5 research outputs found

    Overcoming Language Barriers in Business-To-Consumer Electronic Service

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    Communication has been described as one of the determinants of service quality. However, communication is only effective when the parties involved speak the same language. This is almost impossible to achieve in Business-To-Consumer (B2C) Electronic Commerce (e-Commerce) given the diversity of languages used on the Internet. This paper seeks to explore the possibility of using current advances in technology to bridge the communication gap among entities on the Internet

    Viitearkkitehtuuri tapahtumapohjaiselle mikropalveluarkkitehtuurille pilvipalveluissa

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    The emergence of public cloud computing platforms has had a profound effect on how software is being developed. To take advantage of many of the features of cloud platforms, software architecture of applications must aligned with the characteristics of cloud services. Where systems designed for traditional data center deployments have typically consisted of a single large application and a centralized data store, systems targeting cloud platform have become distributed applications. The microservice architecture is a software architecture style for building distributed systems that consist of autonomous services, each responsible for a single problem domain. Decomposing an application to individual components makes is possible to utilize cloud platform features such as scaling each part of the system according to load and performance. Enterprise applications are the context where the microservice architecture pattern is typically applied. These applications are large, long-lived, in state of constant change and highly integrated to other systems. But building complex enterprise applications as distributed systems poses architectural challenges on how to build a system that is evolvable, maintainable and understandable. This thesis describes patterns for building microservice systems that can scale to a large amount of services while retaining the autonomy the services and the maintainability of the system as a whole. A key factor in these patterns is the use of events for communication between the different components of the system. The thesis then presents a reference architecture on how such a system can be developed by utilizing managed services of a public cloud platform.Lisääntyvä pilvipalveluiden käyttö on vaikuttanut merkittävästi siihen, millaisia sovelluksia kehitetään. Sovelluksen arkkitehtuurin täytyy olla suunniteltu siten, että pilvipalveluiden ominaisuuksia voidaan hyödyntää. Sovellukset, jotka ovat suunniteltu ennen pilvipohjaisia arkkitehtuureja koostuvat tyypillisesti yhdestä suuresta asennettavasta komponentista ja keskitetystä tietovarastosta. Pilvipalveluiden myötä tämän mallin sijaan on ruvettu rakentamaan hajautettuja järjestelmiä. Mikropalveluarkkitehtuuri on ohjelmistoarkkitehtuuri, jossa hajautettu järjestelmä koostetaan yksittäisistä erillisistä palveluista. Jokainen palvelu vastaa järjestelmän tietystä toiminnosta tai osa-alueesta. Arkkitehtuuri, jossa sovellus on pilkottu pieniin autonomisiin komponentteihin mahdollistaa monien pilvipalveluiden ominaisuuksien (kuten kuorman mukaisen skaalauksen) käytn. Monimutkaiset yritysjärjestelmät ovat kenttä, jossa mikropalveluarkkitehtuuria tyypillisesti käytetään. Nämä järjestelmät ovat suuria, jatkuvan muutoksen alaisia ja moninaisin tavoin integroituneita useisiin muihin järjestelmiin. Monimutkaisten yritysjärjestelmien rakentaminen mikropalveluarkkitehtuurilla luo omat haasteensa siinä, miten järjestelmästä saadaan ylläpidettävä, jatkokehityskelpoinen ja ymmärrettävä. Tämä diplomityö kuvaa malleja mikropalvelujärjestelmien rakentamiseen siten, että järjestelmän kasvaessa yksittäiset mikropalvelut pysyvät erillisinä ja autonomisina sekä järjestelmä kokonaisuutena pystyy ylläpidettävänä. Avainrakenne näiden tavoitteiden saavuttamisessa on tapahtumien käyttö tiedon välittämisessä palveluiden välillä. Diplomityössä esitetään sitten viitearkkitehtuuri miten nämä mallit voidaan ottaa käyttöön julkisessa pilvipalvelussa

    Using Message-Oriented Middleware for Reliable Web Services Messaging

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    Using Message-oriented Middleware for Reliable Web Services Messaging

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    Web Services hold the promise of a standards-based platform for automating the integration of applications over diverse networks, operating systems and programming languages. Reliable messaging is critical in this context; many enterprise systems require a messaging infrastructure that guarantees message delivery even in the presence of software and network failures. Using existing message-oriented middleware (MOM) for reliable Web services messaging seems natural. However, a variety of implementation challenges, including the support for specific reliable Web services messaging protocols, must be addressed. In this paper, we discuss the options for and implications of employing MOM to implement reliable messaging for Web services. In doing so, we contribute to the understanding of reliability for Web services in general

    Distributed Handler Architecture

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    Thesis (PhD) - Indiana University, Computer Sciences, 2007Over the last couple of decades, distributed systems have been demonstrated an architectural evolvement based on models including client/server, multi-tier, distributed objects, messaging and peer-to-peer. One recent evolutionary step is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), whose goal is to achieve loose-coupling among the interacting software applications for scalability and interoperability. The SOA model is engendered in Web Services, which provide software platforms to build applications as services and to create seamless and loosely-coupled interactions. Web Services utilize supportive functionalities such as security, reliability, monitoring, logging and so forth. These functionalities are typically provisioned as handlers, which incrementally add new capabilities to the services by building an execution chain. Even though handlers are very important to the service, the way of utilization is very crucial to attain the potential benefits. Every attempt to support a service with an additive functionality increases the chance of having an overwhelmingly crowded chain: this makes Web Service fat. Moreover, a handler may become a bottleneck because of having a comparably higher processing time. In this dissertation, we present Distributed Handler Architecture (DHArch) to provide an efficient, scalable and modular architecture to manage the execution of the handlers. The system distributes the handlers by utilizing a Message Oriented Middleware and orchestrates their execution in an efficient fashion. We also present an empirical evaluation of the system to demonstrate the suitability of this architecture to cope with the issues that exist in the conventional Web Service handler structures