388 research outputs found

    Generating Multi-Agent Trajectories using Programmatic Weak Supervision

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    We study the problem of training sequential generative models for capturing coordinated multi-agent trajectory behavior, such as offensive basketball gameplay. When modeling such settings, it is often beneficial to design hierarchical models that can capture long-term coordination using intermediate variables. Furthermore, these intermediate variables should capture interesting high-level behavioral semantics in an interpretable and manipulatable way. We present a hierarchical framework that can effectively learn such sequential generative models. Our approach is inspired by recent work on leveraging programmatically produced weak labels, which we extend to the spatiotemporal regime. In addition to synthetic settings, we show how to instantiate our framework to effectively model complex interactions between basketball players and generate realistic multi-agent trajectories of basketball gameplay over long time periods. We validate our approach using both quantitative and qualitative evaluations, including a user study comparison conducted with professional sports analysts

    Causal-aware Safe Policy Improvement for Task-oriented dialogue

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    The recent success of reinforcement learning's (RL) in solving complex tasks is most often attributed to its capacity to explore and exploit an environment where it has been trained. Sample efficiency is usually not an issue since cheap simulators are available to sample data on-policy. On the other hand, task oriented dialogues are usually learnt from offline data collected using human demonstrations. Collecting diverse demonstrations and annotating them is expensive. Unfortunately, use of RL methods trained on off-policy data are prone to issues of bias and generalization, which are further exacerbated by stochasticity in human response and non-markovian belief state of a dialogue management system. To this end, we propose a batch RL framework for task oriented dialogue policy learning: causal aware safe policy improvement (CASPI). This method gives guarantees on dialogue policy's performance and also learns to shape rewards according to intentions behind human responses, rather than just mimicking demonstration data; this couple with batch-RL helps overall with sample efficiency of the framework. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this framework on a dialogue-context-to-text Generation and end-to-end dialogue task of the Multiwoz2.0 dataset. The proposed method outperforms the current state of the art on these metrics, in both case. In the end-to-end case, our method trained only on 10\% of the data was able to out perform current state in three out of four evaluation metrics

    An Improved Data Augmentation Scheme for Model Predictive Control Policy Approximation

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    This paper considers the problem of data generation for MPC policy approximation. Learning an approximate MPC policy from expert demonstrations requires a large data set consisting of optimal state-action pairs, sampled across the feasible state space. Yet, the key challenge of efficiently generating the training samples has not been studied widely. Recently, a sensitivity-based data augmentation framework for MPC policy approximation was proposed, where the parametric sensitivities are exploited to cheaply generate several additional samples from a single offline MPC computation. The error due to augmenting the training data set with inexact samples was shown to increase with the size of the neighborhood around each sample used for data augmentation. Building upon this work, this letter paper presents an improved data augmentation scheme based on predictor-corrector steps that enforces a user-defined level of accuracy, and shows that the error bound of the augmented samples are independent of the size of the neighborhood used for data augmentation

    Learning Calibratable Policies using Programmatic Style-Consistency

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    We study the important and challenging problem of controllable generation of long-term sequential behaviors. Solutions to this problem would impact many applications, such as calibrating behaviors of AI agents in games or predicting player trajectories in sports. In contrast to the well-studied areas of controllable generation of images, text, and speech, there are significant challenges that are unique to or exacerbated by generating long-term behaviors: how should we specify the factors of variation to control, and how can we ensure that the generated temporal behavior faithfully demonstrates diverse styles? In this paper, we leverage large amounts of raw behavioral data to learn policies that can be calibrated to generate a diverse range of behavior styles (e.g., aggressive versus passive play in sports). Inspired by recent work on leveraging programmatic labeling functions, we present a novel framework that combines imitation learning with data programming to learn style-calibratable policies. Our primary technical contribution is a formal notion of style-consistency as a learning objective, and its integration with conventional imitation learning approaches. We evaluate our framework using demonstrations from professional basketball players and agents in the MuJoCo physics environment, and show that our learned policies can be accurately calibrated to generate interesting behavior styles in both domains

    Generative adversarial training of product of policies for robust and adaptive movement primitives

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    In learning from demonstrations, many generative models of trajectories make simplifying assumptions of independence. Correctness is sacrificed in the name of tractability and speed of the learning phase. The ignored dependencies, which often are the kinematic and dynamic constraints of the system, are then only restored when synthesizing the motion, which introduces possibly heavy distortions. In this work, we propose to use those approximate trajectory distributions as close-to-optimal discriminators in the popular generative adversarial framework to stabilize and accelerate the learning procedure. The two problems of adaptability and robustness are addressed with our method. In order to adapt the motions to varying contexts, we propose to use a product of Gaussian policies defined in several parametrized task spaces. Robustness to perturbations and varying dynamics is ensured with the use of stochastic gradient descent and ensemble methods to learn the stochastic dynamics. Two experiments are performed on a 7-DoF manipulator to validate the approach.Comment: Source code can be found here : https://github.com/emmanuelpignat/tf_robot_learnin
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