1 research outputs found

    Value sets of graphs edge-weighted with elements of a finite abelian group

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    Given a graph G = (V,E) of order n and a finite abelian group H = (H,+) of order n, a bijection f of V onto H is called a vertex H-labeling of G. Let g(e) ≡ (f(u)+f(v)) mod H for each edge e = {u,v} in E induce an edge H-labeling of G. Then, the sum Hvalf(G)≡∑e∈Eg(e)modHHval_f(G) ≡ ∑_{e ∈ E} g(e) mod H is called the H-value of G relative to f and the set HvalS(G) of all H-values of G over all possible vertex H-labelings is called the H-value set of G. Theorems determining HvalS(G) for given H and G are obtained