4 research outputs found

    The Need of an Optimal QoS Repository and Assessment Framework in Forming a Trusted Relationship in Cloud: A Systematic Review

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    © 2017 IEEE. Due to the cost-effectiveness and scalable features of the cloud the demand of its services is increasing every next day. Quality of Service (QOS) is one of the crucial factor in forming a viable Service Level Agreement (SLA) between a consumer and the provider that enable them to establish and maintain a trusted relationship with each other. SLA identifies and depicts the service requirements of the user and the level of service promised by provider. Availability of enormous service solutions is troublesome for cloud users in selecting the right service provider both in terms of price and the degree of promised services. On the other end a service provider need a centralized and reliable QoS repository and assessment framework that help them in offering an optimal amount of marginal resources to requested consumer. Although there are number of existing literatures that assist the interaction parties to achieve their desired goal in some way, however, there are still many gaps that need to be filled for establishing and maintaining a trusted relationship between them. In this paper we tried to identify all those gaps that is necessary for a trusted relationship between a service provider and service consumer. The aim of this research is to present an overview of the existing literature and compare them based on different criteria such as QoS integration, QoS repository, QoS filtering, trusted relationship and an SLA

    QoS-Aware Graph Contrastive Learning for Web Service Recommendation

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    With the rapid growth of cloud services driven by advancements in web service technology, selecting a high-quality service from a wide range of options has become a complex task. This study aims to address the challenges of data sparsity and the cold-start problem in web service recommendation using Quality of Service (QoS). We propose a novel approach called QoS-aware graph contrastive learning (QAGCL) for web service recommendation. Our model harnesses the power of graph contrastive learning to handle cold-start problems and improve recommendation accuracy effectively. By constructing contextually augmented graphs with geolocation information and randomness, our model provides diverse views. Through the use of graph convolutional networks and graph contrastive learning techniques, we learn user and service embeddings from these augmented graphs. The learned embeddings are then utilized to seamlessly integrate QoS considerations into the recommendation process. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our QAGCL model over several existing models, highlighting its effectiveness in addressing data sparsity and the cold-start problem in QoS-aware service recommendations. Our research contributes to the potential for more accurate recommendations in real-world scenarios, even with limited user-service interaction data.Comment: Accepted at the 30th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2023

    Risk-based framework for SLA violation abatement from the cloud service provider's perspective

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    © The British Computer Society 2018. The constant increase in the growth of the cloud market creates new challenges for cloud service providers. One such challenge is the need to avoid possible service level agreement (SLA) violations and their consequences through good SLA management. Researchers have proposed various frameworks and have made significant advances in managing SLAs from the perspective of both cloud users and providers. However, none of these approaches guides the service provider on the necessary steps to take for SLA violation abatement; that is, the prediction of possible SLA violations, the process to follow when the system identifies the threat of SLA violation, and the recommended action to take to avoid SLA violation. In this paper, we approach this process of SLA violation detection and abatement from a risk management perspective. We propose a Risk Management-based Framework for SLA violation abatement (RMF-SLA) following the formation of an SLA which comprises SLA monitoring, violation prediction and decision recommendation. Through experiments, we validate and demonstrate the suitability of the proposed framework for assisting cloud providers to minimize possible service violations and penalties

    Analysing Cloud QoS Prediction Approaches and Its Control Parameters: Considering Overall Accuracy and Freshness of a Dataset

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    Service level agreement (SLA) management is one of the key issues in cloud computing. The primary goal of a service provider is to minimize the risk of service violations, as these results in penalties in terms of both money and a decrease in trustworthiness. To avoid SLA violations, the service provider needs to predict the likelihood of violation for each SLO and its measurable characteristics (QoS parameters) and take immediate action to avoid violations occurring. There are several approaches discussed in the literature to predict service violation; however, none of these explores how a change in control parameters and the freshness of data impact prediction accuracy and result in the effective management of an SLA of the cloud service provider. The contribution of this paper is two-fold. First, we analyzed the accuracy of six widely used prediction algorithms - simple exponential smoothing, simple moving average, weighted moving average, Holt-Winter double exponential smoothing, extrapolation, and the autoregressive integrated moving average - by varying their individual control parameters. Each of the approaches is compared to 10 different datasets at different time intervals between 5 min and 4 weeks. Second, we analyzed the prediction accuracy of the simple exponential smoothing method by considering the freshness of a data; i.e., how the accuracy varies in the initial time period of prediction compared to later ones. To achieve this, we divided the cloud QoS dataset into sets of input values that range from 100 to 500 intervals in sets of 1-100, 1-200, 1-300, 1-400, and 1-500. From the analysis, we observed that different prediction methods behave differently based on the control parameter and the nature of the dataset. The analysis helps service providers choose a suitable prediction method with optimal control parameters so that they can obtain accurate prediction results to manage SLA intelligently and avoid violation penalties