20,192 research outputs found

    Vision-Based Multi-Task Manipulation for Inexpensive Robots Using End-To-End Learning from Demonstration

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    We propose a technique for multi-task learning from demonstration that trains the controller of a low-cost robotic arm to accomplish several complex picking and placing tasks, as well as non-prehensile manipulation. The controller is a recurrent neural network using raw images as input and generating robot arm trajectories, with the parameters shared across the tasks. The controller also combines VAE-GAN-based reconstruction with autoregressive multimodal action prediction. Our results demonstrate that it is possible to learn complex manipulation tasks, such as picking up a towel, wiping an object, and depositing the towel to its previous position, entirely from raw images with direct behavior cloning. We show that weight sharing and reconstruction-based regularization substantially improve generalization and robustness, and training on multiple tasks simultaneously increases the success rate on all tasks

    Learning Robot Activities from First-Person Human Videos Using Convolutional Future Regression

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    We design a new approach that allows robot learning of new activities from unlabeled human example videos. Given videos of humans executing the same activity from a human's viewpoint (i.e., first-person videos), our objective is to make the robot learn the temporal structure of the activity as its future regression network, and learn to transfer such model for its own motor execution. We present a new deep learning model: We extend the state-of-the-art convolutional object detection network for the representation/estimation of human hands in training videos, and newly introduce the concept of using a fully convolutional network to regress (i.e., predict) the intermediate scene representation corresponding to the future frame (e.g., 1-2 seconds later). Combining these allows direct prediction of future locations of human hands and objects, which enables the robot to infer the motor control plan using our manipulation network. We experimentally confirm that our approach makes learning of robot activities from unlabeled human interaction videos possible, and demonstrate that our robot is able to execute the learned collaborative activities in real-time directly based on its camera input

    One-Shot Learning of Manipulation Skills with Online Dynamics Adaptation and Neural Network Priors

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    One of the key challenges in applying reinforcement learning to complex robotic control tasks is the need to gather large amounts of experience in order to find an effective policy for the task at hand. Model-based reinforcement learning can achieve good sample efficiency, but requires the ability to learn a model of the dynamics that is good enough to learn an effective policy. In this work, we develop a model-based reinforcement learning algorithm that combines prior knowledge from previous tasks with online adaptation of the dynamics model. These two ingredients enable highly sample-efficient learning even in regimes where estimating the true dynamics is very difficult, since the online model adaptation allows the method to locally compensate for unmodeled variation in the dynamics. We encode the prior experience into a neural network dynamics model, adapt it online by progressively refitting a local linear model of the dynamics, and use model predictive control to plan under these dynamics. Our experimental results show that this approach can be used to solve a variety of complex robotic manipulation tasks in just a single attempt, using prior data from other manipulation behaviors
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