3 research outputs found

    Parameterized Exact and Approximation Algorithms for Maximum kk-Set Cover and Related Satisfiability Problems

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    Given a family of subsets S\mathcal S over a set of elements~XX and two integers~pp and~kk, Max k-Set Cover consists of finding a subfamily~TS\mathcal T \subseteq \mathcal S of cardinality at most~kk, covering at least~pp elements of~XX. This problem is W[2]-hard when parameterized by~kk, and FPT when parameterized by pp. We investigate the parameterized approximability of the problem with respect to parameters~kk and~pp. Then, we show that Max Sat-k, a satisfiability problem generalizing Max k-Set Cover, is also FPT with respect to parameter~pp.Comment: Accepted in RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Application

    Faster fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for matching and packing problems. In:

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    Abstract We obtain faster algorithms for problems such as r-dimensional matching and r-set packing when the size k of the solution is considered a parameter. We first establish a general framework for finding and exploiting small problem kernels (of size polynomial in k). This technique lets us combine Alon, Yuster and Zwick's colorcoding technique with dynamic programming to obtain faster fixed-parameter algo- rithms for these problems. Our algorithms run in time O(n + 2 O(k) ), an improvement over previous algorithms for some of these problems running in time O(n + k O(k) ). The flexibility of our approach allows tuning of algorithms to obtain smaller constants in the exponent