124,488 research outputs found

    Coverage, capacity and energy efficiency analysis in the uplink of mmWave cellular networks

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    In this paper, using the concept of stochastic geometry, we present an analytical framework to evaluate the signal-to-interference-and-noise-ratio (SINR) coverage in the uplink of millimeter wave cellular networks. By using a distance-dependent line-of-sight (LOS) probability function, the location of LOS and non-LOS users are modeled as two independent non-homogeneous Poisson point processes, with each having a different pathloss exponent. The analysis takes account of per-user fractional power control (FPC), which couples the transmission of users based on location-dependent channel inversion. We consider the following scenarios in our analysis: 1) Pathloss-based FPC (PL-FPC) which is performed using the measured pathloss and 2) Distance-based FPC (D-FPC) which is performed using the measured distance. Using the developed framework, we derive expressions for the area spectral efficiency and energy efficiency. Results suggest that in terms of SINR coverage, D-FPC outperforms PL-FPC scheme at high SINR where the future networks are expected to operate. It achieves equal or better area spectral efficiency and energy efficiency compared with the PL-FPC scheme. Contrary to the conventional ultra-high frequency cellular networks, in both FPC schemes, the SINR coverage decreases as the cell density becomes greater than a threshold, while the area spectral efficiency experiences a slow growth region

    HetHetNets: Heterogeneous Traffic Distribution in Heterogeneous Wireless Cellular Networks

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    A recent approach in modeling and analysis of the supply and demand in heterogeneous wireless cellular networks has been the use of two independent Poisson point processes (PPPs) for the locations of base stations (BSs) and user equipments (UEs). This popular approach has two major shortcomings. First, although the PPP model may be a fitting one for the BS locations, it is less adequate for the UE locations mainly due to the fact that the model is not adjustable (tunable) to represent the severity of the heterogeneity (non-uniformity) in the UE locations. Besides, the independence assumption between the two PPPs does not capture the often-observed correlation between the UE and BS locations. This paper presents a novel heterogeneous spatial traffic modeling which allows statistical adjustment. Simple and non-parameterized, yet sufficiently accurate, measures for capturing the traffic characteristics in space are introduced. Only two statistical parameters related to the UE distribution, namely, the coefficient of variation (the normalized second-moment), of an appropriately defined inter-UE distance measure, and correlation coefficient (the normalized cross-moment) between UE and BS locations, are adjusted to control the degree of heterogeneity and the bias towards the BS locations, respectively. This model is used in heterogeneous wireless cellular networks (HetNets) to demonstrate the impact of heterogeneous and BS-correlated traffic on the network performance. This network is called HetHetNet since it has two types of heterogeneity: heterogeneity in the infrastructure (supply), and heterogeneity in the spatial traffic distribution (demand).Comment: JSA

    Achieving "Massive MIMO" Spectral Efficiency with a Not-so-Large Number of Antennas

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    The main focus and contribution of this paper is a novel network-MIMO TDD architecture that achieves spectral efficiencies comparable with "Massive MIMO", with one order of magnitude fewer antennas per active user per cell. The proposed architecture is based on a family of network-MIMO schemes defined by small clusters of cooperating base stations, zero-forcing multiuser MIMO precoding with suitable inter-cluster interference constraints, uplink pilot signals reuse across cells, and frequency reuse. The key idea consists of partitioning the users population into geographically determined "bins", such that all users in the same bin are statistically equivalent, and use the optimal network-MIMO architecture in the family for each bin. A scheduler takes care of serving the different bins on the time-frequency slots, in order to maximize a desired network utility function that captures some desired notion of fairness. This results in a mixed-mode network-MIMO architecture, where different schemes, each of which is optimized for the served user bin, are multiplexed in time-frequency. In order to carry out the performance analysis and the optimization of the proposed architecture in a clean and computationally efficient way, we consider the large-system regime where the number of users, the number of antennas, and the channel coherence block length go to infinity with fixed ratios. The performance predicted by the large-system asymptotic analysis matches very well the finite-dimensional simulations. Overall, the system spectral efficiency obtained by the proposed architecture is similar to that achieved by "Massive MIMO", with a 10-fold reduction in the number of antennas at the base stations (roughly, from 500 to 50 antennas).Comment: Full version with appendice (proofs of theorems). A shortened version without appendice was submitted to IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun. Appendix B was revised after submissio
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