3 research outputs found

    Variance function estimation in high-dimensions

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    We consider the high-dimensional heteroscedastic regression model, where the mean and the log variance are modeled as a linear combination of input variables. Existing literature on high-dimensional linear regres- sion models has largely ignored non-constant error variances, even though they commonly occur in a variety of applications ranging from biostatis- tics to finance. In this paper we study a class of non-convex penalized pseudolikelihood estimators for both the mean and variance parameters. We show that the Heteroscedastic Iterative Penalized Pseudolikelihood Optimizer (HIPPO) achieves the oracle property, that is, we prove that the rates of convergence are the same as if the true model was known. We demonstrate numerical properties of the procedure on a simulation study and real world data.Comment: Appearing in Proceedings of the 29 th International Conference on Machine Learning, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 201

    From sparse to dense functional data in high dimensions: Revisiting phase transitions from a non-asymptotic perspective

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    Nonparametric estimation of the mean and covariance functions is ubiquitous in functional data analysis and local linear smoothing techniques are most frequently used. Zhang and Wang (2016) explored different types of asymptotic properties of the estimation, which reveal interesting phase transition phenomena based on the relative order of the average sampling frequency per subject TT to the number of subjects nn, partitioning the data into three categories: ``sparse'', ``semi-dense'' and ``ultra-dense''. In an increasingly available high-dimensional scenario, where the number of functional variables pp is large in relation to nn, we revisit this open problem from a non-asymptotic perspective by deriving comprehensive concentration inequalities for the local linear smoothers. Besides being of interest by themselves, our non-asymptotic results lead to elementwise maximum rates of L2L_2 convergence and uniform convergence serving as a fundamentally important tool for further convergence analysis when pp grows exponentially with nn and possibly TT. With the presence of extra logp\log p terms to account for the high-dimensional effect, we then investigate the scaled phase transitions and the corresponding elementwise maximum rates from sparse to semi-dense to ultra-dense functional data in high dimensions. Finally, numerical studies are carried out to confirm our established theoretical properties