18 research outputs found

    Energy-efficient Amortized Inference with Cascaded Deep Classifiers

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    Deep neural networks have been remarkable successful in various AI tasks but often cast high computation and energy cost for energy-constrained applications such as mobile sensing. We address this problem by proposing a novel framework that optimizes the prediction accuracy and energy cost simultaneously, thus enabling effective cost-accuracy trade-off at test time. In our framework, each data instance is pushed into a cascade of deep neural networks with increasing sizes, and a selection module is used to sequentially determine when a sufficiently accurate classifier can be used for this data instance. The cascade of neural networks and the selection module are jointly trained in an end-to-end fashion by the REINFORCE algorithm to optimize a trade-off between the computational cost and the predictive accuracy. Our method is able to simultaneously improve the accuracy and efficiency by learning to assign easy instances to fast yet sufficiently accurate classifiers to save computation and energy cost, while assigning harder instances to deeper and more powerful classifiers to ensure satisfiable accuracy. With extensive experiments on several image classification datasets using cascaded ResNet classifiers, we demonstrate that our method outperforms the standard well-trained ResNets in accuracy but only requires less than 20% and 50% FLOPs cost on the CIFAR-10/100 datasets and 66% on the ImageNet dataset, respectively

    Learning to Skim Text

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    Recurrent Neural Networks are showing much promise in many sub-areas of natural language processing, ranging from document classification to machine translation to automatic question answering. Despite their promise, many recurrent models have to read the whole text word by word, making it slow to handle long documents. For example, it is difficult to use a recurrent network to read a book and answer questions about it. In this paper, we present an approach of reading text while skipping irrelevant information if needed. The underlying model is a recurrent network that learns how far to jump after reading a few words of the input text. We employ a standard policy gradient method to train the model to make discrete jumping decisions. In our benchmarks on four different tasks, including number prediction, sentiment analysis, news article classification and automatic Q\&A, our proposed model, a modified LSTM with jumping, is up to 6 times faster than the standard sequential LSTM, while maintaining the same or even better accuracy

    Probabilistic Adaptive Computation Time

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    We present a probabilistic model with discrete latent variables that control the computation time in deep learning models such as ResNets and LSTMs. A prior on the latent variables expresses the preference for faster computation. The amount of computation for an input is determined via amortized maximum a posteriori (MAP) inference. MAP inference is performed using a novel stochastic variational optimization method. The recently proposed Adaptive Computation Time mechanism can be seen as an ad-hoc relaxation of this model. We demonstrate training using the general-purpose Concrete relaxation of discrete variables. Evaluation on ResNet shows that our method matches the speed-accuracy trade-off of Adaptive Computation Time, while allowing for evaluation with a simple deterministic procedure that has a lower memory footprint