1 research outputs found

    Utilizing common substructures to speedup tensor factorization for mining dynamic graphs

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    In large and complex graphs of social, chemical/biological, or other relations, frequent substructures are commonly shared by different graphs or by graphs evolving through different time periods. Tensors are natural representations of these complex time-evolving graph data. A factorization of a tensor provides a high-quality low-rank compact basis for each dimension of the tensor, which facilitates the interpretation of frequent substructures of the original graphs. However, the high computational cost of tensor factorization makes it infeasible for conventional tensor factorization methods to handle large graphs that evolve frequently with time. To address this problem, in this paper we propose a novel iterative tensor factorization (ITF) method whose time complexity is linear in the cardinalities of all dimensions of a tensor. This low time complexity means that when using tensors to represent dynamic graphs, the computational cost of ITF is linear in the size (number of edges/vertices) of graphs and is also linear in the number of time periods over which the graph evolves. More importantly, an error estimation of ITF suggests that its factorization correctness is comparable to that of the standard factorization method. We empirically evaluate our method on publication networks and chemical compound graphs, and demonstrate that ITF is an order of magnitude faster than the conventional method and at the same time preserves factorization quality. To the best of our knowledge, this research is the first work that uses important frequent substructures to speed up tensor factorizations for mining dynamic graphs