3 research outputs found

    Provably safe cruise control of vehicular platoons

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    We synthesize performance-aware safe cruise control policies for longitudinal motion of platoons of autonomous vehicles. Using set-invariance theories, we guarantee infinite-time collision avoidance in the presence of bounded additive disturbances, while ensuring that the length and the cruise speed of the platoon are bounded within specified ranges. We propose: 1) a centralized control policy and 2) a distributed control policy, where each vehicle's control decision depends solely on its relative kinematics with respect to the platoon leader. Numerical examples are included.NSF; CPS-1446151; CMMI-1400167; FA 9550-15-1-0186 - AFOSR; Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Fellowship; FA 9550-15-1-0186 - AFOSR; NSF; ECCS-1550016; CNS 123922

    A Generalized Distributed Analysis and Control Synthesis Approach for Networked Systems with Arbitrary Interconnections

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    We consider the problem of distributed analysis and control synthesis to verify and ensure properties like stability and dissipativity of a large-scale networked system comprised of linear subsystems interconnected in an arbitrary topology. In particular, we design systematic networked system analysis and control synthesis processes that can be executed in a distributed manner at the subsystem level with minimal information sharing among the subsystems. Compared to a recent work on the same topic, we consider a substantially more generalized problem setup and develop distributed processes to verify and ensure a broader range of networked system properties. We also show that optimizing subsystems' indexing scheme used in such distributed processes can substantially reduce the required information-sharing sessions between subsystems. Moreover, the proposed networked system analysis and control synthesis processes are compositional and thus allow them to conveniently and efficiently handle situations where new subsystems are being added to an existing network. We also provide significant insights into our approach so that it can be quickly adopted to verify and ensure properties beyond the stability and dissipativity of networked systems. Finally, we provide several simulation results to demonstrate the proposed distributed analysis and control synthesis processes.Comment: To be presented in the 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Athens, Greece 202

    Strong civil-society as a double-edged sword: Sitting trailers in post-Katrina

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    Submission procedures: Weatherhead Center affiliates are encouraged to submit papers to the Working Paper Series. Manuscripts are assessed on the basis of their scholarly qualities-the extent of original research, the rigor of the analysis, the significance of the conclusions-as well as their relevance to contemporary issues in international affairs. Manuscripts should range between 25 and 80 double-spaced pages and must include an abstract of no more than 150 words. Authors should submit their paper as an e-mail attachment in a standard word processing application (Microsoft Word or Word Perfect) to the Publications Department at [email protected]. where a number of communities and individuals expressed their opposition to hosting such trailer sites both publicly and privately. We analyze the final list of city-approved sites to track which factors were correlated with larger (or smaller) numbers of trailers and trailer sites per zip code bloc. Our data show that areas which displayed greater levels of social capital, as evidenced by voluntaristic activities such as turning out to vote, were slated for fewer trailers, controlling for race, income, flood damage, area, population density, and other relevant factors. Despite theories uncritically connecting denser social capital with more rapid rebuilding, areas of strong civil society weakened the city's ability to recover quickly by forcing it to invest more effort in locating amenable sites for temporary housing