3 research outputs found

    Value Withdrawal Explanation in CSP

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    This work is devoted to constraint solving motivated by the debugging of constraint logic programs a la GNU-Prolog. The paper focuses only on the constraints. In this framework, constraint solving amounts to domain reduction. A computation is formalized by a chaotic iteration. The computed result is described as a closure. This model is well suited to the design of debugging notions and tools, for example failure explanations or error diagnosis. In this paper we detail an application of the model to an explanation of a value withdrawal in a domain. Some other works have already shown the interest of such a notion of explanation not only for failure analysis.Comment: In M. Ducasse (ed), proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Automated Debugging (AADEBUG 2000), August 2000, Munich. cs.SE/001003

    Rigorous design of tracers: an experiment for constraint logic programming

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    In order to design and implement tracers, one must decide what exactly to trace and how to produce this trace. On the one hand, trace designs are too often guided by implementation concerns and are not as useful as they should be. On the other hand, an interesting trace which cannot be produced efficiently, is not very useful either. In this article we propose a methodology which helps to efficiently produce accurate traces. Firstly, design a formal specification of the trace model. Secondly, derive a prototype tracer from this specification. Thirdly, analyze the produced traces. Fourthly, implement an efficient tracer. Lastly, compare the traces of the two tracers. At each step, problems can be found. In that case one has to iterate the process. We have successfully applied the proposed methodology to the design and implementation of a real tracer for constraint logic programming which is able to efficiently generate information required to build interesting graphical views of executions.Comment: In M. Ronsse, K. De Bosschere (eds), proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Automated Debugging (AADEBUG 2003), September 2003, Ghent. cs.SE/030902

    Prototyping CLP(FD) Tracers: a Trace Model and an Experimental Validation Environment

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    Developing and maintaining CLP programs requires visualization and explanation tools. However, existing tools are built in an ad hoc way. Therefore porting tools from one platform to another is very difficult. We have shown in previous work that, from a fine-grained execution trace, a number of interesting views about logic program executions could be generated by trace analysis. In this article, we propose a trace model for constraint solving by narrowing. This trace model is the first one proposed for CLP(FD) and does not pretend to be the ultimate one. We also propose an instrumented meta-interpreter in order to experiment with the model. Furthermore, we show that the proposed trace model contains the necessary information to build known and useful execution views. This work sets the basis for generic execution analysis of CLP(FD) programs.Comment: In A. Kusalik (ed), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Logic Programming Environments (WLPE'01), December 1, 2001, Paphos, Cyprus. cs.PL/011104