122,421 research outputs found

    Privacy-preserving friend recommendations in online social networks

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    Online social networks, such as Facebook and Google+, have been emerging as a new communication service for users to stay in touch and share information with family members and friends over the Internet. Since the users are generating huge amounts of data on social network sites, an interesting question is how to mine this enormous amount of data to retrieve useful information. Along this direction, social network analysis has emerged as an important tool for many business intelligence applications such as identifying potential customers and promoting items based on their interests. In particular, since users are often interested to make new friends, a friend recommendation application provides the medium for users to expand his/her social connections and share information of interest with more friends. Besides this, it also helps to enhance the development of the entire network structure. The existing friend recommendation methods utilize social network structure and/or user profile information. However, these methods can no longer be applicable if the privacy of users is taken into consideration. This work introduces a set of privacy-preserving friend recommendation protocols based on different existing similarity metrics in the literature. Briefly, depending on the underlying similarity metric used, the proposed protocols guarantee the privacy of a user\u27s personal information such as friend lists. These protocols are the first to make the friend recommendation process possible in privacy-enhanced social networking environments. Also, this work considers the case of outsourced social networks, where users\u27 profile data are encrypted and outsourced to third-party cloud providers who provide social networking services to the users. Under such an environment, this work proposes novel protocols for the cloud to do friend recommendations in a privacy-preserving manner --Abstract, page iii

    When Hashes Met Wedges: A Distributed Algorithm for Finding High Similarity Vectors

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    Finding similar user pairs is a fundamental task in social networks, with numerous applications in ranking and personalization tasks such as link prediction and tie strength detection. A common manifestation of user similarity is based upon network structure: each user is represented by a vector that represents the user's network connections, where pairwise cosine similarity among these vectors defines user similarity. The predominant task for user similarity applications is to discover all similar pairs that have a pairwise cosine similarity value larger than a given threshold Ď„\tau. In contrast to previous work where Ď„\tau is assumed to be quite close to 1, we focus on recommendation applications where Ď„\tau is small, but still meaningful. The all pairs cosine similarity problem is computationally challenging on networks with billions of edges, and especially so for settings with small Ď„\tau. To the best of our knowledge, there is no practical solution for computing all user pairs with, say Ď„=0.2\tau = 0.2 on large social networks, even using the power of distributed algorithms. Our work directly addresses this challenge by introducing a new algorithm --- WHIMP --- that solves this problem efficiently in the MapReduce model. The key insight in WHIMP is to combine the "wedge-sampling" approach of Cohen-Lewis for approximate matrix multiplication with the SimHash random projection techniques of Charikar. We provide a theoretical analysis of WHIMP, proving that it has near optimal communication costs while maintaining computation cost comparable with the state of the art. We also empirically demonstrate WHIMP's scalability by computing all highly similar pairs on four massive data sets, and show that it accurately finds high similarity pairs. In particular, we note that WHIMP successfully processes the entire Twitter network, which has tens of billions of edges

    Exploring heterogeneous social information networks for recommendation

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.A basic premise behind our study of heterogeneous social information networks for recommendation is that a complex network structure leads to a large volume of implicit but valuable information which can significantly enhance recommendation performance. In our work, we combine the global popularity and personalized features of travel destinations and also integrate temporal sensitive patterns to form spatial-temporal wise trajectory recommendation. We then develop a model to identify representative areas of interest (AOIs) for travellers based on a large scale dataset consisting of geo-tagged images and check-ins. In addition, we introduce active time frame analysis to determine the most suitable time to visit an AOI during the day. The outcome of this work can suggest relevant personalized travel recommendations to assist people who are arriving in new cities. Another important part of our research is to study how “local” and “global” social influences exert their impact on user preferences or purchasing decisions. We first simulate the social influence diffusion in the network to find the global and local influence nodes. We then embed these two different kinds of influence data, as regularization terms, into a traditional recommendation model to improve its accuracy. We find that “Community Stars” and “Web Celebrities”, represent “local” and “global” influence nodes respectively, a phenomenon which does exist and can help us to generate significantly better recommendation results. A central topic of our thesis is also to utilize a large heterogeneous social information network to identify the collective market hyping behaviours. Combating malicious user attacks is also a key task in the recommendation research field. In our study, we investigate the evolving spam strategies which can escape from most of the traditional detection methods. Based on the investigation of the advanced spam technique, we define three kinds of heterogeneous information networks to model the patterns in such spam activities and we then propose an unsupervised learning model which combines the three networks in an attempt to discover collective hyping activities. Overall, we utilize the heterogeneous social information network to enhance recommendation quality, not only by improving the user experience and recommendation accuracy, but also by ensuring that quality and genuine information is not overwhelmed by advanced hyping activities

    RecPOID: POI Recommendation with Friendship Aware and Deep CNN

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    In location-based social networks (LBSNs), exploit several key features of points-of-interest (POIs) and users on precise POI recommendation be significant. In this work, a novel POI recommenda-tion pipeline based on the convolutional neural network named RecPOID is proposed, which can recommend an accurate sequence of top-k POIs and considers only the effect of the most similar pattern friendship rather than all user’s friendship. We use the fuzzy c-mean clustering method to find the similarity. Temporal and spatial features of similar friends are fed to our Deep CNN model. The 10-layer convolutional neural network can predict longitude and latitude and the Id of the next proper locations; after that, based on the shortest time distance from a similar pattern’s friendship, select the smallest distance locations. The proposed structure uses six features, includ-ing user’s ID, month, day, hour, minute, and second of visiting time by each user as inputs. RecPOID based on two accessible LBSNs datasets is evaluated. Experimental outcomes illustrate considering most similar friendship could improve the accuracy of recommendations and the proposed RecPOID for POI recommendation outperforms state-of-the-art approaches

    Graph Representation Learning-Based Recommender Systems

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.Personalized recommendation has been applied to many online services such as E-commerce and adverting. It facilitates users to discover a small set of relevant items, which meet their personalized interests, from many choices. Nowadays, various auxiliary information on users and items become increasingly available in online platforms, such as user demographics, social relations, and item knowledge. More recent evidences suggests that incorporating such auxiliary data with collaborative filtering can better capture the underlying and complex user-item relationships, and further achieve higher recommendation quality. In this thesis, we focus on auxiliary data with graph structure, such as social networks and knowledge graphs (KG). For example, we can improve recommendation performance by mining social relationships between users, and also by using knowledge graphs to enhance the semantics of recommended items. Network representation learning aims to represent each vertex in a network (graph) as a low-dimensional vector while still preserving its structural information. Due to the availability of massive graph data in recommender systems, it is a promising approach to combine network representation learning with recommendation. Applying the learned graph features to recommender systems will effectively enhance the learning ability of the recommender systems and improve the accuracy and user satisfaction of the recommender systems. For network representation learning and its application in recommendation systems, the major contributions of this thesis are as follows: (1) Attention-based Adversarial Autoencoder for Multi-scale Network Embedding. Existing Network representation methods usually adopt a one-size-fits-all approach when concerning multi-scale structure information, such as first- and second-order proximity of nodes, ignoring the fact that different scales play different roles in embedding learning. We propose an Attention-based Adversarial Autoencoder Network Embedding (AAANE) framework, which promotes the collaboration of different scales and lets them vote for robust representations. (2) Multi-modal Multi-view Bayesian Semantic Embedding for Community Question Answering: Semantic embedding has demonstrated its value in latent representation learning of data, and can be effectively adopted for many applications. However, it is difficult to propose a joint learning framework for semantic embedding in Community Question Answer (CQA), because CQA data have multi-view and sparse properties. In this thesis, we propose a generic Multi-modal Multi-view Semantic Embedding (MMSE) framework via a Bayesian model for question answering. (3) Context-Dependent Propagating-based Video Recommendation in Multi-modal Heterogeneous Information Networks. Conventional approaches to video recommendation primarily focus on exploiting content features or simple user-video interactions to model the users’ preferences. However these methods fail to model the complex video context interdependency, which is obscure/hidden in heterogeneous auxiliary data. In this paper, we propose a Context-Dependent Propagating Recommendation network (CDPRec) to obtain accurate video embedding and capture global context cues among videos in HINs. The CDPRec can iteratively propagate the contexts of a video along links in a graph-structured HIN and explore multiple types of dependencies among the surrounding video nodes. (4) Knowledge Graph Enhanced Neural Collaborative Filtering. Existing neural collaborative filtering (NCF) recommendation methods suffer from severe sparsity problem. Knowledge Graph (KG), which commonly consists of fruitful connected facts about items, presents an unprecedented opportunity to alleviate the sparsity problem. However, NCF only methods can hardly model the high-order connectivity in KG, and ignores complex pairwise correlations between user/item embedding dimensions. To address these issues, we propose a novel Knowledge graph enhanced Neural Collaborative Recommendation (K-NCR) framework, which effectively combines user-item interaction information and auxiliary knowledge information for recommendation

    Research on Service Recommendation Method of Multi-network Hybrid Embed-ding Learning

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    The network embedding method can map the network nodes to a low-dimensional vector space and ext-ract the feature information of each node effectively. In the field of service recommendation, some studies show that the introduction of network embedding method can effectively alleviate the problem of data sparsity in the recom-mendation process. However, the existing network embedding methods are mostly aimed at a specific structure of the network, and do not cooperate with a variety of relationship networks from the source. Therefore, this paper proposes a service recommendation method based on multi-network hybrid embedding (MNHER), which maps mul-tiple relational networks to the same vector space from vertical and parallel perspectives. Firstly, the social network of users, the shared network of service tags and the user-service heterogeneous information network are constructed. Then, the hybrid embedding method proposed in this paper is used to obtain the embedding vector of users and services in the same vector space. Finally, the service recommendation is made to target users based on the embed-ding vector of users and services. In this paper, the random walk method is further optimized to extract and retain the characteristic information of the original network more effectively. In order to verify the effectiveness of the method proposed in this paper, it is compared with a variety of representative service recommendation methods on three public datasets, and the F-measure values of the service recommendation methods based on single relational network and simply fused multi-relational network are improved by 21% and 15%, respectively. It is proven that the method of multi-network hybrid embedding can effectively coordinate multi-relationship network and improve the quality of service recommendation
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