5 research outputs found

    Tele Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology in India - A Short Report

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    Background: The discipline of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology is half-a-century old in India. Speech language pathologists and audiologists (SLPs and AUDs) have identified the need to ā€˜reach-the-unreachedā€™ in India by using a telehealth model for rehabilitation of persons with communication disorders. The aim of this paper is to present a panoramic view of telepractice in India right from its emergence to its current state, drawing support from a review of published work by SLPs and AUDs in India. Methods: A questionnaire was developed to elicit responses on barriers for telepractice and similarities and differences in face-to-face and telepractice of speech-language pathology service delivery. Using survey research design, 17 speech-language pathologists practicing in India were purposively selected for the study. Results: 15 questionnaires were completed. Most respondents (53.3% - 86.6%) reported technical issues as barriers for telepractice. Face-to-face and telepractice of speech language pathology service delivery was reported to be different in terms of instructions for caregivers, documentation, face validity, acceptance and responsibility on caregivers. Many participants felt that more sensitivity and caution, special ICT skills for clinician and caregiver/client, exclusive software, dedicated professionals to trouble shoot technical issues are additional requirements for telepractice. Concerns about client confidentiality were expressed and lack of direct feedback and environmental distractions at client end were reported as challenges in telepractice delivery. Conclusions: The study demonstrates that service delivery through telemodel is mostly positively embraced in India, despite the challenges.   &nbsp

    Users\u27 Needs in Telehealth Speech-Language Pathology Services

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    Telehealth, as a provision of health care at a distance by usage of ICT, has also found its application in speech-language pathology (SLP) services. There are many advantages of remote usage of SLP services like extending the treatment or reaching remotely located people who need a treatment at affordable cost. While in the developed countries SLP telepractice is becoming common, there is little evidence about their usage in transitional and developing countries. This paper presents the findings of a survey conducted among SLP professionals and their clients in Croatia. The research results provide insights into the profiles of these two categories of SLP users regarding their computer literacy as well as their needs and preferences in using remote speech-language services. These findings present an important input for development and implementation of telerehabilitation approaches into environments that still lag behind developed countries

    Telepractice as a Reaction to the COVID-19 Crisis: Insights from Croatian SLP Settings

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    Telepractice facilitates services in exceptional settings and situations. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is certainly such a situation. Due to pandemic-related restrictions, speech-language pathologists (SLPs) needed to adopt new approaches to their professional functioning. The aim of the paper is to examine SLP professionalsā€™ perceptions and application of telepractice in SLP settings in Croatia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Two hundred and fifty-five SLPs completed an online survey. The results demonstrated that most SLPs had provided direct online therapy, mainly those employed in health care and private practice. The chief reasons for clientsā€™ refusal of therapy delivered via telepractice included the lack of equipment, insufficient independence, and doubts on the effectiveness of telepractice. Although only 3% of SLPs had acquired some formal knowledge of telepractice before the pandemic, over 70% expressed satisfaction with telepractice because it allowed them to provide undisturbed clinical services in an exceptional situation

    Challenge of teletherapy - Speech and Language therapy under the shadow Of COVID-19

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    ProglaÅ”enje COVID-19 pandemije u ožujku 2020. godine rezultiralo je privremenom obustavom pružanja logopedske terapije u standardnom obliku i znatnim povećanjem koriÅ”tenja usluga logopedske teleterapije u sustavu zdravstva. Budući da je miÅ”ljenje i zadovoljstvo korisnika i njihovih roditelja/skrbnika provedenom teleterapijom značajan čimbenik koji može utjecati na učinkovitost terapije i budućnost teleterapije u logopediji, cilj je bio ispitati miÅ”ljenje korisnika i/ ili njihovih roditelja/ skrbnika o provedenoj teleterapiji, otkriti Å”to korisnici vide kao prednosti, a Å”to kao nedostatke ovakvog načina rada i doznati njihovo miÅ”ljenje o provođenju iste izvan okvira COVID-19 pandemije. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja oblikovan je anonimni upitnik s 19 pitanja pod nazivom ā€žLogopedska terapija na daljinu - stavovi korisnikaā€œ, sastavljen pomoću platforme Survey Monkey. Upitnik je ispunilo 252 sudionika, koji su tijekom COVID-19 pandemije sudjelovali u nekom od oblika teleterapije. U istraživanju su sudjelovali korisnici stariji od 16 godina koji su mogli samostalno ispuniti anketu i roditelji/skrbnici djece mlađe od 16 godina, te roditelji/skrbnici odraslih osoba koji nisu mogli samostalno ispuniti anketu, a bili su uključeni u neki od oblika logopedske terapije na daljinu u sustavu zdravstva. Od ukupnog broja sudionika, njih 79,2 %, izjasnilo se zadovoljnim pruženom uslugom. Kao najznačajniju prednost teleterapije vide dostupnost logopedske terapije tijekom izolacije i/ ili bolesti, te kontinuitet u radu. Od 252 sudionika, njih 137 (54,46 %) smatra da bi terapija na daljinu trebala postati jedan od uobičajenih oblika logopedskog rada i nakon COVID-19 pandemije. Rezultati koji su dobiveni analizom odgovora sudionika o zadovoljstvu, kao i navedenim prednostima logopedske teleterapije, potiču na razmiÅ”ljanje o mogućnosti uređenja terapije na daljinu u sustavu zdravstva Republike Hrvatske kao dijela redovite ponude u načinima provođenja logopedske usluge.The global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 necessitated the temporary suspension of in-person speech therapy services, leading to a significant surge in the utilization of telepractice within the healthcare system. Understanding the clientsā€™ opinions, satisfaction, and preferences regarding teletherapy is crucial for evaluating its effectiveness and future integration. This study aimed to explore the advantages and disadvantages of teletherapy as perceived by clients, as well as their perspectives on its implementation beyond the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. A web-based survey titled ā€œSpeech and Language Teletherapy - Clientsā€™ Experienceā€ was developed and completed by 252 participants. The survey targeted clients above the age of sixteen capable of responding independently and parents/guardians of those who could not, as well as parents/guardians of children under sixteen receiving teletherapy within the healthcare system. The survey consisted of 19 questions designed to gather data on client experiences with teletherapy. Among the respondents, 79.2% expressed satisfaction with the teletherapy services provided. The most significant advantages reported were the availability of speech therapy during isolation and/or illness, as well as its the continuity. Out of the total respondents, 54.46% (137 individuals) believed that teletherapy should continue as a regular form of speech and language therapy even after the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings from the analysis of participant responses regarding satisfaction and perceived advantages of speech and language teletherapy suggest the potential integration of teletherapy as a routine offering within the speech and language therapy services of the Republic of Croatiaā€™s healthcare system. The perspectives and preferences of clients, as outlined in this study, can guide future policy decisions and facilitate the effective and sustainable integration of teletherapy services beyond the pandemic era

    Primjena informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija u logopedskom radu u Hrvatskoj

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    Djeca i osobe sa složenim komunikacijskim potrebama, ali i one s razvojnim jezičnim poremećajem suočene su s različitim ograničenjima u svakodnevnom funkcioniranju. Važnu ulogu u komunikaciji i stjecanju znanja kod osoba s teÅ”koćama imaju okolina i različiti oblici asistivne tehnologije (AT). Posljednjih godina bilježi se procvatu području visokotehnoloÅ”kih uređaja namijenjenih komunikaciji, kao jednog od brojnih rjeÅ”enja unutar asistivne tehnologije. Razvoj takvih visokotehnoloÅ”kih pomagala i sustava bio bi nemoguć bez napretka informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija (IKT), koje u danaÅ”nje vrijeme svoju primjenu pronalaze u područjima logopedske procjene i podrÅ”ke. U Hrvatskoj se posljednjih godina sve viÅ”e pozornosti posvećuje primjeni IKT-a u okviru logopedskog rada. Budući da postoji malo istraživanja o stvarnoj uporabi IKT-a među logopedima u Hrvatskoj, provedeno je istraživanje čiji je cilj bio ispitati osvijeÅ”tenost i stavove hrvatskih logopeda o primjeni IKT-a. Osim osvijeÅ”tenosti, ujedno je ispitana osposobljenost logopeda za primjenu IKT-a, trenutni trendovi u koriÅ”tenju IKT-a među logopedima, kao i prepreke njenoj većoj primjeni. Za tu svrhu napravljen je online upitnik namijenjen diplomiranim logopedima iz Hrvatske. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 120 logopeda. Analizom prikupljenih podataka može se zaključiti da su logopedi u Hrvatskoj dobro osvijeÅ”teni o mogućnostima i prednostima IKT-a u radu s korisnicima, generalno imaju pozitivne stavove. No, izdvajaju se i neki aspekti koji nisu u potpunosti zadovoljavajući i koje bi trebalo unaprijediti, te promjene koje bi trebalo uvesti kako bi se prednosti i mogućnosti IKT-a bolje prepoznale i iskoristile. Dobit će se uvid u vrste IKT-a koje logopedi koriste, kao i njihova perspektiva u odnosu na primjenu IKT-a