26 research outputs found

    Using WordNet for Building WordNets

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    This paper summarises a set of methodologies and techniques for the fast construction of multilingual WordNets. The English WordNet is used in this approach as a backbone for Catalan and Spanish WordNets and as a lexical knowledge resource for several subtasks.Comment: 8 pages, postscript file. In workshop on Usage of WordNet in NL

    A Korean Noun Semantic Hierarchy (Wordnet) Construction

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    Building a free French wordnet from multilingual resources

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    International audienceThis paper describes automatic construction a freely-available wordnet for French (WOLF) based on Princeton WordNet (PWN) by using various multilingual resources. Polysemous words were dealt with an approach in which a parallel corpus for five languages was word-aligned and the extracted multilingual lexicon was disambiguated with the existing wordnets for these languages. On the other hand, a bilingual approach sufficed to acquire equivalents for monosemous words. Bilingual lexicons were extracted from Wikipedia and thesauri. The results obtained from each resource were merged and ranked according to the number of resources yielding the same literal. Automatic evaluation of the merged wordnet was performed with the French WordNet (FREWN). Manual evaluation was also carried out on a sample of the generated synsets. Precision shows that the presented approach has proved to be very promising and applications to use the created wordnet are already intended

    Pattern-Based Acquisition of Scientific Entities from Scholarly Article Titles

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    We describe a rule-based approach for the automatic acquisition of salient scientific entities from Computational Linguistics (CL) scholarly article titles. Two observations motivated the approach: (i) noting salient aspects of an article’s contribution in its title; and (ii) pattern regularities capturing the salient terms that could be expressed in a set of rules. Only those lexico-syntactic patterns were selected that were easily recognizable, occurred frequently, and positionally indicated a scientific entity type. The rules were developed on a collection of 50,237 CL titles covering all articles in the ACL Anthology. In total, 19,799 research problems, 18,111 solutions, 20,033 resources, 1,059 languages, 6,878 tools, and 21,687 methods were extracted at an average precision of 75%

    Towards a Conceptual Representation of Lexical Meaning in WordNet

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    Magyár főnévi WordNet-ontológia létrehozása automatikus módszerekkel

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    A cikk bemutatja a folyamatban lévő, magyar főnévi WordNet adatbázis létrehozását célul kitűző munkálatok módszereit és legfrissebb eredményeit. Bemutatjuk azt a 9 különböző számítógépes módszert, melyek célja magyar főnevek automatizált hozzárendelése az angol nyelvű, 1.6-os verziójú WordNet synsetjeihez. A felhasznált magyar főnevek egy elektronikus magyarangol kétnyelvű szótár szóanyagából származnak. A heurisztikus hozzárendelések támogatásához a kétnyelvű mellett az egynyelvű magyar Értelmező Kéziszótár számítógéppel feldolgozható anyagából nyertünk ki strukturális és szemantikai információkat. A különböző folyamatok eredményeinek pontosságát egy kézzel egyértelműsitett etalon halmaz segítségével becsültük meg, majd a főnévi adatbázist a validált eredményhalmazok különböző szintű pontosságot meghaladó kombinációival állítottuk elő