6 research outputs found

    Using Integer Constraint Solving in Reuse Based Requirements Engineering

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    Product Lines (PL) have proved an effective approach to reuse-based systems development. Several modeling languages were proposed so far to specify PL. Although they can be very different, these languages show two common features: they emphasize (a) variability, and (b) the specification of constraints to define acceptable configurations. It is now widely acknowledged that configuring a product can be considered as a constraint satisfaction problem. It is thus natural to consider constraint programming as a first choice candidate to specify constraints on PL. For instance, the different constraints that can be specified using the FODA language can easily be expressed using boolean constraints, which enables automated calculation and configuration using a SAT solver. But constraint programming proposes other domains than the boolean domain: for instance integers, real, or sets. The integer domain was, for instance, proposed by Benavides to specify constraints on feature attributes. This paper proposes to further explore the use of integer constraint programming to specify PL constraints. The approach was implemented in a prototype tool. Its use in a real case showed that constraint programming encompasses different PL modeling languages (such as FORE, OVM, or else), and allows specifying complex constraints that are difficult to specify with these languages

    Using Constraint Programming to Verify DOPLER Variability Models

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    Software product lines are typically developed using model-based approaches. Models are used to guide and automate key activities such as the derivation of products. The verification of product line models is thus essential to ensure the consistency of the derived products. While many authors have proposed approaches for verifying feature models there is so far no such approach for decision models. We discuss challenges of analyzing and verifying decision-oriented DOPLER variability models. The manual verification of these models is an error-prone, tedious, and sometimes infeasible task. We present a preliminary approach that converts DOPLER variability models into constraint programs to support their verification. We assess the feasibility of our approach by identifying defects in two existing variability models

    A systematic literature review on the semi-automatic configuration of extended product lines

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    Product line engineering has become essential in mass customisation given its ability to reduce production costs and time to market, and to improve product quality and customer satisfaction. In product line literature, mass customisation is known as product configuration. Currently, there are multiple heterogeneous contributions in the product line configuration domain. However, a secondary study that shows an overview of the progress, trends, and gaps faced by researchers in this domain is still missing. In this context, we provide a comprehensive systematic literature review to discover which approaches exist to support the configuration process of extended product lines and how these approaches perform in practice. Extend product lines consider non-functional properties in the product line modelling. We compare and classify a total of 66 primary studies from 2000 to 2016. Mainly, we give an in-depth view of techniques used by each work, how these techniques are evaluated and their main shortcomings. As main results, our review identified (i) the need to improve the quality of the evaluation of existing approaches, (ii) a lack of hybrid solutions to support multiple configuration constraints, and (iii) a need to improve scalability and performance conditions

    Using Integer Constraint Solving in Reuse Based Requirements Engineering

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    International audienceProduct Lines (PL) have proved an effective approach to reuse-based systems development. Several modeling languages were proposed so far to specify PL. Although they can be very different, these languages show two common features: they emphasize (a) variability, and (b) the specification of constraints to define acceptable configurations. It is now widely acknowledged that configuring a product can be considered as a constraint satisfaction problem. It is thus natural to consider constraint programming as a first choice candidate to specify constraints on PL. For instance, the different constraints that can be specified using the FODA language can easily be expressed using boolean constraints, which enables automated calculation and configuration using a SAT solver. But constraint programming proposes other domains than the boolean domain: for instance integers, real, or sets. The integer domain was, for instance, proposed by Benavides to specify constraints on feature attributes. This paper proposes to further explore the use of integer constraint programming to specify PL constraints. The approach was implemented in a prototype tool. Its use in a real case showed that constraint programming encompasses different PL modeling languages (such as FORE, OVM, or else), and allows specifying complex constraints that are difficult to specify with these languages

    Approche à contraintes pour la sélection de Covering Array

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    Aujourd'hui, les éditeurs logiciels ne conçoivent, développent et ne maintiennent plus leur offre logicielle avec comme cible un client unique. Au contraire, les offres logicielles sont conçues pour cibler plusieurs entités. Par conséquent, ces applications doivent s'intégrer dans des environnements différents et s'adapter aux besoins des clients. Ainsi, les produits logiciels développés ne sont plus des programmes uniques, mais des familles de produits. Les systèmes configurables facilitent la création de ces familles de produits. Grâce à eux il est possible de créer un produit logiciel en sélectionnant les fonctionnalités qui seront intégrées. Cependant, la validation de ces systèmes est une tâche complexe. Un système configurable peut générer plusieurs millions de configurations possibles. Il ne s'agit donc plus de valider un seul et unique produit, mais un ensemble de produits. Cet important nombre de configurations est un problème pour les personneschargées de la validation. Nous proposons trois contributions qui visent à mieux répondre aux problématiques liées à la variabilité lors des projets de test: une présentation détaillée de deux projets de test industriels faisant face à des problématiques de variabilité issus de deux entreprises : Cisco et Orange; une méthode originale basée sur les techniques de programmation par contraintes pour extraire des configurations de test qui respectent le critère Pairwise à partir d'un modèle explicite de la variabilité; une comparaison de cette approche par rapport aux techniques de l'état de l'art et une étude de l'application de cette technique de test sur deux projets de tests industriels.Nowadays, software companies develop and maintain their software for several clients. Consequently, these applications have to be integrated in heterogenous context and adapt to the user requriements. All these products are sharing commonalities but also differ in certain point due to business specific constraints. Configurable systems facilitate the creation of these product families. With them it is possible to create a software product by selecting the features that will be integrated, thus, the creation of a product is greatly simplified. However, the validation of these systems is a complex task. A configurable system can generate millions of possible configurations. Thus, validation process doesn't consist in validating a single product but in validating a set of products. This large number of configurations is a problem for those responsible of the validation. In this thesis we propose three contributions that aim to solve issues raised by variability during test projects : A detailled presentation of two industrial test projects coping tat variaibility issues; an original methodology based on constraint programming techniques to select test configurations that respect pairwise criteria from a feature model; an exhaustive comparison of this approach with the existing approches and a detailled study of the application of a such techniques on the two industrials projects.RENNES1-Bibl. électronique (352382106) / SudocSudocFranceF