8,278 research outputs found

    Segmentation and Restoration of Images on Surfaces by Parametric Active Contours with Topology Changes

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    In this article, a new method for segmentation and restoration of images on two-dimensional surfaces is given. Active contour models for image segmentation are extended to images on surfaces. The evolving curves on the surfaces are mathematically described using a parametric approach. For image restoration, a diffusion equation with Neumann boundary conditions is solved in a postprocessing step in the individual regions. Numerical schemes are presented which allow to efficiently compute segmentations and denoised versions of images on surfaces. Also topology changes of the evolving curves are detected and performed using a fast sub-routine. Finally, several experiments are presented where the developed methods are applied on different artificial and real images defined on different surfaces

    Contour evolution scheme for variational image segmentation and smoothing

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    An algorithm, based on the Mumford–Shah (M–S) functional, for image contour segmentation and object smoothing in the presence of noise is proposed. However, in the proposed algorithm, contour length minimisation is not required and it is demonstrated that the M–S functional without contour length minimisation becomes an edge detector. Optimisation of this nonlinear functional is based on the method of calculus of variations, which is implemented by using the level set method. Fourier and Legendre’s series are also employed to improve the segmentation performance of the proposed algorithm. The segmentation results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach for images with low signal-to-noise ratios

    Image Segmentation with Eigenfunctions of an Anisotropic Diffusion Operator

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    We propose the eigenvalue problem of an anisotropic diffusion operator for image segmentation. The diffusion matrix is defined based on the input image. The eigenfunctions and the projection of the input image in some eigenspace capture key features of the input image. An important property of the model is that for many input images, the first few eigenfunctions are close to being piecewise constant, which makes them useful as the basis for a variety of applications such as image segmentation and edge detection. The eigenvalue problem is shown to be related to the algebraic eigenvalue problems resulting from several commonly used discrete spectral clustering models. The relation provides a better understanding and helps developing more efficient numerical implementation and rigorous numerical analysis for discrete spectral segmentation methods. The new continuous model is also different from energy-minimization methods such as geodesic active contour in that no initial guess is required for in the current model. The multi-scale feature is a natural consequence of the anisotropic diffusion operator so there is no need to solve the eigenvalue problem at multiple levels. A numerical implementation based on a finite element method with an anisotropic mesh adaptation strategy is presented. It is shown that the numerical scheme gives much more accurate results on eigenfunctions than uniform meshes. Several interesting features of the model are examined in numerical examples and possible applications are discussed

    The Lov\'asz-Softmax loss: A tractable surrogate for the optimization of the intersection-over-union measure in neural networks

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    The Jaccard index, also referred to as the intersection-over-union score, is commonly employed in the evaluation of image segmentation results given its perceptual qualities, scale invariance - which lends appropriate relevance to small objects, and appropriate counting of false negatives, in comparison to per-pixel losses. We present a method for direct optimization of the mean intersection-over-union loss in neural networks, in the context of semantic image segmentation, based on the convex Lov\'asz extension of submodular losses. The loss is shown to perform better with respect to the Jaccard index measure than the traditionally used cross-entropy loss. We show quantitative and qualitative differences between optimizing the Jaccard index per image versus optimizing the Jaccard index taken over an entire dataset. We evaluate the impact of our method in a semantic segmentation pipeline and show substantially improved intersection-over-union segmentation scores on the Pascal VOC and Cityscapes datasets using state-of-the-art deep learning segmentation architectures.Comment: Accepted as a conference paper at CVPR 201

    Geometrical-based algorithm for variational segmentation and smoothing of vector-valued images

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    An optimisation method based on a nonlinear functional is considered for segmentation and smoothing of vector-valued images. An edge-based approach is proposed to initially segment the image using geometrical properties such as metric tensor of the linearly smoothed image. The nonlinear functional is then minimised for each segmented region to yield the smoothed image. The functional is characterised with a unique solution in contrast with the Mumford–Shah functional for vector-valued images. An operator for edge detection is introduced as a result of this unique solution. This operator is analytically calculated and its detection performance and localisation are then compared with those of the DroGoperator. The implementations are applied on colour images as examples of vector-valued images, and the results demonstrate robust performance in noisy environments

    Tomography: mathematical aspects and applications

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    In this article we present a review of the Radon transform and the instability of the tomographic reconstruction process. We show some new mathematical results in tomography obtained by a variational formulation of the reconstruction problem based on the minimization of a Mumford-Shah type functional. Finally, we exhibit a physical interpretation of this new technique and discuss some possible generalizations.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Variational Image Segmentation Model Coupled with Image Restoration Achievements

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    Image segmentation and image restoration are two important topics in image processing with great achievements. In this paper, we propose a new multiphase segmentation model by combining image restoration and image segmentation models. Utilizing image restoration aspects, the proposed segmentation model can effectively and robustly tackle high noisy images, blurry images, images with missing pixels, and vector-valued images. In particular, one of the most important segmentation models, the piecewise constant Mumford-Shah model, can be extended easily in this way to segment gray and vector-valued images corrupted for example by noise, blur or missing pixels after coupling a new data fidelity term which comes from image restoration topics. It can be solved efficiently using the alternating minimization algorithm, and we prove the convergence of this algorithm with three variables under mild condition. Experiments on many synthetic and real-world images demonstrate that our method gives better segmentation results in comparison to others state-of-the-art segmentation models especially for blurry images and images with missing pixels values.Comment: 23 page

    Colour image segmentation by the vector-valued Allen-Cahn phase-field model: a multigrid solution

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    We propose a new method for the numerical solution of a PDE-driven model for colour image segmentation and give numerical examples of the results. The method combines the vector-valued Allen-Cahn phase field equation with initial data fitting terms. This method is known to be closely related to the Mumford-Shah problem and the level set segmentation by Chan and Vese. Our numerical solution is performed using a multigrid splitting of a finite element space, thereby producing an efficient and robust method for the segmentation of large images.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Graph Spectral Image Processing

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    Recent advent of graph signal processing (GSP) has spurred intensive studies of signals that live naturally on irregular data kernels described by graphs (e.g., social networks, wireless sensor networks). Though a digital image contains pixels that reside on a regularly sampled 2D grid, if one can design an appropriate underlying graph connecting pixels with weights that reflect the image structure, then one can interpret the image (or image patch) as a signal on a graph, and apply GSP tools for processing and analysis of the signal in graph spectral domain. In this article, we overview recent graph spectral techniques in GSP specifically for image / video processing. The topics covered include image compression, image restoration, image filtering and image segmentation
