39 research outputs found

    Using KL-based Acoustic Models in a Large Vocabulary Recognition Task

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    Posterior probabilities of sub-word units have been shown to be an effective front-end for ASR. However, attempts to model this type of features either do not benefit from modeling context-dependent phonemes, or use an inefficient distribution to estimate the state likelihood. This paper presents a novel acoustic model for posterior features that overcomes these limitations. The proposed model can be seen as a HMM where the score associated with each state is the KL divergence between a distribution characterizing the state and the posterior features from the test utterance. This KL-based acoustic model establishes a framework where other models for posterior features such as hybrid HMM/MLP and discrete HMM can be seen as particular cases. Experiments on the WSJ database show that the KL-based acoustic model can significantly outperform these latter approaches. Moreover, the proposed model can obtain comparable results to complex systems, such as HMM/GMM, using significantly fewer parameters

    Combining Acoustic Data Driven G2P and Letter-to-Sound Rules for Under Resource Lexicon Generation

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    In a recent work, we proposed an acoustic data-driven grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) conversion approach, where the probabilistic relationship between graphemes and phonemes learned through acoustic data is used along with the orthographic transcription of words to infer the phoneme sequence. In this paper, we extend our studies to under-resourced lexicon development problem. More precisely, given a small amount of transcribed speech data consisting of few words along with its pronunciation lexicon, the goal is to build a pronunciation lexicon for unseen words. In this framework, we compare our G2P approach with standard letter-to-sound (L2S) rule based conversion approach. We evaluated the generated lexicons on PhoneBook 600 words task in terms of pronunciation errors and ASR performance. The G2P approach yields a best ASR performance of 14.0% word error rate (WER), while L2S approach yields a best ASR performance of 13.7% WER. A combination of G2P approach and L2S approach yields a best ASR performance of 9.3% WER

    Integrating articulatory features using Kullback-Leibler divergence based acoustic model for phoneme recognition

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    In this paper, we propose a novel framework to integrate artic-ulatory features (AFs) into HMM- based ASR system. This is achieved by using posterior probabilities of different AFs (esti-mated by multilayer perceptrons) directly as observation features in Kullback-Leibler divergence based HMM (KL-HMM) system. On the TIMIT phoneme recognition task, the proposed framework yields a phoneme recognition accuracy of 72.4 % which is compara-ble to KL-HMM system using posterior probabilities of phonemes as features (72.7%). Furthermore, a best performance of 73.5% phoneme recognition accuracy is achieved by jointly modeling AF probabilities and phoneme probabilities as features. This shows the efficacy and flexibility of the proposed approach. Index Terms — automatic speech recognition, articulatory fea-tures, phonemes, multilayer perceptrons, Kullback-Leibler diver-gence based hidden Markov model, posterior probabilities 1

    Using KL-divergence and multilingual information to improve ASR for under-resourced languages

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    Setting out from the point of view that automatic speech recognition (ASR) ought to benefit from data in languages other than the target language, we propose a novel Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence based method that is able to exploit multilingual information in the form of universal phoneme posterior probabilities conditioned on the acoustics. We formulate a means to train a recognizer on several different languages, and subsequently recognize speech in a target language for which only a small amount of data is available. Taking the Greek SpeechDat(II) data as an example, we show that the proposed formulation is sound, and show that it is able to outperform a current state-of-the-art HMM/GMM system. We also use a hybrid Tandem-like system to further understand the source of the benefit

    Objective Speech Intelligibility Assessment through Comparison of Phoneme Class Conditional Probability Sequences

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    Assessment of speech intelligibility is important for the development of speech systems, such as telephony systems and text-to-speech (TTS) systems. Existing approaches to the automatic assessment of intelligibility in telephony typically compare a reference speech signal to a degraded copy, which requires that both signals be from the same speaker. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that does not have such a requirement, making it possible to also evaluate TTS systems and recent very low bit rate codecs that may modify speaker characteristics. More specifically, our approach is based on comparing sequences of phoneme class conditional probabilities. We show the potential of our approach on low bit rate telephony conditions, and compare it against subjective TTS intelligibility scores from the 2011 Blizzard Challenge

    Phoneme Recognition using Boosted Binary Features

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    In this paper, we propose a novel parts-based binary-valued feature for ASR. This feature is extracted using boosted ensembles of simple threshold-based classifiers. Each such classifier looks at a specific pair of time-frequency bins located on the spectro-temporal plane. These features termed as Boosted Binary Features (BBF) are integrated into standard HMM-based system by using multilayer perceptron (MLP) and single layer perceptron (SLP). Preliminary studies on TIMIT phoneme recognition task show that BBF yields similar or better performance compared to MFCC (67.8% accuracy for BBF vs. 66.3% accuracy for MFCC) using MLP, while it yields significantly better performance than MFCC (62.8% accuracy for BBF vs. 45.9% for MFCC) using SLP. This demonstrates the potential of the proposed feature for speech recognition