4,130 research outputs found

    Weakly Supervised Audio Source Separation via Spectrum Energy Preserved Wasserstein Learning

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    Separating audio mixtures into individual instrument tracks has been a long standing challenging task. We introduce a novel weakly supervised audio source separation approach based on deep adversarial learning. Specifically, our loss function adopts the Wasserstein distance which directly measures the distribution distance between the separated sources and the real sources for each individual source. Moreover, a global regularization term is added to fulfill the spectrum energy preservation property regardless separation. Unlike state-of-the-art weakly supervised models which often involve deliberately devised constraints or careful model selection, our approach need little prior model specification on the data, and can be straightforwardly learned in an end-to-end fashion. We show that the proposed method performs competitively on public benchmark against state-of-the-art weakly supervised methods

    Deep speech inpainting of time-frequency masks

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    Transient loud intrusions, often occurring in noisy environments, can completely overpower speech signal and lead to an inevitable loss of information. While existing algorithms for noise suppression can yield impressive results, their efficacy remains limited for very low signal-to-noise ratios or when parts of the signal are missing. To address these limitations, here we propose an end-to-end framework for speech inpainting, the context-based retrieval of missing or severely distorted parts of time-frequency representation of speech. The framework is based on a convolutional U-Net trained via deep feature losses, obtained using speechVGG, a deep speech feature extractor pre-trained on an auxiliary word classification task. Our evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed framework can recover large portions of missing or distorted time-frequency representation of speech, up to 400 ms and 3.2 kHz in bandwidth. In particular, our approach provided a substantial increase in STOI & PESQ objective metrics of the initially corrupted speech samples. Notably, using deep feature losses to train the framework led to the best results, as compared to conventional approaches.Comment: Accepted to InterSpeech202

    The Conversation: Deep Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement

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    Our goal is to isolate individual speakers from multi-talker simultaneous speech in videos. Existing works in this area have focussed on trying to separate utterances from known speakers in controlled environments. In this paper, we propose a deep audio-visual speech enhancement network that is able to separate a speaker's voice given lip regions in the corresponding video, by predicting both the magnitude and the phase of the target signal. The method is applicable to speakers unheard and unseen during training, and for unconstrained environments. We demonstrate strong quantitative and qualitative results, isolating extremely challenging real-world examples.Comment: To appear in Interspeech 2018. We provide supplementary material with interactive demonstrations on http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/demo/theconversatio

    Block-Online Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement Using DNN-Supported Relative Transfer Function Estimates

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    This work addresses the problem of block-online processing for multi-channel speech enhancement. Such processing is vital in scenarios with moving speakers and/or when very short utterances are processed, e.g., in voice assistant scenarios. We consider several variants of a system that performs beamforming supported by DNN-based voice activity detection (VAD) followed by post-filtering. The speaker is targeted through estimating relative transfer functions between microphones. Each block of the input signals is processed independently in order to make the method applicable in highly dynamic environments. Owing to the short length of the processed block, the statistics required by the beamformer are estimated less precisely. The influence of this inaccuracy is studied and compared to the processing regime when recordings are treated as one block (batch processing). The experimental evaluation of the proposed method is performed on large datasets of CHiME-4 and on another dataset featuring moving target speaker. The experiments are evaluated in terms of objective and perceptual criteria (such as signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) or perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ), respectively). Moreover, word error rate (WER) achieved by a baseline automatic speech recognition system is evaluated, for which the enhancement method serves as a front-end solution. The results indicate that the proposed method is robust with respect to short length of the processed block. Significant improvements in terms of the criteria and WER are observed even for the block length of 250 ms.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables. Modified version of the article accepted for publication in IET Signal Processing journal. Original results unchanged, additional experiments presented, refined discussion and conclusion
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