718 research outputs found

    Methods for event time series prediction and anomaly detection

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    Event time series are sequences of events occurring in continuous time. They arise in many real-world problems and may represent, for example, posts in social media, administrations of medications to patients, or adverse events, such as episodes of atrial fibrillation or earthquakes. In this work, we study and develop methods for prediction and anomaly detection on event time series. We study two general approaches. The first approach converts event time series to regular time series of counts via time discretization. We develop methods relying on (a) nonparametric time series decomposition and (b) dynamic linear models for regular time series. The second approach models the events in continuous time directly. We develop methods relying on point processes. For prediction, we develop a new model based on point processes to combine the advantages of existing models. It is flexible enough to capture complex dependency structures between events, while not sacrificing applicability in common scenarios. For anomaly detection, we develop methods that can detect new types of anomalies in continuous time and that show advantages compared to time discretization

    Variational autoencoders for anomaly detection in the behaviour of the elderly using electricity consumption data

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    According To The World Health Organization, Between 2000 And 2050, The Propor Tion Of The World&#39 S Population Over 60 Will Double, From 11% To 22%. In Absolute Numbers, This Age Group Will Increase From 605 Million To 2 Billion In The Course Of Half A Century. It Is A Reality That Most Of Them Prefer To Live Alone, So It Is Necessary To Look For Mechanisms And Tools That Will Help Them To Improve Their Autonomy. Although In Recent Years, We Have Been Living In A Veritable Explosion Of Domotic Sys Tems That Facilitate People&#39 S Daily Lives, It Is Also True That There Are Not Many Tools Specifically Aimed At This Sector Of The Population. The Aim Of This Paper Is To Present A Potential Solution To The Monitoring Of Activity Of Daily Living In The Least Intrusive Way For People. In This Case, Anomalous Patterns Of Daily Activities Will Be Detected By Analysing The Daily Consumption Of Household Appliances. People Who Live Alone Usu Ally Have A Pattern Of Daily Behaviour In The Use Of Household Appliances (Coffee Machine, Microwave, Television, Etc.). A Neuronal Model Is Proposed For The Detection Of Abnormal Behaviour Based On An Autoencoder Architecture. This Solution Will Be Compared With A Variational Autoencoder To Analyse The Improvements That Can Be Obtained. The Well-Known Dataset Called Uk-Dale Will Be Used To Validate The Proposal.V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation); Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid-Spain); Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, and Competitiveness (MINECO), Grant/Award Numbers: RTC-2016-5059-8, RTC-2016-5191-8, RTC-2016-5595-2, TEC2017-88048-C2-2-R; Spanish Ministry of Economy; Company MasMovi

    Machine Learning Tips and Tricks for Power Line Communications

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    4openopenTonello A.M.; Letizia N.A.; Righini D.; Marcuzzi F.Tonello, A. M.; Letizia, N. A.; Righini, D.; Marcuzzi, F

    Data-driven resiliency assessment of medical cyber-physical systems

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    Advances in computing, networking, and sensing technologies have resulted in the ubiquitous deployment of medical cyber-physical systems in various clinical and personalized settings. The increasing complexity and connectivity of such systems, the tight coupling between their cyber and physical components, and the inevitable involvement of human operators in supervision and control have introduced major challenges in ensuring system reliability, safety, and security. This dissertation takes a data-driven approach to resiliency assessment of medical cyber-physical systems. Driven by large-scale studies of real safety incidents involving medical devices, we develop techniques and tools for (i) deeper understanding of incident causes and measurement of their impacts, (ii) validation of system safety mechanisms in the presence of realistic hazard scenarios, and (iii) preemptive real-time detection of safety hazards to mitigate adverse impacts on patients. We present a framework for automated analysis of structured and unstructured data from public FDA databases on medical device recalls and adverse events. This framework allows characterization of the safety issues originated from computer failures in terms of fault classes, failure modes, and recovery actions. We develop an approach for constructing ontology models that enable automated extraction of safety-related features from unstructured text. The proposed ontology model is defined based on device-specific human-in-the-loop control structures in order to facilitate the systems-theoretic causality analysis of adverse events. Our large-scale analysis of FDA data shows that medical devices are often recalled because of failure to identify all potential safety hazards, use of safety mechanisms that have not been rigorously validated, and limited capability in real-time detection and automated mitigation of hazards. To address those problems, we develop a safety hazard injection framework for experimental validation of safety mechanisms in the presence of accidental failures and malicious attacks. To reduce the test space for safety validation, this framework uses systems-theoretic accident causality models in order to identify the critical locations within the system to target software fault injection. For mitigation of safety hazards at run time, we present a model-based analysis framework that estimates the consequences of control commands sent from the software to the physical system through real-time computation of the system’s dynamics, and preemptively detects if a command is unsafe before its adverse consequences manifest in the physical system. The proposed techniques are evaluated on a real-world cyber-physical system for robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery and are shown to be more effective than existing methods in identifying system vulnerabilities and deficiencies in safety mechanisms as well as in preemptive detection of safety hazards caused by malicious attacks

    Anomaly detection and explanation in big data

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    2021 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Data quality tests are used to validate the data stored in databases and data warehouses, and to detect violations of syntactic and semantic constraints. Domain experts grapple with the issues related to the capturing of all the important constraints and checking that they are satisfied. The constraints are often identified in an ad hoc manner based on the knowledge of the application domain and the needs of the stakeholders. Constraints can exist over single or multiple attributes as well as records involving time series and sequences. The constraints involving multiple attributes can involve both linear and non-linear relationships among the attributes. We propose ADQuaTe as a data quality test framework that automatically (1) discovers different types of constraints from the data, (2) marks records that violate the constraints as suspicious, and (3) explains the violations. Domain knowledge is required to determine whether or not the suspicious records are actually faulty. The framework can incorporate feedback from domain experts to improve the accuracy of constraint discovery and anomaly detection. We instantiate ADQuaTe in two ways to detect anomalies in non-sequence and sequence data. The first instantiation (ADQuaTe2) uses an unsupervised approach called autoencoder for constraint discovery in non-sequence data. ADQuaTe2 is based on analyzing records in isolation to discover constraints among the attributes. We evaluate the effectiveness of ADQuaTe2 using real-world non-sequence datasets from the human health and plant diagnosis domains. We demonstrate that ADQuaTe2 can discover new constraints that were previously unspecified in existing data quality tests, and can report both previously detected and new faults in the data. We also use non-sequence datasets from the UCI repository to evaluate the improvement in the accuracy of ADQuaTe2 after incorporating ground truth knowledge and retraining the autoencoder model. The second instantiation (IDEAL) uses an unsupervised LSTM-autoencoder for constraint discovery in sequence data. IDEAL analyzes the correlations and dependencies among data records to discover constraints. We evaluate the effectiveness of IDEAL using datasets from Yahoo servers, NASA Shuttle, and Colorado State University Energy Institute. We demonstrate that IDEAL can detect previously known anomalies from these datasets. Using mutation analysis, we show that IDEAL can detect different types of injected faults. We also demonstrate that the accuracy of the approach improves after incorporating ground truth knowledge about the injected faults and retraining the LSTM-Autoencoder model. The novelty of this research lies in the development of a domain-independent framework that effectively and efficiently discovers different types of constraints from the data, detects and explains anomalous data, and minimizes false alarms through an interactive learning process

    A Methodology for Trustworthy IoT in Healthcare-Related Environments

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    The transition to the so-called retirement years, comes with the freedom to pursue old passions and hobbies that were not possible to do in the past busy life. Unfortunately, that freedom does not come alone, as the previous young years are gone, and the body starts to feel the time that passed. The necessity to adapt elder way of living, grows as they become more prone to health problems. Often, the solution for the attention required by the elders is nursing homes, or similar, that take away their so cherished independence. IoT has the great potential to help elder citizens stay healthier at home, since it has the possibility to connect and create non-intrusive systems capable of interpreting data and act accordingly. With that capability, comes the responsibility to ensure that the collected data is reliable and trustworthy, as human wellbeing may rely on it. Addressing this uncertainty is the motivation for the presented work. The proposed methodology to reduce this uncertainty and increase confidence relies on a data fusion and a redundancy approach, using a sensor set. Since the scope of wellbeing environment is wide, this thesis focuses its proof of concept on the detection of falls inside home environments, through an android app using an accelerometer sensor and a micro- phone. The experimental results demonstrates that the implemented system has more than 80% of reliable performance and can provide trustworthy results. Currently the app is being tested also in the frame of the European Union projects Smart4Health and Smart Bear.A transição para os chamados anos de reforma, vem com a liberdade de perseguir velhas pai- xões e passatempos que na passada vida ocupada não eram possíveis de realizar. Infelizmente, essa liberdade não vem sozinha, uma vez que os anos jovens anteriores terminaram, e o corpo começa a sentir o tempo que passou. A necessidade de adaptar o modo de vida dos menos jovens, cresce à medida que estes se tornam mais propensos a problemas de saúde. Muitas vezes, a solução para a atenção que os mais idosos necessitam são os lares de idosos, ou similares, que lhes tiram a tão querida independência. IoT tem o grande potencial de ajudar os cidadãos idosos a permanecerem mais saudá- veis em casa, uma vez que tem a possibilidade de se ligar e criar sistemas não intrusivos capa- zes de interpretar dados e agir em conformidade. Com essa capacidade, vem a responsabili- dade de assegurar que os dados recolhidos são fiáveis e de confiança, uma vez que o bem- estar humano possa depender dos mesmos. Abordar esta incerteza é a motivação para o tra- balho apresentado. A metodologia proposta para reduzir esta incerteza e aumentar a confiança no sistema baseia-se numa fusão de dados e numa abordagem de redundância, utilizando um conjunto de sensores. Uma vez que o assunto de bem-estar e saúde é vasto, esta tese concentra a sua prova de conceito na deteção de quedas dentro de ambientes domésticos, através de uma aplicação android, utilizando um sensor de acelerómetro e um microfone. Os resultados expe- rimentais demonstram que o sistema implementado tem um desempenho superior a 80% e pode fornecer dados fiáveis. Atualmente a aplicação está a ser testada também no âmbito dos projetos da União Europeia Smart4Health e Smart Bear

    Explainable Deep Learning

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    Il grande successo che il Deep Learning ha ottenuto in ambiti strategici per la nostra società quali l'industria, la difesa, la medicina etc., ha portanto sempre più realtà a investire ed esplorare l'utilizzo di questa tecnologia. Ormai si possono trovare algoritmi di Machine Learning e Deep Learning quasi in ogni ambito della nostra vita. Dai telefoni, agli elettrodomestici intelligenti fino ai veicoli che guidiamo. Quindi si può dire che questa tecnologia pervarsiva è ormai a contatto con le nostre vite e quindi dobbiamo confrontarci con essa. Da questo nasce l’eXplainable Artificial Intelligence o XAI, uno degli ambiti di ricerca che vanno per la maggiore al giorno d'oggi in ambito di Deep Learning e di Intelligenza Artificiale. Il concetto alla base di questo filone di ricerca è quello di rendere e/o progettare i nuovi algoritmi di Deep Learning in modo che siano affidabili, interpretabili e comprensibili all'uomo. Questa necessità è dovuta proprio al fatto che le reti neurali, modello matematico che sta alla base del Deep Learning, agiscono come una scatola nera, rendendo incomprensibile all'uomo il ragionamento interno che compiono per giungere ad una decisione. Dato che stiamo delegando a questi modelli matematici decisioni sempre più importanti, integrandole nei processi più delicati della nostra società quali, ad esempio, la diagnosi medica, la guida autonoma o i processi di legge, è molto importante riuscire a comprendere le motivazioni che portano questi modelli a produrre determinati risultati. Il lavoro presentato in questa tesi consiste proprio nello studio e nella sperimentazione di algoritmi di Deep Learning integrati con tecniche di Intelligenza Artificiale simbolica. Questa integrazione ha un duplice scopo: rendere i modelli più potenti, consentendogli di compiere ragionamenti o vincolandone il comportamento in situazioni complesse, e renderli interpretabili. La tesi affronta due macro argomenti: le spiegazioni ottenute grazie all'integrazione neuro-simbolica e lo sfruttamento delle spiegazione per rendere gli algoritmi di Deep Learning più capaci o intelligenti. Il primo macro argomento si concentra maggiormente sui lavori svolti nello sperimentare l'integrazione di algoritmi simbolici con le reti neurali. Un approccio è stato quelli di creare un sistema per guidare gli addestramenti delle reti stesse in modo da trovare la migliore combinazione di iper-parametri per automatizzare la progettazione stessa di queste reti. Questo è fatto tramite l'integrazione di reti neurali con la Programmazione Logica Probabilistica (PLP) che consente di sfruttare delle regole probabilistiche indotte dal comportamento delle reti durante la fase di addestramento o ereditate dall'esperienza maturata dagli esperti del settore. Queste regole si innescano allo scatenarsi di un problema che il sistema rileva durate l'addestramento della rete. Questo ci consente di ottenere una spiegazione di cosa è stato fatto per migliorare l'addestramento una volta identificato un determinato problema. Un secondo approccio è stato quello di far cooperare sistemi logico-probabilistici con reti neurali per la diagnosi medica da fonti di dati eterogenee. La seconda tematica affrontata in questa tesi tratta lo sfruttamento delle spiegazioni che possiamo ottenere dalle rete neurali. In particolare, queste spiegazioni sono usate per creare moduli di attenzione che aiutano a vincolare o a guidare le reti neurali portandone ad avere prestazioni migliorate. Tutti i lavori sviluppati durante il dottorato e descritti in questa tesi hanno portato alle pubblicazioni elencate nel Capitolo 14.2.The great success that Machine and Deep Learning has achieved in areas that are strategic for our society such as industry, defence, medicine, etc., has led more and more realities to invest and explore the use of this technology. Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms and learned models can now be found in almost every area of our lives. From phones to smart home appliances, to the cars we drive. So it can be said that this pervasive technology is now in touch with our lives, and therefore we have to deal with it. This is why eXplainable Artificial Intelligence or XAI was born, one of the research trends that are currently in vogue in the field of Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence. The idea behind this line of research is to make and/or design the new Deep Learning algorithms so that they are interpretable and comprehensible to humans. This necessity is due precisely to the fact that neural networks, the mathematical model underlying Deep Learning, act like a black box, making the internal reasoning they carry out to reach a decision incomprehensible and untrustable to humans. As we are delegating more and more important decisions to these mathematical models, it is very important to be able to understand the motivations that lead these models to make certain decisions. This is because we have integrated them into the most delicate processes of our society, such as medical diagnosis, autonomous driving or legal processes. The work presented in this thesis consists in studying and testing Deep Learning algorithms integrated with symbolic Artificial Intelligence techniques. This integration has a twofold purpose: to make the models more powerful, enabling them to carry out reasoning or constraining their behaviour in complex situations, and to make them interpretable. The thesis focuses on two macro topics: the explanations obtained through neuro-symbolic integration and the exploitation of explanations to make the Deep Learning algorithms more capable or intelligent. The neuro-symbolic integration was addressed twice, by experimenting with the integration of symbolic algorithms with neural networks. A first approach was to create a system to guide the training of the networks themselves in order to find the best combination of hyper-parameters to automate the design of these networks. This is done by integrating neural networks with Probabilistic Logic Programming (PLP). This integration makes it possible to exploit probabilistic rules tuned by the behaviour of the networks during the training phase or inherited from the experience of experts in the field. These rules are triggered when a problem occurs during network training. This generates an explanation of what was done to improve the training once a particular issue was identified. A second approach was to make probabilistic logic systems cooperate with neural networks for medical diagnosis on heterogeneous data sources. The second topic addressed in this thesis concerns the exploitation of explanations. In particular, the explanations one can obtain from neural networks are used in order to create attention modules that help in constraining and improving the performance of neural networks. All works developed during the PhD and described in this thesis have led to the publications listed in Chapter 14.2