7 research outputs found

    VAE-based regularization for deep speaker embedding

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    Deep speaker embedding has achieved state-of-the-art performance in speaker recognition. A potential problem of these embedded vectors (called `x-vectors') are not Gaussian, causing performance degradation with the famous PLDA back-end scoring. In this paper, we propose a regularization approach based on Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE). This model transforms x-vectors to a latent space where mapped latent codes are more Gaussian, hence more suitable for PLDA scoring

    Neural Discriminant Analysis for Deep Speaker Embedding

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    Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA) is a popular tool in open-set classification/verification tasks. However, the Gaussian assumption underlying PLDA prevents it from being applied to situations where the data is clearly non-Gaussian. In this paper, we present a novel nonlinear version of PLDA named as Neural Discriminant Analysis (NDA). This model employs an invertible deep neural network to transform a complex distribution to a simple Gaussian, so that the linear Gaussian model can be readily established in the transformed space. We tested this NDA model on a speaker recognition task where the deep speaker vectors (x-vectors) are presumably non-Gaussian. Experimental results on two datasets demonstrate that NDA consistently outperforms PLDA, by handling the non-Gaussian distributions of the x-vectors.Comment: submitted to INTERSPEECH 202

    A Robust Speaker Clustering Method Based on Discrete Tied Variational Autoencoder

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    Recently, the speaker clustering model based on aggregation hierarchy cluster (AHC) is a common method to solve two main problems: no preset category number clustering and fix category number clustering. In general, model takes features like i-vectors as input of probability and linear discriminant analysis model (PLDA) aims to form the distance matric in long voice application scenario, and then clustering results are obtained through the clustering model. However, traditional speaker clustering method based on AHC has the shortcomings of long-time running and remains sensitive to environment noise. In this paper, we propose a novel speaker clustering method based on Mutual Information (MI) and a non-linear model with discrete variable, which under the enlightenment of Tied Variational Autoencoder (TVAE), to enhance the robustness against noise. The proposed method named Discrete Tied Variational Autoencoder (DTVAE) which shortens the elapsed time substantially. With experience results, it outperforms the general model and yields a relative Accuracy (ACC) improvement and significant time reduction.Comment: will be presented in ICASSP 202

    VAE-based Domain Adaptation for Speaker Verification

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    Deep speaker embedding has achieved satisfactory performance in speaker verification. By enforcing the neural model to discriminate the speakers in the training set, deep speaker embedding (called `x-vectors`) can be derived from the hidden layers. Despite its good performance, the present embedding model is highly domain sensitive, which means that it often works well in domains whose acoustic condition matches that of the training data (in-domain), but degrades in mismatched domains (out-of-domain). In this paper, we present a domain adaptation approach based on Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE). This model transforms x-vectors to a regularized latent space; within this latent space, a small amount of data from the target domain is sufficient to accomplish the adaptation. Our experiments demonstrated that by this VAE-adaptation approach, speaker embeddings can be easily transformed to the target domain, leading to noticeable performance improvement

    Mixture factorized auto-encoder for unsupervised hierarchical deep factorization of speech signal

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    Speech signal is constituted and contributed by various informative factors, such as linguistic content and speaker characteristic. There have been notable recent studies attempting to factorize speech signal into these individual factors without requiring any annotation. These studies typically assume continuous representation for linguistic content, which is not in accordance with general linguistic knowledge and may make the extraction of speaker information less successful. This paper proposes the mixture factorized auto-encoder (mFAE) for unsupervised deep factorization. The encoder part of mFAE comprises a frame tokenizer and an utterance embedder. The frame tokenizer models linguistic content of input speech with a discrete categorical distribution. It performs frame clustering by assigning each frame a soft mixture label. The utterance embedder generates an utterance-level vector representation. A frame decoder serves to reconstruct speech features from the encoders'outputs. The mFAE is evaluated on speaker verification (SV) task and unsupervised subword modeling (USM) task. The SV experiments on VoxCeleb 1 show that the utterance embedder is capable of extracting speaker-discriminative embeddings with performance comparable to a x-vector baseline. The USM experiments on ZeroSpeech 2017 dataset verify that the frame tokenizer is able to capture linguistic content and the utterance embedder can acquire speaker-related information

    Masked Proxy Loss For Text-Independent Speaker Verification

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    Open-set speaker recognition can be regarded as a metric learning problem, which is to maximize inter-class variance and minimize intra-class variance. Supervised metric learning can be categorized into entity-based learning and proxy-based learning. Most of the existing metric learning objectives like Contrastive, Triplet, Prototypical, GE2E, etc all belong to the former division, the performance of which is either highly dependent on sample mining strategy or restricted by insufficient label information in the mini-batch. Proxy-based losses mitigate both shortcomings, however, fine-grained connections among entities are either not or indirectly leveraged. This paper proposes a Masked Proxy (MP) loss which directly incorporates both proxy-based relationships and pair-based relationships. We further propose Multinomial Masked Proxy (MMP) loss to leverage the hardness of speaker pairs. These methods have been applied to evaluate on VoxCeleb test set and reach state-of-the-art Equal Error Rate(EER).Comment: Accepted at Interspeech 202

    Deep Normalization for Speaker Vectors

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    Deep speaker embedding has demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in speaker recognition tasks. However, one potential issue with this approach is that the speaker vectors derived from deep embedding models tend to be non-Gaussian for each individual speaker, and non-homogeneous for distributions of different speakers. These irregular distributions can seriously impact speaker recognition performance, especially with the popular PLDA scoring method, which assumes homogeneous Gaussian distribution. In this paper, we argue that deep speaker vectors require deep normalization, and propose a deep normalization approach based on a novel discriminative normalization flow (DNF) model. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach with experiments using the widely used SITW and CNCeleb corpora. In these experiments, the DNF-based normalization delivered substantial performance gains and also showed strong generalization capability in out-of-domain tests