19,055 research outputs found

    Drop-in Security for Distributed and Portable Computing Elements

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    The widespread use of mobile computing and telecommuting has increased the need for effective protection of computing platforms. Traditional schemes that involve strengthening the security of individual systems, or the use of firewalls at network entry points have difficulty accommodating the special requirements of remote and mobile users. We propose the use of a special purpose drop-in firewall/VPN gateway called Sieve, that can be inserted between the mobile workstation and the network to provide individualized security services for that particular station. Sieve is meant to be used like an external modem: the user only needs to plug it in. Its existence is transparent to the user, requiring no modification to the workstation configuration. To function in this role, Sieve has been designed to be compact, low-cost, requiring little administration or maintenance. In this paper, we discuss the features and advantages of our system. We demonstrate how Sieve was used in various application areas (home, university environment, etc.) and describe our future plans

    Remote booting in a hostile world: to whom am I speaking? [Computer security]

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    “This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder." “Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.”Today's networked computer systems are very vulnerable to attack: terminal software, like that used by the X Window System, is frequently passed across a network, and a trojan horse can easily be inserted while it is in transit. Many other software products, including operating systems, load parts of themselves from a server across a network. Although users may be confident that their workstation is physically secure, some part of the network to which they are attached almost certainly is not secure. Most proposals that recommend cryptographic means to protect remotely loaded software also eliminate the advantages of remote loading-for example, ease of reconfiguration, upgrade distribution, and maintenance. For this reason, they have largely been abandoned before finding their way into commercial products. The article shows that, contrary to intuition, it is no more difficult to protect a workstation that loads its software across an insecure network than to protect a stand-alone workstation. In contrast to prevailing practice, the authors make essential use of a collision-rich hash function to ensure that an exhaustive off-line search by the opponent will produce not one, but many candidate pass words. This strategy forces the opponent into an open, on-line guessing attack and offers the user a defensive strategy unavailable in the case of an off-line attack.Peer reviewe

    Virtual Machines and Networks - Installation, Performance Study, Advantages and Virtualization Options

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    The interest in virtualization has been growing rapidly in the IT industry because of inherent benefits like better resource utilization and ease of system manageability. The experimentation and use of virtualization as well as the simultaneous deployment of virtual software are increasingly getting popular and in use by educational institutions for research and teaching. This paper stresses on the potential advantages associated with virtualization and the use of virtual machines for scenarios, which cannot be easily implemented and/or studied in a traditional academic network environment, but need to be explored and experimented by students to meet the raising needs and knowledge-base demanded by the IT industry. In this context, we discuss various aspects of virtualization - starting from the working principle of virtual machines, installation procedure for a virtual guest operating system on a physical host operating system, virtualization options and a performance study measuring the throughput obtained on a network of virtual machines and physical host machines. In addition, the paper extensively evaluates the use of virtual machines and virtual networks in an academic environment and also specifically discusses sample projects on network security, which may not be feasible enough to be conducted in a physical network of personal computers; but could be conducted only using virtual machines

    Operating-system support for distributed multimedia

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    Multimedia applications place new demands upon processors, networks and operating systems. While some network designers, through ATM for example, have considered revolutionary approaches to supporting multimedia, the same cannot be said for operating systems designers. Most work is evolutionary in nature, attempting to identify additional features that can be added to existing systems to support multimedia. Here we describe the Pegasus project's attempt to build an integrated hardware and operating system environment from\ud the ground up specifically targeted towards multimedia

    You and I are Past Our Dancing Days

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    Operating systems have grown in size and functionality. Today's many flavours of Unix provide a multi-user environment with protection, address spaces, and attempts to allocate resources fairly to users competing for them, They provide processes and threads, mechanisms for synchronization and memory sharing, blocking and nonblocking system calls, and a complex file system. Since it was first introduced, Unix has grown more then a factor twenty in size. Several operating systems now consist of a microkernel, surrounded by user-space services [Accetta et al., 1986; Mullender et al., 1990; Rozier et al., 1988]. Together they provide the functionality of the operating system. This operating system structure provides an opportunity to make operating systems even larger. The trend for operating systems to grow more and more baroque was signalled more than a decade ago [Feldman, 1980], but has continued unabated until, today, we have OSF/1, the most baroque Unix system ever. And we have Windows/NT as a demonstration that MS-DOS also needed to be replaced by something much bigger and a little better.\ud In this position paper, I am asking what community we serve with our operating systems research. Should we continue doing this, or can we make ourselves more useful to society and industry by using our experience in operating systems in new environments.\ud I argue that there is very little need for bigger and better operating systems; that, in fact, most cPus will never run an operating system at all; and that our experience in operating systems will be better applied to designing new generations of distributed and ubiquitous applications

    Distributed operating systems

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    In the past five years, distributed operating systems research has gone through a consolidation phase. On a large number of design issues there is now considerable consensus between different research groups.\ud \ud In this paper, an overview of recent research in distributed systems is given. In turn, the paper discusses overall system structure, protection issues, file system designs, problems and solutions for fault tolerance and a mechanism that is rapidly becoming very important for efficient distributed systems design: hints.\ud \ud An attempt was made to provide sufficient references to interesting research projects for the reader to find material for more detailed study