4 research outputs found

    Sequential Classification by Exploring Levels of Abstraction

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    AbstractIn the paper we describe a sequential classification scheme that iteratively explores levels of abstraction in the description of examples. These levels of abstraction represent attribute values of increasing precision. Specifically, we assume attribute values constitute an ontology (i.e., attribute value ontology) reflecting a domain-specific background knowledge, where more general values subsumes more precise ones. While there are approaches that consider levels of abstraction during learning, the novelty of our proposal consists in exploring levels of abstraction when classifying new examples. The described scheme is essential when tests that increase precision of example description are associated with costs – such a situation is often encountered in medical diagnosis. Experimental evaluation of the proposed classification scheme combined with ontological Bayes classifier (i.e., a nÀıve Bayes classifier expanded to handle attribute value ontologies) demonstrates that the classification accuracy obtained at higher levels of abstraction (i.e., more general description of classified examples) converges very quickly to the classification accuracy for classified examples represented precisely. This finding indicates we should be able to reduce the number of tests and thus limit their cost without deterioration of the prediction accuracy

    Learning ontology aware classifiers

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    Many applications of data-driven knowledge discovery processes call for the exploration of data from multiple points of view that reflect different ontological commitments on the part of the learner. Of particular interest in this context are algorithms for learning classifiers from ontologies and data. Against this background, my dissertation research is aimed at the design and analysis of algorithms for construction of robust, compact, accurate and ontology aware classifiers. We have precisely formulated the problem of learning pattern classifiers from attribute value taxonomies (AVT) and partially specified data. We have designed and implemented efficient and theoretically well-founded AVT-based classifier learners. Based on a general strategy of hypothesis refinement to search in a generalized hypothesis space, our AVT-guided learning algorithm adopts a general learning framework that takes into account the tradeoff between the complexity and the accuracy of the predictive models, which enables us to learn a classifier that is both compact and accurate. We have also extended our approach to learning compact and accurate classifier from semantically heterogeneous data sources. We presented a principled way to reduce the problem of learning from semantically heterogeneous data to the problem of learning from distributed partially specified data by reconciling semantic heterogeneity using AVT mappings, and we described a sufficient statistics based solution