13 research outputs found

    Variational Bayes model averaging for graphon functions and motif frequencies inference in W-graph models

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    W-graph refers to a general class of random graph models that can be seen as a random graph limit. It is characterized by both its graphon function and its motif frequencies. In this paper, relying on an existing variational Bayes algorithm for the stochastic block models along with the corresponding weights for model averaging, we derive an estimate of the graphon function as an average of stochastic block models with increasing number of blocks. In the same framework, we derive the variational posterior frequency of any motif. A simulation study and an illustration on a social network complete our work

    On sparsity, power-law and clustering properties of graphex processes

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    This paper investigates properties of the class of graphs based on exchangeable point processes. We provide asymptotic expressions for the number of edges, number of nodes and degree distributions, identifying four regimes: (i) a dense regime, (ii) a sparse almost dense regime, (iii) a sparse regime with power-law behaviour, and (iv) an almost extremely sparse regime. We show that under mild assumptions, both the global and local clustering coefficients converge to constants which may or may not be the same. We also derive a central limit theorem for the number of nodes. Finally, we propose a class of models within this framework where one can separately control the latent structure and the global sparsity/power-law properties of the graph

    Degree-based goodness-of-fit tests for heterogeneous random graph models : independent and exchangeable cases

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    The degrees are a classical and relevant way to study the topology of a network. They can be used to assess the goodness-of-fit for a given random graph model. In this paper we introduce goodness-of-fit tests for two classes of models. First, we consider the case of independent graph models such as the heterogeneous Erd\"os-R\'enyi model in which the edges have different connection probabilities. Second, we consider a generic model for exchangeable random graphs called the W-graph. The stochastic block model and the expected degree distribution model fall within this framework. We prove the asymptotic normality of the degree mean square under these independent and exchangeable models and derive formal tests. We study the power of the proposed tests and we prove the asymptotic normality under specific sparsity regimes. The tests are illustrated on real networks from social sciences and ecology, and their performances are assessed via a simulation study

    Estimation of subgraph density in noisy networks

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    While it is common practice in applied network analysis to report various standard network summary statistics, these numbers are rarely accompanied by uncertainty quantification. Yet any error inherent in the measurements underlying the construction of the network, or in the network construction procedure itself, necessarily must propagate to any summary statistics reported. Here we study the problem of estimating the density of an arbitrary subgraph, given a noisy version of some underlying network as data. Under a simple model of network error, we show that consistent estimation of such densities is impossible when the rates of error are unknown and only a single network is observed. Accordingly, we develop method-of-moment estimators of network subgraph densities and error rates for the case where a minimal number of network replicates are available. These estimators are shown to be asymptotically normal as the number of vertices increases to infinity. We also provide confidence intervals for quantifying the uncertainty in these estimates based on the asymptotic normality. To construct the confidence intervals, a new and non-standard bootstrap method is proposed to compute asymptotic variances, which is infeasible otherwise. We illustrate the proposed methods in the context of gene coexpression networks

    Centrality measures for graphons: Accounting for uncertainty in networks

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    As relational datasets modeled as graphs keep increasing in size and their data-acquisition is permeated by uncertainty, graph-based analysis techniques can become computationally and conceptually challenging. In particular, node centrality measures rely on the assumption that the graph is perfectly known -- a premise not necessarily fulfilled for large, uncertain networks. Accordingly, centrality measures may fail to faithfully extract the importance of nodes in the presence of uncertainty. To mitigate these problems, we suggest a statistical approach based on graphon theory: we introduce formal definitions of centrality measures for graphons and establish their connections to classical graph centrality measures. A key advantage of this approach is that centrality measures defined at the modeling level of graphons are inherently robust to stochastic variations of specific graph realizations. Using the theory of linear integral operators, we define degree, eigenvector, Katz and PageRank centrality functions for graphons and establish concentration inequalities demonstrating that graphon centrality functions arise naturally as limits of their counterparts defined on sequences of graphs of increasing size. The same concentration inequalities also provide high-probability bounds between the graphon centrality functions and the centrality measures on any sampled graph, thereby establishing a measure of uncertainty of the measured centrality score. The same concentration inequalities also provide high-probability bounds between the graphon centrality functions and the centrality measures on any sampled graph, thereby establishing a measure of uncertainty of the measured centrality score.Comment: Authors ordered alphabetically, all authors contributed equally. 21 pages, 7 figure