15,722 research outputs found

    Convex inner approximations of nonconvex semialgebraic sets applied to fixed-order controller design

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    We describe an elementary algorithm to build convex inner approximations of nonconvex sets. Both input and output sets are basic semialgebraic sets given as lists of defining multivariate polynomials. Even though no optimality guarantees can be given (e.g. in terms of volume maximization for bounded sets), the algorithm is designed to preserve convex boundaries as much as possible, while removing regions with concave boundaries. In particular, the algorithm leaves invariant a given convex set. The algorithm is based on Gloptipoly 3, a public-domain Matlab package solving nonconvex polynomial optimization problems with the help of convex semidefinite programming (optimization over linear matrix inequalities, or LMIs). We illustrate how the algorithm can be used to design fixed-order controllers for linear systems, following a polynomial approach

    Extended Formulations in Mixed-integer Convex Programming

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    We present a unifying framework for generating extended formulations for the polyhedral outer approximations used in algorithms for mixed-integer convex programming (MICP). Extended formulations lead to fewer iterations of outer approximation algorithms and generally faster solution times. First, we observe that all MICP instances from the MINLPLIB2 benchmark library are conic representable with standard symmetric and nonsymmetric cones. Conic reformulations are shown to be effective extended formulations themselves because they encode separability structure. For mixed-integer conic-representable problems, we provide the first outer approximation algorithm with finite-time convergence guarantees, opening a path for the use of conic solvers for continuous relaxations. We then connect the popular modeling framework of disciplined convex programming (DCP) to the existence of extended formulations independent of conic representability. We present evidence that our approach can yield significant gains in practice, with the solution of a number of open instances from the MINLPLIB2 benchmark library.Comment: To be presented at IPCO 201

    Optimal control of Allen-Cahn systems

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    Optimization problems governed by Allen-Cahn systems including elastic effects are formulated and first-order necessary optimality conditions are presented. Smooth as well as obstacle potentials are considered, where the latter leads to an MPEC. Numerically, for smooth potential the problem is solved efficiently by the Trust-Region-Newton-Steihaug-cg method. In case of an obstacle potential first numerical results are presented

    Mathematical and computational studies of equilibrium capillary free surfaces

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    The results of several independent studies are presented. The general question is considered of whether a wetting liquid always rises higher in a small capillary tube than in a larger one, when both are dipped vertically into an infinite reservoir. An analytical investigation is initiated to determine the qualitative behavior of the family of solutions of the equilibrium capillary free-surface equation that correspond to rotationally symmetric pendent liquid drops and the relationship of these solutions to the singular solution, which corresponds to an infinite spike of liquid extending downward to infinity. The block successive overrelaxation-Newton method and the generalized conjugate gradient method are investigated for solving the capillary equation on a uniform square mesh in a square domain, including the case for which the solution is unbounded at the corners. Capillary surfaces are calculated on the ellipse, on a circle with reentrant notches, and on other irregularly shaped domains using JASON, a general purpose program for solving nonlinear elliptic equations on a nonuniform quadrilaterial mesh. Analytical estimates for the nonexistence of solutions of the equilibrium capillary free-surface equation on the ellipse in zero gravity are evaluated

    A Parametric Non-Convex Decomposition Algorithm for Real-Time and Distributed NMPC

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    A novel decomposition scheme to solve parametric non-convex programs as they arise in Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) is presented. It consists of a fixed number of alternating proximal gradient steps and a dual update per time step. Hence, the proposed approach is attractive in a real-time distributed context. Assuming that the Nonlinear Program (NLP) is semi-algebraic and that its critical points are strongly regular, contraction of the sequence of primal-dual iterates is proven, implying stability of the sub-optimality error, under some mild assumptions. Moreover, it is shown that the performance of the optimality-tracking scheme can be enhanced via a continuation technique. The efficacy of the proposed decomposition method is demonstrated by solving a centralised NMPC problem to control a DC motor and a distributed NMPC program for collaborative tracking of unicycles, both within a real-time framework. Furthermore, an analysis of the sub-optimality error as a function of the sampling period is proposed given a fixed computational power.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure
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