137 research outputs found


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    Geoscience data has unique and complex data structures, and its visualization has been challenging due to a lack of effective data models and visual representations to tackle the heterogeneity of geoscience data. In today’s big data era, the needs of visualizing geoscience data become urgent, especially driven by its potential value to human societies, such as environmental disaster prediction, urban growth simulation, and so on. In this thesis, I created a novel geoscience data visualization framework and applied interface automata theory to geoscience data visualization tasks. The framework can support heterogeneous geoscience data and facilitate data operations. The interface automata can generate a series of interactions that can efficiently impress users, which also provides an intuitive method for visualizing and analysis geoscience data. Except clearly guided users to the specific visualization, interface automata can also enhance user experience by eliminating automation surprising, and the maintenance overhead is also reduced. The new framework was applied to INSIGHT, a scientific hydrology visualization and analysis system that was developed by the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NDNR). Compared to the existing INSIGHT solution, the new framework has brought many advantages that do not exist in the existing solution, which proved that the framework is efficient and extendable for visualizing geoscience data. Adviser: Hongfeng Y


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    Geoscience data has unique and complex data structures, and its visualization has been challenging due to a lack of effective data models and visual representations to tackle the heterogeneity of geoscience data. In today’s big data era, the needs of visualizing geoscience data become urgent, especially driven by its potential value to human societies, such as environmental disaster prediction, urban growth simulation, and so on. In this thesis, I created a novel geoscience data visualization framework and applied interface automata theory to geoscience data visualization tasks. The framework can support heterogeneous geoscience data and facilitate data operations. The interface automata can generate a series of interactions that can efficiently impress users, which also provides an intuitive method for visualizing and analysis geoscience data. Except clearly guided users to the specific visualization, interface automata can also enhance user experience by eliminating automation surprising, and the maintenance overhead is also reduced. The new framework was applied to INSIGHT, a scientific hydrology visualization and analysis system that was developed by the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NDNR). Compared to the existing INSIGHT solution, the new framework has brought many advantages that do not exist in the existing solution, which proved that the framework is efficient and extendable for visualizing geoscience data. Adviser: Hongfeng Y

    Visual Analytics Methods for Exploring Geographically Networked Phenomena

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    abstract: The connections between different entities define different kinds of networks, and many such networked phenomena are influenced by their underlying geographical relationships. By integrating network and geospatial analysis, the goal is to extract information about interaction topologies and the relationships to related geographical constructs. In the recent decades, much work has been done analyzing the dynamics of spatial networks; however, many challenges still remain in this field. First, the development of social media and transportation technologies has greatly reshaped the typologies of communications between different geographical regions. Second, the distance metrics used in spatial analysis should also be enriched with the underlying network information to develop accurate models. Visual analytics provides methods for data exploration, pattern recognition, and knowledge discovery. However, despite the long history of geovisualizations and network visual analytics, little work has been done to develop visual analytics tools that focus specifically on geographically networked phenomena. This thesis develops a variety of visualization methods to present data values and geospatial network relationships, which enables users to interactively explore the data. Users can investigate the connections in both virtual networks and geospatial networks and the underlying geographical context can be used to improve knowledge discovery. The focus of this thesis is on social media analysis and geographical hotspots optimization. A framework is proposed for social network analysis to unveil the links between social media interactions and their underlying networked geospatial phenomena. This will be combined with a novel hotspot approach to improve hotspot identification and boundary detection with the networks extracted from urban infrastructure. Several real world problems have been analyzed using the proposed visual analytics frameworks. The primary studies and experiments show that visual analytics methods can help analysts explore such data from multiple perspectives and help the knowledge discovery process.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Knowledge Discovery in Smart City Digital Twins

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    Despite the abundance of available urban data and the potential for reaching enhanced capabilities in the decision-making and management of city infrastructure, current data-driven approaches to knowledge discovery from city data often lack the capacity for collective data exploitation. Loosely defined data interpretation components, or disciplinary isolated interpretations of specific datasets make it easy to overlook necessary domain expertise, often resulting in speculative decision-making. Smart City Digital Twins are designed to overcome this barrier by integrating a more holistic analytics and visualization approach into the real-time knowledge discovery process from heterogeneous city data. Here, we present a spatiotemporal knowledge discovery framework for the collective exploitation of city data in smart city digital twins that incorporates both social and sensor data, and enables insights from human cognition. This is an initial step towards leveraging heterogeneous city data for digital twin-based decision-making

    Spatial Interaction for Immersive Mixed-Reality Visualizations

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    Growing amounts of data, both in personal and professional settings, have caused an increased interest in data visualization and visual analytics. Especially for inherently three-dimensional data, immersive technologies such as virtual and augmented reality and advanced, natural interaction techniques have been shown to facilitate data analysis. Furthermore, in such use cases, the physical environment often plays an important role, both by directly influencing the data and by serving as context for the analysis. Therefore, there has been a trend to bring data visualization into new, immersive environments and to make use of the physical surroundings, leading to a surge in mixed-reality visualization research. One of the resulting challenges, however, is the design of user interaction for these often complex systems. In my thesis, I address this challenge by investigating interaction for immersive mixed-reality visualizations regarding three core research questions: 1) What are promising types of immersive mixed-reality visualizations, and how can advanced interaction concepts be applied to them? 2) How does spatial interaction benefit these visualizations and how should such interactions be designed? 3) How can spatial interaction in these immersive environments be analyzed and evaluated? To address the first question, I examine how various visualizations such as 3D node-link diagrams and volume visualizations can be adapted for immersive mixed-reality settings and how they stand to benefit from advanced interaction concepts. For the second question, I study how spatial interaction in particular can help to explore data in mixed reality. There, I look into spatial device interaction in comparison to touch input, the use of additional mobile devices as input controllers, and the potential of transparent interaction panels. Finally, to address the third question, I present my research on how user interaction in immersive mixed-reality environments can be analyzed directly in the original, real-world locations, and how this can provide new insights. Overall, with my research, I contribute interaction and visualization concepts, software prototypes, and findings from several user studies on how spatial interaction techniques can support the exploration of immersive mixed-reality visualizations.Zunehmende Datenmengen, sowohl im privaten als auch im beruflichen Umfeld, führen zu einem zunehmenden Interesse an Datenvisualisierung und visueller Analyse. Insbesondere bei inhärent dreidimensionalen Daten haben sich immersive Technologien wie Virtual und Augmented Reality sowie moderne, natürliche Interaktionstechniken als hilfreich für die Datenanalyse erwiesen. Darüber hinaus spielt in solchen Anwendungsfällen die physische Umgebung oft eine wichtige Rolle, da sie sowohl die Daten direkt beeinflusst als auch als Kontext für die Analyse dient. Daher gibt es einen Trend, die Datenvisualisierung in neue, immersive Umgebungen zu bringen und die physische Umgebung zu nutzen, was zu einem Anstieg der Forschung im Bereich Mixed-Reality-Visualisierung geführt hat. Eine der daraus resultierenden Herausforderungen ist jedoch die Gestaltung der Benutzerinteraktion für diese oft komplexen Systeme. In meiner Dissertation beschäftige ich mich mit dieser Herausforderung, indem ich die Interaktion für immersive Mixed-Reality-Visualisierungen im Hinblick auf drei zentrale Forschungsfragen untersuche: 1) Was sind vielversprechende Arten von immersiven Mixed-Reality-Visualisierungen, und wie können fortschrittliche Interaktionskonzepte auf sie angewendet werden? 2) Wie profitieren diese Visualisierungen von räumlicher Interaktion und wie sollten solche Interaktionen gestaltet werden? 3) Wie kann räumliche Interaktion in diesen immersiven Umgebungen analysiert und ausgewertet werden? Um die erste Frage zu beantworten, untersuche ich, wie verschiedene Visualisierungen wie 3D-Node-Link-Diagramme oder Volumenvisualisierungen für immersive Mixed-Reality-Umgebungen angepasst werden können und wie sie von fortgeschrittenen Interaktionskonzepten profitieren. Für die zweite Frage untersuche ich, wie insbesondere die räumliche Interaktion bei der Exploration von Daten in Mixed Reality helfen kann. Dabei betrachte ich die Interaktion mit räumlichen Geräten im Vergleich zur Touch-Eingabe, die Verwendung zusätzlicher mobiler Geräte als Controller und das Potenzial transparenter Interaktionspanels. Um die dritte Frage zu beantworten, stelle ich schließlich meine Forschung darüber vor, wie Benutzerinteraktion in immersiver Mixed-Reality direkt in der realen Umgebung analysiert werden kann und wie dies neue Erkenntnisse liefern kann. Insgesamt trage ich mit meiner Forschung durch Interaktions- und Visualisierungskonzepte, Software-Prototypen und Ergebnisse aus mehreren Nutzerstudien zu der Frage bei, wie räumliche Interaktionstechniken die Erkundung von immersiven Mixed-Reality-Visualisierungen unterstützen können

    Review of innovative immersive technologies for healthcare applications

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    Immersive technologies, including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR), can connect people using enhanced data visualizations to better involve stakeholders as integral members of the process. Immersive technologies have started to change the research on multidimensional genomic data analysis for disease diagnostics and treatments. Immersive technologies are highlighted in some research for health and clinical needs, especially for precision medicine innovation. The use of immersive technology for genomic data analysis has recently received attention from the research community. Genomic data analytics research seeks to integrate immersive technologies to build more natural human-computer interactions that allow better perception engagements. Immersive technologies, especially VR, help humans perceive the digital world as real and give learning output with lower performance errors and higher accuracy. However, there are limited reviews about immersive technologies used in healthcare and genomic data analysis with specific digital health applications. This paper contributes a comprehensive review of using immersive technologies for digital health applications, including patient-centric applications, medical domain education, and data analysis, especially genomic data visual analytics. We highlight the evolution of a visual analysis using VR as a case study for how immersive technologies step, can by step, move into the genomic data analysis domain. The discussion and conclusion summarize the current immersive technology applications’ usability, innovation, and future work in the healthcare domain, and digital health data visual analytics

    Participatory analytics for transport decision-making

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    This thesis investigates the design and evaluation of several software platforms that facilitate participatory outcomes in transport decision-making across operational, local and strategic scales. These platforms act as instruments to explore aspects of the research question: "How can urban dashboards be contextualised, designed & evaluated in a way that is sensitive to the changing role of digital democracy, immersive technologies and the increasingly collaborative nature of planning?". The concept of participatory urban dashboards is introduced, followed by process of participatory analytics. This process involves bringing more people on board with both using the dashboard (e.g., together or collaboratively) and allowing a more general audience of citizens or stakeholders to make sense and validate what is displayed. The research is applied to the city of Sydney, Australia. Sydney is a growing, global city with a wide variety of transport infrastructure ambitions and a strong, open-data ecosystem. Sydney’s transport system underpins the case studies of the operational, local and strategic digital artefacts assessed in this research. Participatory analytics outcomes as a result of interacting with these digital prototypes are evaluated. This will, in turn, help direct research and real-life applications and development of these tools. Further, it aims to build on research gap calling for further understanding of context-specific, user-centric design and evaluation of these participatory analytics tools

    Counting equivalence classes of Boolean functions

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    У овој дисертацији разматран јe проблем израчунавања броја класа еквиваленције Булових функција. Тежина одређивања броја класа еквивален- ције нагло расте са бројем променљивих n. Мотивација за избор ове теме лежи у чињеници да су конкретни бројеви до сада били познати само за релативно мале вредности n, иако је сам проблем теоријски одавно решен...In this dissertation, the problem of calculating the number of equiva- lence classes of Boolean functions is discussed. The difficulty of determining the number of equivalence classes increases sharply with the number of variables n. The motivation for choosing this topic lies in the fact that concrete numbers have been known so far only for relatively small values of n, although the problem itself was theoretically solved a long time ago..

    Cultural Heritage Storytelling, Engagement and Management in the Era of Big Data and the Semantic Web

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    The current Special Issue launched with the aim of further enlightening important CH areas, inviting researchers to submit original/featured multidisciplinary research works related to heritage crowdsourcing, documentation, management, authoring, storytelling, and dissemination. Audience engagement is considered very important at both sites of the CH production–consumption chain (i.e., push and pull ends). At the same time, sustainability factors are placed at the center of the envisioned analysis. A total of eleven (11) contributions were finally published within this Special Issue, enlightening various aspects of contemporary heritage strategies placed in today’s ubiquitous society. The finally published papers are related but not limited to the following multidisciplinary topics:Digital storytelling for cultural heritage;Audience engagement in cultural heritage;Sustainability impact indicators of cultural heritage;Cultural heritage digitization, organization, and management;Collaborative cultural heritage archiving, dissemination, and management;Cultural heritage communication and education for sustainable development;Semantic services of cultural heritage;Big data of cultural heritage;Smart systems for Historical cities – smart cities;Smart systems for cultural heritage sustainability