17 research outputs found

    Policy Gradients for CVaR-Constrained MDPs

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    We study a risk-constrained version of the stochastic shortest path (SSP) problem, where the risk measure considered is Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR). We propose two algorithms that obtain a locally risk-optimal policy by employing four tools: stochastic approximation, mini batches, policy gradients and importance sampling. Both the algorithms incorporate a CVaR estimation procedure, along the lines of Bardou et al. [2009], which in turn is based on Rockafellar-Uryasev's representation for CVaR and utilize the likelihood ratio principle for estimating the gradient of the sum of one cost function (objective of the SSP) and the gradient of the CVaR of the sum of another cost function (in the constraint of SSP). The algorithms differ in the manner in which they approximate the CVaR estimates/necessary gradients - the first algorithm uses stochastic approximation, while the second employ mini-batches in the spirit of Monte Carlo methods. We establish asymptotic convergence of both the algorithms. Further, since estimating CVaR is related to rare-event simulation, we incorporate an importance sampling based variance reduction scheme into our proposed algorithms

    State Augmented Constrained Reinforcement Learning: Overcoming the Limitations of Learning with Rewards

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    Constrained reinforcement learning involves multiple rewards that must individually accumulate to given thresholds. In this class of problems, we show a simple example in which the desired optimal policy cannot be induced by any linear combination of rewards. Hence, there exist constrained reinforcement learning problems for which neither regularized nor classical primal-dual methods yield optimal policies. This work addresses this shortcoming by augmenting the state with Lagrange multipliers and reinterpreting primal-dual methods as the portion of the dynamics that drives the multipliers evolution. This approach provides a systematic state augmentation procedure that is guaranteed to solve reinforcement learning problems with constraints. Thus, while primal-dual methods can fail at finding optimal policies, running the dual dynamics while executing the augmented policy yields an algorithm that provably samples actions from the optimal policy