4 research outputs found

    Using Single-Step Adversarial Training to Defend Iterative Adversarial Examples

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    Adversarial examples have become one of the largest challenges that machine learning models, especially neural network classifiers, face. These adversarial examples break the assumption of attack-free scenario and fool state-of-the-art (SOTA) classifiers with insignificant perturbations to human. So far, researchers achieved great progress in utilizing adversarial training as a defense. However, the overwhelming computational cost degrades its applicability and little has been done to overcome this issue. Single-Step adversarial training methods have been proposed as computationally viable solutions, however they still fail to defend against iterative adversarial examples. In this work, we first experimentally analyze several different SOTA defense methods against adversarial examples. Then, based on observations from experiments, we propose a novel single-step adversarial training method which can defend against both single-step and iterative adversarial examples. Lastly, through extensive evaluations, we demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms the SOTA single-step and iterative adversarial training defense. Compared with ATDA (single-step method) on CIFAR10 dataset, our proposed method achieves 35.67% enhancement in test accuracy and 19.14% reduction in training time. When compared with methods that use BIM or Madry examples (iterative methods) on CIFAR10 dataset, it saves up to 76.03% in training time with less than 3.78% degeneration in test accuracy

    Bag of Tricks for Adversarial Training

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    Adversarial training (AT) is one of the most effective strategies for promoting model robustness. However, recent benchmarks show that most of the proposed improvements on AT are less effective than simply early stopping the training procedure. This counter-intuitive fact motivates us to investigate the implementation details of tens of AT methods. Surprisingly, we find that the basic settings (e.g., weight decay, training schedule, etc.) used in these methods are highly inconsistent. In this work, we provide comprehensive evaluations on CIFAR-10, focusing on the effects of mostly overlooked training tricks and hyperparameters for adversarially trained models. Our empirical observations suggest that adversarial robustness is much more sensitive to some basic training settings than we thought. For example, a slightly different value of weight decay can reduce the model robust accuracy by more than 7%, which is probable to override the potential promotion induced by the proposed methods. We conclude a baseline training setting and re-implement previous defenses to achieve new state-of-the-art results. These facts also appeal to more concerns on the overlooked confounders when benchmarking defenses.Comment: ICLR 202

    Boosting Adversarial Training with Hypersphere Embedding

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    Adversarial training (AT) is one of the most effective defenses against adversarial attacks for deep learning models. In this work, we advocate incorporating the hypersphere embedding (HE) mechanism into the AT procedure by regularizing the features onto compact manifolds, which constitutes a lightweight yet effective module to blend in the strength of representation learning. Our extensive analyses reveal that AT and HE are well coupled to benefit the robustness of the adversarially trained models from several aspects. We validate the effectiveness and adaptability of HE by embedding it into the popular AT frameworks including PGD-AT, ALP, and TRADES, as well as the FreeAT and FastAT strategies. In the experiments, we evaluate our methods under a wide range of adversarial attacks on the CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets, which verifies that integrating HE can consistently enhance the model robustness for each AT framework with little extra computation.Comment: NeurIPS 202

    Two Coupled Rejection Metrics Can Tell Adversarial Examples Apart

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    Correctly classifying adversarial examples is an essential but challenging requirement for safely deploying machine learning models. As reported in RobustBench, even the state-of-the-art adversarially trained models struggle to exceed 67% robust test accuracy on CIFAR-10, which is far from practical. A complementary way towards robustness is to introduce a rejection option, allowing the model to not return predictions on uncertain inputs, where confidence is a commonly used certainty proxy. Along with this routine, we find that confidence and a rectified confidence (R-Con) can form two coupled rejection metrics, which could provably distinguish wrongly classified inputs from correctly classified ones. This intriguing property sheds light on using coupling strategies to better detect and reject adversarial examples. We evaluate our rectified rejection (RR) module on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-10-C, and CIFAR-100 under several attacks including adaptive ones, and demonstrate that the RR module is compatible with different adversarial training frameworks on improving robustness, with little extra computation. The code is available at https://github.com/P2333/Rectified-Rejection