4 research outputs found

    Hybrid computer system programming technology with adaptation and scaling of calculations

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    The paper considers the programming technology for hybrid computer systems, which contain reconfigurable and microprocessor computational nodes. The base of the programming technology for hybrid computer systems is the high-level programming language COLAMO with extensions, which allow descriptions of various types of parallel calculations such as structural, structural-procedural, multi-procedural and procedural forms of organization of calculations in a unified parallel-pipeline form. The suggested parallel-pipeline form allows modifications of forms of organization of calculations. Such modifications are performed automatically by the COLAMO language preprocessor, which takes into account current configuration of the hybrid computer system. Owing to the suggested technology, the program can be automatically adapted to the changed architecture or configuration of the hybrid computer system without any modifications of the source code made by the developer. Specially for this the source parallel program, developed in the programming language COLAMO, is transformed by the pre-processor into the canonical form. Then the pre-processor estimates the available computational resource, detects effective parameters of implementation of the program on the available resource and, if necessary, reduces the program performance to adapt it to the current configuration of the hybrid computer system. The technology provides two-way scaling: for increasing of the available computational resource (induction), and for reducing of the available computational resource (reduction), which provides resource independence of programming during implementation of the program, i.e. the developer is not “bound” to the available hardware resource of the computer system

    Utilizing Multiple Xeon Phi Coprocessors on One Compute Node

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    Reorganització del runtime Nanos++

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    Aquest projecte proposa una reorganització del sistema de gestió de les dependències entre tasques a Nanos++ (runtime del model de programació OmpSs) amb l'objectiu de reduir la contenció d'accés a aquestes estructures, augmentant el paral·lelisme i obtenint un millor aprofitament dels recursos.The goal of this Project is reorganize the dependencies management model between tasks in Nanos++ (OmpSs runtime). The motivation is reduce the access contention of dependencies graph, increasing parallelism and achieving better use of computing resources

    Reorganització del runtime Nanos++

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    Aquest projecte proposa una reorganització del sistema de gestió de les dependències entre tasques a Nanos++ (runtime del model de programació OmpSs) amb l'objectiu de reduir la contenció d'accés a aquestes estructures, augmentant el paral·lelisme i obtenint un millor aprofitament dels recursos.The goal of this Project is reorganize the dependencies management model between tasks in Nanos++ (OmpSs runtime). The motivation is reduce the access contention of dependencies graph, increasing parallelism and achieving better use of computing resources