24,462 research outputs found

    Efficiently Extracting Randomness from Imperfect Stochastic Processes

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    We study the problem of extracting a prescribed number of random bits by reading the smallest possible number of symbols from non-ideal stochastic processes. The related interval algorithm proposed by Han and Hoshi has asymptotically optimal performance; however, it assumes that the distribution of the input stochastic process is known. The motivation for our work is the fact that, in practice, sources of randomness have inherent correlations and are affected by measurement's noise. Namely, it is hard to obtain an accurate estimation of the distribution. This challenge was addressed by the concepts of seeded and seedless extractors that can handle general random sources with unknown distributions. However, known seeded and seedless extractors provide extraction efficiencies that are substantially smaller than Shannon's entropy limit. Our main contribution is the design of extractors that have a variable input-length and a fixed output length, are efficient in the consumption of symbols from the source, are capable of generating random bits from general stochastic processes and approach the information theoretic upper bound on efficiency.Comment: 2 columns, 16 page

    Universal lossless source coding with the Burrows Wheeler transform

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    The Burrows Wheeler transform (1994) is a reversible sequence transformation used in a variety of practical lossless source-coding algorithms. In each, the BWT is followed by a lossless source code that attempts to exploit the natural ordering of the BWT coefficients. BWT-based compression schemes are widely touted as low-complexity algorithms giving lossless coding rates better than those of the Ziv-Lempel codes (commonly known as LZ'77 and LZ'78) and almost as good as those achieved by prediction by partial matching (PPM) algorithms. To date, the coding performance claims have been made primarily on the basis of experimental results. This work gives a theoretical evaluation of BWT-based coding. The main results of this theoretical evaluation include: (1) statistical characterizations of the BWT output on both finite strings and sequences of length n → ∞, (2) a variety of very simple new techniques for BWT-based lossless source coding, and (3) proofs of the universality and bounds on the rates of convergence of both new and existing BWT-based codes for finite-memory and stationary ergodic sources. The end result is a theoretical justification and validation of the experimentally derived conclusions: BWT-based lossless source codes achieve universal lossless coding performance that converges to the optimal coding performance more quickly than the rate of convergence observed in Ziv-Lempel style codes and, for some BWT-based codes, within a constant factor of the optimal rate of convergence for finite-memory source

    Compression-Based Compressed Sensing

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    Modern compression algorithms exploit complex structures that are present in signals to describe them very efficiently. On the other hand, the field of compressed sensing is built upon the observation that "structured" signals can be recovered from their under-determined set of linear projections. Currently, there is a large gap between the complexity of the structures studied in the area of compressed sensing and those employed by the state-of-the-art compression codes. Recent results in the literature on deterministic signals aim at bridging this gap through devising compressed sensing decoders that employ compression codes. This paper focuses on structured stochastic processes and studies the application of rate-distortion codes to compressed sensing of such signals. The performance of the formerly-proposed compressible signal pursuit (CSP) algorithm is studied in this stochastic setting. It is proved that in the very low distortion regime, as the blocklength grows to infinity, the CSP algorithm reliably and robustly recovers nn instances of a stationary process from random linear projections as long as their count is slightly more than nn times the rate-distortion dimension (RDD) of the source. It is also shown that under some regularity conditions, the RDD of a stationary process is equal to its information dimension (ID). This connection establishes the optimality of the CSP algorithm at least for memoryless stationary sources, for which the fundamental limits are known. Finally, it is shown that the CSP algorithm combined by a family of universal variable-length fixed-distortion compression codes yields a family of universal compressed sensing recovery algorithms

    Network vector quantization

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    We present an algorithm for designing locally optimal vector quantizers for general networks. We discuss the algorithm's implementation and compare the performance of the resulting "network vector quantizers" to traditional vector quantizers (VQs) and to rate-distortion (R-D) bounds where available. While some special cases of network codes (e.g., multiresolution (MR) and multiple description (MD) codes) have been studied in the literature, we here present a unifying approach that both includes these existing solutions as special cases and provides solutions to previously unsolved examples