication cost are comparable to, and sometimes smaller than, those of existing customized solutions which only support specific queries

    A q-SDH-based Graph Signature Scheme on Full-Domain Messages with Efficient Protocols

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    A graph signature scheme is a digital signature scheme that allows a recipient to obtain a signature on a graph and subsequently prove properties thereof in zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge. While known to be expressive enough to encode statements from NP languages, one main use of graph signatures is in topology certification and confidentiality-preserving security assurance. In this paper, we present an efficient and provably secure graph signature scheme in the standard model with tight reduction. Based on the MoniPoly attribute-based credential system, this new graph signature scheme offers zero-knowledge proofs of possession of the signature itself as well as confidentiality-preserving show proofs on logical statements such as the existence of vertices, graph connectivity or isolation