12 research outputs found

    Analisis Statistik Log Jaringan untuk Deteksi Serangan Ddos Berbasis Neural Network

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    Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) merupakan jenis serangan dengan volume, intensitas, dan biaya mitigasi yang terus meningkat seiring berkembangnya skala organisasi. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengembangkan sebuah pendekatan baru untuk mendeteksi serangan DDoS, berdasarkan log jaringan yang dianalisis secara statistik dengan fungsi neural network sebagai metode deteksi. Data pelatihan dan pengujian diambil dari CAIDA DDoS Attack 2007 dan simulasi mandiri. Pengujian terhadap metode analisis statistik terhadap log jaringan dengan fungsi neural network sebagai metode deteksi menghasilkan prosentase rata-rata pengenalan terhadap tiga kondisi jaringan (normal, slow DDoS, dan DDoS) sebesar 90,52%. Adanya pendekatan baru dalam mendeteksi serangan DDoS, diharapkan bisa menjadi sebuah komplemen terhadap sistem Intrusion Detection System (IDS) dalam meramalkan terjadinya serangan DDo

    Feature selection using information gain for improved structural-based alert correlation

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    Grouping and clustering alerts for intrusion detection based on the similarity of features is referred to as structurally base alert correlation and can discover a list of attack steps. Previous researchers selected different features and data sources manually based on their knowledge and experience, which lead to the less accurate identification of attack steps and inconsistent performance of clustering accuracy. Furthermore, the existing alert correlation systems deal with a huge amount of data that contains null values, incomplete information, and irrelevant features causing the analysis of the alerts to be tedious, time-consuming and error-prone. Therefore, this paper focuses on selecting accurate and significant features of alerts that are appropriate to represent the attack steps, thus, enhancing the structural-based alert correlation model. A two-tier feature selection method is proposed to obtain the significant features. The first tier aims at ranking the subset of features based on high information gain entropy in decreasing order. The second tier extends additional features with a better discriminative ability than the initially ranked features. Performance analysis results show the significance of the selected features in terms of the clustering accuracy using 2000 DARPA intrusion detection scenario-specific dataset

    Intrusion Alerts Analysis Using Attack Graphs and Clustering

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    Network and information security is very crucial in keeping large information infrastructures safe and secure. Many researchers have been working on different issues to strengthen and measure security of a network. An important problem is to model security in order to apply analysis schemes efficiently to that model. An attack graph is a tool to model security of a network which considers individual vulnerabilities in a global view where individual hosts are interconnected. The analysis of intrusion alert information is very important for security evaluation of the system. Because of the huge number of alerts raised by intrusion detection systems, it becomes difficult for security experts to analyze individual alerts. Researchers have worked to address this problem by clustering individual alerts based on similarity in their features such as source IP address, destination IP address, port numbers and others. In this paper, a different method for clustering intrusion alerts is proposed. Sequences of intrusion alerts are prepared by dividing all alerts according to specified time interval. The alert sequences are considered as temporal attack graphs. The sequences are clustered using graph clustering technique, which considers similarity in sequences as a factor to determine closeness of sequences. The suggested approach combines the concept of attack graphs and clustering on sequences of alerts using graph clustering technique

    Integration of PSO and K-means clustering algorithm for structural-based alert correlation model

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    Network-based Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) will trigger alerts as notifications of abnormal activities detected in computing and networking resources. As Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDOS) attacks are getting more sophisticated, each attack consists of a series of events which in turn trigger a series of alerts. However, the alerts are produced in a huge amount, of low quality and consist of repeated and false positive alerts. This requires clustering algorithm to effectively correlate the alerts for identifying each unique attack. Soft computing including bio-inspired algorithms are explored to optimally cluster the alerts. Therefore, this study investigates the effects of bio-inspired algorithm in alert correlation (AC) model. Particle Swarming Optimization (PSO) is integrated with K-Means clustering algorithm to conduct structural-based AC. It was tested on the benchmarked DARPA 2000 dataset. The efficiency of the AC model was evaluated using clustering accuracy, error rate and processing time measurements. Surprisingly, the experimental results show that K-Means algorithm works better than the integration of PSO and K-Means. K-Means gives 99.67% clustering accuracy while PSO and K-Means gives 92.71% clustering accuracy. This indicates that a single clustering algorithm is sufficient for optimal structural-based AC instead of integrated PSO and K-Means

    Cyber-Attack Prediction Based on Network Intrusion Detection Systems for Alert Correlation Techniques: A Survey

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    Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) are designed to safeguard the security needs of enterprise networks against cyber-attacks. However, NIDS networks suffer from several limitations, such as generating a high volume of low-quality alerts. Moreover, 99% of the alerts produced by NIDSs are false positives. As well, the prediction of future actions of an attacker is one of the most important goals here. The study has reviewed the state-of-the-art cyber-attack prediction based on NIDS Intrusion Alert, its models, and limitations. The taxonomy of intrusion alert correlation (AC) is introduced, which includes similarity-based, statistical-based, knowledge-based, and hybrid-based approaches. Moreover, the classification of alert correlation components was also introduced. Alert Correlation Datasets and future research directions are highlighted. The AC receives raw alerts to identify the association between different alerts, linking each alert to its related contextual information and predicting a forthcoming alert/attack. It provides a timely, concise, and high-level view of the network security situation. This review can serve as a benchmark for researchers and industries for Network Intrusion Detection Systems’ future progress and development

    Enhanced Prediction of Network Attacks Using Incomplete Data

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    For years, intrusion detection has been considered a key component of many organizations’ network defense capabilities. Although a number of approaches to intrusion detection have been tried, few have been capable of providing security personnel responsible for the protection of a network with sufficient information to make adjustments and respond to attacks in real-time. Because intrusion detection systems rarely have complete information, false negatives and false positives are extremely common, and thus valuable resources are wasted responding to irrelevant events. In order to provide better actionable information for security personnel, a mechanism for quantifying the confidence level in predictions is needed. This work presents an approach which seeks to combine a primary prediction model with a novel secondary confidence level model which provides a measurement of the confidence in a given attack prediction being made. The ability to accurately identify an attack and quantify the confidence level in the prediction could serve as the basis for a new generation of intrusion detection devices, devices that provide earlier and better alerts for administrators and allow more proactive response to events as they are occurring

    Intrusion Detection for Cyber-Physical Attacks in Cyber-Manufacturing System

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    In the vision of Cyber-Manufacturing System (CMS) , the physical components such as products, machines, and tools are connected, identifiable and can communicate via the industrial network and the Internet. This integration of connectivity enables manufacturing systems access to computational resources, such as cloud computing, digital twin, and blockchain. The connected manufacturing systems are expected to be more efficient, sustainable and cost-effective. However, the extensive connectivity also increases the vulnerability of physical components. The attack surface of a connected manufacturing environment is greatly enlarged. Machines, products and tools could be targeted by cyber-physical attacks via the network. Among many emerging security concerns, this research focuses on the intrusion detection of cyber-physical attacks. The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is used to monitor cyber-attacks in the computer security domain. For cyber-physical attacks, however, there is limited work. Currently, the IDS cannot effectively address cyber-physical attacks in manufacturing system: (i) the IDS takes time to reveal true alarms, sometimes over months; (ii) manufacturing production life-cycle is shorter than the detection period, which can cause physical consequences such as defective products and equipment damage; (iii) the increasing complexity of network will also make the detection period even longer. This gap leaves the cyber-physical attacks in manufacturing to cause issues like over-wearing, breakage, defects or any other changes that the original design didn’t intend. A review on the history of cyber-physical attacks, and available detection methods are presented. The detection methods are reviewed in terms of intrusion detection algorithms, and alert correlation methods. The attacks are further broken down into a taxonomy covering four dimensions with over thirty attack scenarios to comprehensively study and simulate cyber-physical attacks. A new intrusion detection and correlation method was proposed to address the cyber-physical attacks in CMS. The detection method incorporates IDS software in cyber domain and machine learning analysis in physical domain. The correlation relies on a new similarity-based cyber-physical alert correlation method. Four experimental case studies were used to validate the proposed method. Each case study focused on different aspects of correlation method performance. The experiments were conducted on a security-oriented manufacturing testbed established for this research at Syracuse University. The results showed the proposed intrusion detection and alert correlation method can effectively disclose unknown attack, known attack and attack interference that causes false alarms. In case study one, the alarm reduction rate reached 99.1%, with improvement of detection accuracy from 49.6% to 100%. The case studies also proved the proposed method can mitigate false alarms, detect attacks on multiple machines, and attacks from the supply chain. This work contributes to the security domain in cyber-physical manufacturing systems, with the focus on intrusion detection. The dataset collected during the experiments has been shared with the research community. The alert correlation methodology also contributes to cyber-physical systems, such as smart grid and connected vehicles, which requires enhanced security protection in today’s connected world