2 research outputs found

    A New Denoising System for SONAR Images

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    Variational multi-wavelet restoration of noisy images

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    This paper presents a new technique for noise removal in images. It benets both from the recent advances in wavelet-based and variational denoising. Whereas wavelet-based analysis tends to strongly depend on the selected wavelet basis, we propose to combine and fuse several mono-wavelet analysis within a variational framework. The associated en-ergy function involves M-estimator in order to guarantee the robustness to outliers and to preserve image structures (edges, ridges,...). An experimental evaluation for a Gaus-sian additive noise validates the proposed approach and an application to speckle removal in sonar sea-bed images high-lights the interest of this approach for real images. 1. PROBLEM STATEMENT AND RELATED WORK Noise removal in images is a common issue for a wide rang